RPGM Abandoned The Dark Lord's Trip [2017-09-05] [Logan]

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Hi, guys.
The situation of the development changed, I switched projects, so it would be fair to inform you what I'm workin on, so you can consider if you should continue pledging me while I'm at it.

Yesterday I checked the income for this month: it barely reached $500 this time. Don't mind the sum on display - lower it on 15% or so and you'll get the real number.

Since it's getting lower from month to month, I expect that in the next one it will fall under the $500 mark. I'm obviously fucking this up with my approach of developing, and little jobs on the side, causing not so often updates that people can't roll with.

I overestimated the potential of this whole thing and if I able to do it on my own.

I had to move on, guys, putting The Dark Lord's Trip on hold. If I'm not going to use my skills to start to develop something more profitable right now, I'll put myself into a serious financial problems.

I hope it's temporary. I still love to work on my little project and I owe you an update.

What I'm going to do.

I cooperated with my friend who knows how to handle Unity. We're developing platformer for Steam. I never tried that and "who knows how it'll work out" factor is there, but judging by what my fellow devs are saying, I have a solid chance with my skills. The game is nothing big - just a mindless side-view shooter, no porn. Not sure if I should fill you in about the development of it, since, I think, all of you, guys, came here for The Dark Lord's Trip. But I'll share the link on the game later. I guess, I can share free steam-keys as well, for those of you, who pledged enough to cover the price of the game that I'll set there.

I'll talk about it after it will be actual.

So that's how it is, I'll be on it for the time being. Probably this post will hit the income even harder), but I can't be nothing but honest with you guys.

Thank you for everything.
I don't know what he expects. The game doesn't have that much content yet. It's a common trend to abandoned games. Devs expected to make thousand of dollars easily.


Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
that's the common trend these days devs are in it for the money aspect they don't care about fans or opinions of purple would of been different if they didn't focus on money but than again Darklords Trip was just a hobby for the dev he had no intention on it being popular since he puts $ before anything else


May 21, 2017
1) he made game in RPGM and that alone means its not that popolar unless done really awesomely (read very very very rarely). Which mean not that many player at even the beggining willing to give it even a try.
2) he made no cheat option available in adult game, which means once again players have to use more their skills and their head in game where they dont really want that (i know not all, but there are many who feels that way), which made another bunch of players drop.
3) and this is most important, there is literary no guide book. nothing. Even game such as hentaihighschool has wiki and forum and you can read basic there. But here its confusing and you get stuck at random places, had to start new games becouse you cant choose what you want. And simply just not worth your time. Which once again means drastic player drop.

If you pu this in total sum, there was no way for him to follow that path unless something changed. And since it didnt this was only possible outcome.
Jan 7, 2018
You do have to defeat the ghoul behemoth, I recommend having Lola in party to do that, all you need to do is the Alvin? quests, and you can ask Merlin for his stupid password. The Dark lord stuff is fairly easy with trial and error, except for the damn column, from the bottom, cry, happy, skull. Don't worry you'll understand when you see it. Mavis is past the behemoth. I don't think you really need to save before talking to her, but since it's still in progress I save every few steps.

You need 4000 gold, the crystal from Alvin, (after you defeat the trials) and 10 mana potions), save before you enter her house to recruit her if you have never spoken to Fat Liliy about recruiting her before.

I'll post more as I figure them out, or be asking questions with the rest of you. :D
Hello. Sorry to bring this up but i just found out the game the other day... I think i messed up the Lola part. Now she is locked with Fat Liliy in the house. I thought i would get her later so i saved and now can't go back. Any way to get her back?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2017
Hello. Sorry to bring this up but i just found out the game the other day... I think i messed up the Lola part. Now she is locked with Fat Liliy in the house. I thought i would get her later so i saved and now can't go back. Any way to get her back?
I think you have to start from scratch. Sorry.
3.00 star(s) 2 Votes