Ren'Py - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [As of v0.06.6]

    The Good:
    - Great Girls.
    - Great Lewd scenes.
    - Very good Story. Interesting and unique story background and approach.
    - Graphics are OK (UI need some work).

    The Bad:
    - Too much teasing, ZERO sex scene (for the sake of building up i guess?).
    - Not a big fan of grinding - gold and exp farming
    - VERY Slow updates

    A very good game. High potential. Look forward for future update.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving The DeLuca Family five stars due to amazing characters, an engaging plot, and well-fleshed-out side characters. Even the guys are fun to watch (JOEY IS THE MAN).

    That said... the interface is mess. If the interface remains as it is by the end of the development cycle, the rating would seriously drop to a 4, maybe even a 3. (Yes, I found it to be that bad.)

    Biggest problems:
    1. The Work Menu. Total failure to give a good UI experiance here. I don't know if the limitations of the platform are what drove the poor design choices, but this menu is horrible. To get from the after mission screen back to the game requires three clicks. Browsing the available missions is also a chore due to the number of clicks. Click the category, click the mission to see the details and requirements (Oh, crap, do I meet the requirements? back out and check the time of day), etc, etc.

    The initial mission screen, instead of just listing the four categories, should list the missions under the categories and any requirements. Keeping the information bar at the top of the screen from the main game would allow players to see what time it is.

    You can't re-equip or shop from the character menu straight out of the game, you have to talk to Wilfred. So click on the office icon, click on Wilfred, click on work, click the equipment category... Lots of clicking to do anything in the game.

    Also, the blind advancement is really annoying. Please, an experience bar or something.

    I get that having to go through Wilfred is an aspect of the plot, but after talking to him the first time, maybe allow these items to be viewed anywhere.

    2. The Events journal is borderline useless. Using a more traditional quests/missions screen with specific requirements would eliminate a lot of hunting/pecking around the game, which can be frustrating. Maybe consider moving character quests to the character's page?

    I had to resort to a walkthrough to progress the story at certain points.

    3. A minor plot problem, and this is just my personal preference when it comes to these romance titles. I don't want to have to romance all the women to advance the plot. Sometimes it is fun to pick a single girl to romance and run with it. Untangling, or allowing for non-romance completions, would certainly help in this respect.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The DeLuca family is has some of the better 3D visuals that I've seen, which is really the least of its virtues.

    The writing in this game is what really makes it, the story's really build attachment to the characters. There are very few games I've ever played that I would consider to be on par with this game as long as it maintains its current quality.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    There are 2 kind of games that I enjoy ...

    1. Games with strong humiliating fetish. Even violence and guro is more than welcome. Say hello to games of Combin Ation and my current favourite Fashion Business.

    2. Games with a story that makes me feel ... happy ... sad ... entertained ... anything. At some point DMD was such a game. Army Gals is a masterpiece in that category. Dreaming of Dana made me smile and sad :.) I love daddy was awesome, too.

    Plain porn games are just booooo~oooring (for me)!

    I started The DeLuca Family with hopes of seeing some of category 1.
    I soon noticed that my hopes would be belied.
    But the girls are pretty and a nice tease. No bimbos who jump on mc's dick after 5 minutes (how much I hate this).
    Some dialogues are quite funny. :ROFLMAO:
    Game mechanics are good (except for too much clicks needed for executing missions and leave that nested menu).
    Render quality good enough for my taste.

    And the overall story keeps me entertained. So, it would be a 4/5 rating.

    But then THAT scene happened. I'm used to serious drama (I like horror and depressing drama movies).

    Like that Korean movie I saw recently. "Bring me home", about a abducted boy and his mother searching him for years ... Luna's story was similarly depressing.
    Sad stories about children always get the best of me (if it is told in a good way).

    I chose the extended version of this scene. It was obvious what would happen. Still, hard not to cry ... a very demanding task.

    It does not happen often, but that part of the game left a strong impression on me. Happy such games exists ... subscribe!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story, script, and art. Good animations and scenes. Good character details and movement.

    I laughed alot, i cried at that one spot.... but i didnt fap.

    This is definitely not a stroker. I hate to say it, but as little as there is, it would be better as a true VN with no choices, following a smooth timeline. The choices given are basically, do you want to extend the scene and increase your relationship or not, no real meaning. If more content is coming, that makes the sandbox style make more sense, then great.

    Mechanics seem fine, though the missions seem detached and uninteresting. The variables are there to add to it, with many more different missions, but the content isnt there. A couple of screens helping to describe the mission the first time it is done would be neat too. Mission UI could use some work, seems to be a different style than the rest of the game, and doesnt look like a computer.

    As it is now v.06 i think, i ended the main content with over $10k not really trying. I also finished all the ranks (9) before I finished bying all the books and gear available. You need more stuff to buy. Wilfred mentioned being able to upgrade the room when the mc first moved in, that would be a great money sink, with cost quickly skyrocketing only adding visual differences.

    -Better bed, dynamic lighting, PC entertainment center, wall colors and styles, furniture. How about a bathroom wall complete with cameras so he doesnt have to peep for $20k?

    Cant think of anything else right now.

    Thanks for sharing your hard work, cant wait to see what you do next.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I really don't get how this game has such a high rating. Maybe cause of the models, but I'm not sure.

    Story is very mediocre, even for a porn game. I'm not asking for some Christopher Nolan level writing, but some stuff in this game makes absolutely no sense. The choices you make don't really have an effect on the story or characters, so idk why even bother putting them in. Characters are also pretty badly written, none of them behave like real people.

    This is a 2/10, or 3/10 at most. If all you look in a porn game is good models, then this is a perfect game for you (at that point just watch porn lol). But for everyone else, this is a pretty poor game.
  7. S
    5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the most promising storylines in a currently ongoing AVN. Interesting characters, complex histories, and some wonderful art. The game mechanics are a little bland sometimes, but I expect they'll be refined over time; similarly, the lack of meaningful choice is a concern as well, but that, too, may change with later releases.

    This is the first AVN to actually inflict an emotional response on me with its storytelling. And while I am not particularly fond of weeping like a child, I have to give credit where it is due: spectacular writing and characterization.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is masterpiece, beautiful characters, amazing story and some funny jokes. I enjoyed to play this game and would like to see more contrast of this game. Hopefully the next version will come up of the best games I have played.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. TotoJ

    I know many people most likely come to F95 for porn games and the like...

    However games like this that do an amazing jobs of having a great story, properly paced character development are quite few, and I was stoked to stumble upon this (I have pledged to this guy on Patreon, this game is that good.)

    Renders and art are really good, fit the scene of an Italian mob family very well. Story is superb, with a lot of emotional backstory and secrets that are waiting to be uncovered.

    Perhaps the best feature of this game are its characters, INCLUDING the MC. Each of them have very distinct and enjoyable personalities, with the MC being a sarcastic and perverted dick, who in time of need isn't afraid to rise up to the occasion.

    I will say it now, if you are looking for games just to rub one, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU. It has a slow-burn romance, with the only mainly sexual events being some groping and one BJ (as of v0.06.6)

    But to be honest, the events and story you go through to get to those points make it so worth it.


    If you like a great story and amazing characters, and are not so much focused on pure sexual content (but still like it ofc), this game is a MUST GET.

    5/5 no questions asked.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, while this only gets 4 stars (more like 3.8 ,really), it is one of my favorite adult games ever, in my top 5 perhaps. It's far from perfect, but it does a couple of things extremely well:

    -Story: Probably best story for an adult game, ever. When it comes to writing, it's great, with lots of comedy, natural line delivery, some over exposition here and there but for the genre, only a couple of games even approach it. 5/5 wouldn't even suffice here, so it's really whatever score that would get it to 3.8.

    -Character design: Many characters have great design fitting their character. Wilfred, the serpents already shown, Cordia... However, this is plagued often by inferior texturing assets (or ones that weren't set up properly perhaps) that made skins too flat or too flawed depending on lighting and camera angle; it just wasn't too consistent. Also, some characters (Isabel for example) have some facial features that are a bit extreme, making me wonder if the dev aimed for realistic characters or stylized ones. 3/5

    -Renders: They are decent, nothing too fancy, very few times subpar, and sometimes, they look awesome depending on lighting and angles etc. This is influenced by the the asset issue I've mentioned earlier. 3/5

    - Sexual Content: Going against the grain here, I'm saying that there's actually too much sexual content! The story had set a certain pace, and while meaningless sex could be natural in this setting, the developer opted for limiting sex to main characters (for now). This is a good choice as it allows him to flesh out the story faster, But in patches 0.6 and 0.65, the sexual content felt rushed, out of character and given more meaning than it deserved. Perhaps if he went for a slightly less tense situation and made it just a manifestation of carnal lust held back for too long, it would have made more sense. 4/5

    Sound,: Among the best in class. 5/5.

    Gameplay: Too much grinding required, meaningless side quests (missions) and blending of visual novel/ sandbox features that's sometimes great, and sometimes meaningless. I read that this would change in upcoming patches but up until then, 2/5

    Performance, & Bugs,: Only one bug I found (that was fixed quickly), and I just skipped in renpy and all worked out. 4.5/5

    Animation: I can only remember one, it was nothing special, not bad either. 3/5

    Grammar,: 5/5

    I might have sounded a bit harsh there, so to reiterate: WORTH PLAYING!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review and it had to be this one.

    This game is unreal. With every game I tend to have a "best girl" but here it's just so hard to choose. Every girl is pretty awesome.

    I find myself laughing out loud pretty much all the time. The characters are so unique and funny and the dialogue doesn't drag on. This game looks beautiful as well but watch out; there are moments I had to take a few minutes break just to compose myself. Luna's story had me on the verge of tears and yeh that might make me a pussy, but it really goes all out.

    Only downside being that this game is setting itself up to be extremely long (hence being v0.06.6 at the time of this review) and that means in a few years time I'll get to experience this games climax, or on the contrary, it could very well be abandoned.

    Either way great game, do not play this with your pants down ready for a session though.

    10/10, best game I've played yet.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have thought for a long time which game should I rate first. My first time should be PERFECT :ROFLMAO: . And now I make up my mind, it is The DeLuca Family!
    My taste for AVN is a bit weird. I prefer stories, modeling, rendering and art more than sex fetishs. So DeLuca perfectly meets my likes(Though the dark stories make me very sad but they aslo make stories unique). What's more, the upcoming 0.7.0 will improve gameplay a lot while still having a new main story. How could one expect a better update?
    Last but not least, our beloved Godfather, Hopesgaming also takes part in daily conversations, answering questions and providing news. Not everyone here is patron but he treats everyone nicely and patiently(except Filius). That's what a FAMILY like!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good VN game
    -It have good story,(it really really good)
    -Nice renders, fine models
    -Half Sandbox gameplay so kinda hate the gameplay
    -Funny dialogue
    -Just a big problem that i can't give 5 star, All scene are teasing( it still hot), NO SEX.
    If you just want some fap material, find something else.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    a very good Premise,with very,and i mean VERY good character development.definitely my favorite VN out there ATM,Hopesgaming is a writing genius when it comes to Humor and distinguishing all the characters from one another.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just try it if you are not going for sex secenes.. Definitely recommended..
    very huge story and quest lines... very funny renders... This story should continue till the end.. The only problem is, that it will be updated once in 3/4 Months...

    Best regards..
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say it's one of the first time i don't skip the story of a game.. The dialogue are great and i even laugh a lot. I would pay to watch a movie with this quality of humour.

    Nothing to say for the rest, really cool game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why it took so long for me to play this but I have nothing but praise for the game. Above average graphics and well developed characters but above all, just an absolutely amazing story line and incredibly well written. Didn't plan on getting sentimental....but I never expected to relate to a story like this. I recall having the same reaction as Luna about death as a kid. I was scared shitless and was bawling my face off in front of my parents with the same sentiments running through my head. Playing this scene really struck a chord with me....

    Very well done. I'd rate it 10 stars if I could. Keep up the good work
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Plot, five stars.
    In fact, the plot is very nonsense, but after all, there are plots that can be counted as plots, and 80% of other such games have no plot at all.

    Character, five stars.
    The character's personality is also nonsense, but it is still far better than other games that have no personality and are just playthings.
    Isabel is more real. The sisters are too fake.

    The image is very artistic, five stars.

    There are not many sex scenes at present, waiting for future updates.
    But even if it's just a tongue kiss, it can bring more sexual stimulation than many games.

    In order to avoid the problem of wasting time in endless loops in many such games, this game has task reminders. This is very good. I really hate the stupid design of endless loops.

    Needless to say, it will definitely become one of the classics of erotic games.
    But it's hard to say, after all, erotic games, some people only love sex and don't love plot.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The part where the two bosses are meeting on a bench and dramatic music plays right as the 'camera' zooms out to show a gathering of guards forming a circle around them... just wow, I got butterflies in my stomach.

    Luna and Gracie are so amazing. They both start off seeming very basic; Mary Sue and the beautiful airhead, respectively. They both follow certain cliches but at the same time are so well written that they seem like they have infinite space to branch out to. I can't wait to watch these characters grow.

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have come across in terms of intriguing story. Luna is probably the most amazing character written in these kinds of games. The intriguing way in which story has been set up is exceptional, MC's backstory only gets further and further interesting, Absolutely amazing game.