Yes you are right when you upgrade inn taxes are sky high and the progres of the girls is werry slow plus not to mention lack of conntent you have chance perhaps 2 times to find some coins and the rest is only going in the circles but let's hope the dev will do something about that so let's wait and see for some minor upgrades and patches.
God bless you all
You're probably expanding too fast.
Yeah, when you start your lot in life is to cut wood for about the first 15 weeks that you play.
This is the best way I've found to start -
Day 1 - go cut wood, always try to hit it directly on center to get the red split (With the default axe if you get it red each time you'll fell a tree in four hits instead of five.) If you do it well enough you'll get the goblin shredder award. You should have enough money to purchase the axe from the cursed shop, renovate the kitchen and hire Issa. (If alternatively you do insanely well you'll have enough money you can skip the kitchen and go straight to purchasing the bar. If you have enough to do this do it even if you can't hire Issa.) Put Alma in the kitchen and Issa on cleaning duty or vice versa.
Day 6 - buy a perk for Alma and Issa if you have her - the best perk is "Smarty Pants" followed by "Sassassin", "Breast in Class" and "Well, Well, Well" (The sooner you can get Smarty Pants the better)
Day 7 - go chop wood again with the shiny new axe. (Trees fall on 3 red split or cyan chop hits.) You should have enough to purchase the amulet or shovel. I recommend the amulet as it's cheaper)
Take the amulet and use it on Mazzy.
Day 12 get Mazzy her first perk (Smarty Pants is top priority again)
Day 14 - Go chop wood again. Don't buy anything
Day 15 - You should have enough money after taxes to buy the shovel - go to the graveyard dig in the center of the second screen for the tablet and go get Freya.
Day 16-19 You should sometime during one of these days have enough xp to buy Alma's and Issa's 2nd perk ("Sassassin" or "Breast in Class" is best, at some point with early perks you probably want one girl to get "Tidy Whities", she'll be your dedicated cleaner.)
Day 20 - Buy Freya's First Perk
Day 21 - and every multiple of 7 day after - go chop wood. Pay your taxes.
Day 22 - Renovate the bar - it's the most lucrative with the most supporting perks - Sassassin, Breast in Class, Peach Perfect, Liquid Assets all increase money. Skill ups from working there proc far more often than dancing.
Further Days - Your next goal should be getting Francesca, then purchasing the tools. When your income increases through perks and girls' depravity where you can easily pay your taxes go renovate the floor. Don't bother getting perks beyond the 160 buy point, instead use xp to buy up dancing to 45. Once you have a girl to Dancing 45, serving 40, cooking and cleaning 25 then renovate the rooms. The girl who you assign to rooms will make far more xp doing that than anything else, you can buy the expensive perks with that xp if you so choose.
Edit: Added paragraph breaks for ease of reading
Edit2: Will probably update this guide as the game evolves and I test newer versions.