Can confirm - Sophie's submissive route does lead to a repeatable sex scene after the Oct 10 dinner date.One of the change logs said it fixed a bug causing you not to be able to have sex with Sophie on the submissive route. So if you go that route (tell her to give you blowjobs at work) I'm guessing now you'll at least have a sex scene with her.
No. Chris is at the moment a dead end that got no development. If i remember correctly the next big patch with the new chapter will give him a part in the story.Hey guys, is there something to do at all with Chris? I've been meeting him every time I could but the dialog just seems to repeat over and over...
Nice, thanks! He's an interesting character, hope he'll have several routes (dominant, submissive, romantic)No. Chris is at the moment a dead end that got no development. If i remember correctly the next big patch with the new chapter will give him a part in the story.
- Fixed several bugs, typos, and grammar mistakes
- Introduced several new bugs, typos, and grammar mistakes
ROFLMAO!why isn't this already a meme :FeelsGoodMan:
A lot of feedback has already been given, but I'd like to share my thoughts about things that I haven't read by other users on this board already.
Every woman you can have sex with, you can impregnate. Pregnancy is currently meaningless beyond being pregnant.Ok, so, I remember playing this game more then a few months ago and liking. Question: Can I impregnate the girls, and have that show up in the story yet?
It's a replacement for the pictures of the Player Character that better changes with the physical changes your character undergoes, beyond the male/trans/shemale/female avatar pictures.What is the "paper doll system" and do I really want it?
You can have a meaningless random dialog with your sis about her being pregnant with your kid.Ok, so, I remember playing this game more then a few months ago and liking. Question: Can I impregnate the girls, and have that show up in the story yet?
Serums at the lab station, mostly. I think there's other ways, but those serums are the most sure-fire thing around in this do you grow titts and dick in the trans route