If I had any criticism about this game it would be that it dosen't flow.
It jumps around like a blue assed fly one sec this next second that,
One moment here next moment somewhere else.
No segue no flow one second over there doing this next secon somewere else doing something entirely diffrent .
It's hard to keep up with whats what or even why whats what in the first place.
Oh and not a complaint just a quick question.
As he is slowly recovering from a Broken Pelvis and has been told to avoid tight cloths ect.
And especialy not to over exerting with his Pelvis for atleast a couple of weeks.
Do's all this sex he's having especially the end of the update Orgy really make any sense?.
Because and I'm no expert but have had enough experiance to know how sex works .
And I'd say he looks like he's definitely over exerting it too me.
Just Sayin.