Does starting with him as chanel change anything significant throughout the storylines? I do want to experience the game as intended but I don't want another "Erik" scenario where you have to block him at every turn and know the game very well to avoid events involving him.
Also please answer this
Turning off forced transformations still means you can do them voluntarily right?
It does with his main story as a guy? as for the rest, no not really. His wife will never be really super dom towards you, but its not bad either. I personally like him changed from the get go and the overall story is the same, but again without question his story aspects are significantly altered (in a positive way from my point of view, and probably yours)
as far as forced transformations go, I don't know, sorry. As far as playing transformation games go, I don't know the point of playing them if you don't actually transform, you may as well play a different kind of game at that point. Granted, I'm in it for the femdom, but for your specific question I just don't know, sorry.