Ren'Py - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Plot, five stars.
    In fact, the plot is very nonsense, but after all, there are plots that can be counted as plots, and 80% of other such games have no plot at all.

    Character, five stars.
    The character's personality is also nonsense, but it is still far better than other games that have no personality and are just playthings.
    Isabel is more real. The sisters are too fake.

    The image is very artistic, five stars.

    There are not many sex scenes at present, waiting for future updates.
    But even if it's just a tongue kiss, it can bring more sexual stimulation than many games.

    In order to avoid the problem of wasting time in endless loops in many such games, this game has task reminders. This is very good. I really hate the stupid design of endless loops.

    Needless to say, it will definitely become one of the classics of erotic games.
    But it's hard to say, after all, erotic games, some people only love sex and don't love plot.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The part where the two bosses are meeting on a bench and dramatic music plays right as the 'camera' zooms out to show a gathering of guards forming a circle around them... just wow, I got butterflies in my stomach.

    Luna and Gracie are so amazing. They both start off seeming very basic; Mary Sue and the beautiful airhead, respectively. They both follow certain cliches but at the same time are so well written that they seem like they have infinite space to branch out to. I can't wait to watch these characters grow.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have come across in terms of intriguing story. Luna is probably the most amazing character written in these kinds of games. The intriguing way in which story has been set up is exceptional, MC's backstory only gets further and further interesting, Absolutely amazing game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Kel Kel

    Easy 5*

    The story starts off rather simple but is moving towards something really interesting. Personally I REALLY like the writing to a point that it somewhat inspired me to adept my writing a bit.

    Strongest point of the game are definitely the characters. They feel really unique and you could easily distinguish them if you read the story without visuals.

    Only con is that it gets updated kinda slow, but I if the quality stays like this, I gladly wait.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First, let make it clear that I love Hopes and how they interact with users.

    Secondary, This game has everything, excellent renders, an engaging story, missions, RPG systems, lovely and unique girls, heartwarming and heartbreaking moments, it is simply amazing in all of its aspects so far, and I can't wait to see how the new mission system will work and much more, we aren't even on the midpoint of the game from what I can tell and makes me really excited to see the rest, really excellent job I super recommend playing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    You have to suspend your disbelief to explain the main characters bipolar personality where he's can be talking about how much he likes the family members, then a scene after talking about how he hates it there and wants to leave.

    Other than that I think this game is very good. Art, Character development and story are some of the best in this type of game . The setting and story are like an anime based on the mafia its pretty engaging I enjoyed it a lot and I'm genuinely interested in seeing where it goes.

    Oh and other reviews complained about the gameplay and minigames they are fine they arn't fun or whatever (they never are in these games) but they are not particularly tedious just something to set the pace of the game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game overall. Lots of work seems to of been put into developing the characters, and it shows. Their uniqueness and attractiveness shines through solid dialogue and emotive expressions. Characters are also fairly visually unique, with individual quirks, and not entirely perfect appearances. The plot also seems quite thought out and developed, being very connected to the characters.

    Other aspects are also very well executed, such as the sound work and background scenes. They combine to really elevate all of the scenes. There is a small grind, but it is not overly complicated nor tedious. Hints are also readily available for pursuing whichever side story you want.

    So yeah, 5/5 most definitely.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1322027

    this is mafia 2 and 3 more sexy cousin the one 2k games didn't want you too see but got leaked but seriously its got a great story along with a great sense of humor id definitively recommend this game if your into the mafia boss/family style
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The story of the game is you are an indentured slave of a crime family.

    Unfortunally the main story and the excuses around anything that happens are very weak without any depth at all, examples:
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    The "family" will kill you if you do things wrong, so why the fuck would anyone in their right mind risk their life for a quick peek on someone in the bath or get friendly with the members of a crime family if he wants to leave, it makes no sense, so if you play as any normal person would and stay the hell away from any situation that will get you killed you miss out on most of the game so either play dumb or dont play.

    Even with being a slave the MC starts to like his masters(cant be changed) there are no choices for MC to not like them so the games main plot is now pointless, why not just have MC start the game as a willing new member?

    Never got to the last 2 missions as there are side quests that have to be done first but the terrible guide gave no help on how to start them just that they need to be done.

    As i dont play games making choices as a dumb person but rarther what i would do in that situation, i played all but 2 of the main story missions and there was not one single "oral sex scene" or even nudity at all which means this game is really play dumb or dont play at all.

    None of the decisions(main) did anything to change the games story or attitude of anyone in the game at all.

    I cant judge the oral sex scenes as i didnt encounter any.

    The art is good but i couldnt complete the game due to a problem with it not starting a side quest.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Uncle Loco

    I recently found this game while waiting for another game update. I am happy I decided to give this one a go. I played the most recent release which is what my review is based on. The main four girls are very good looking the story line is interesting but can be a little confusing on why certain things are happening. Some of the supporting characters are a little out there and can be cringe at times. I did feel the same about Luna for a while, but then she became my favorite girl. One of the big negatives in the game is the story about how Luna became the way she is now. I suggest that if you are a parent you may want to take the shorter route as I almost stopped playing the game during that section. I did want to experience the game the way the developer did it so I don't completely regret going through it, but it was very hard to watch at times. All I got to say is I can't wait to see how they deal with those people in the long run and make up for that section of the game. They only other downside was the lack of or the time it takes to get any lewd scenes in this game. After a while I just kinda forgot about it since I was enjoying the story, but ugh this game needs some full out lewd scenes. Hopefully more scenes with Cordia in future releases too man that one scene got my mind going. Over all a good game it is still lacking some solid lewd scenes (I know this will be addressed over time) and has several odd characters, but the story and the beautiful girls make up for that. I don't review a lot of games but this one I enjoyed enough to put one out here.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Exciting, funny, awesome graphics, awesome music, and a good system to play with overall

    Can't wait to see the ranking system finished, maybe differents paths like being in the 4 serpents, the head of the family, or simply the best soldier/assassin would be totaly awesome !

    I wouldn't mind this game (like with Radiant) being totally story and experience oriented with minimal erotic content. The game is this good and enticing.

    And sweet mother of god, Cordia is the go-to waifu.

    As a gamer this game is already a 20/10 for me.
    And as an Italian with a ""mafia"" background with my great grandfather, it's a 100/20 ;p
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly thought that it would be pretty bad at the beginning, given the 2d characters and all, but as I played, the story made me fall in love, and not only that but also how smart the events were played out as and the overall mystery in the story. Another thing to note is the language which was very rich in meaning and befitting in each dialogue, and last but not the least is the character development that really fits the setting and the fact that you can feel some of the progress is truly outstanding. There may not be alot of sex, actually, during the time I played it, there was no sex, only oral, the game still managed to make me climax with how the scenes were played out since they were smooth (not just the "sex scenes", but the overall main story as well). I envy my future self for he has access to the full version of this game while I am left forever wanting more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So, I'm not the biggest fan of sandboxes because they usually turn into grindfests... and though I prefer VNs, this one was pretty good. I was going to give this 4/5 stars for the quality of this work--in both keeping the grind to a minimum and the production quality up--but then I started hearing Gymnopédie No. 1 during the Vinyasa entry with Isabel and I got a feeling like ASMR on top of my head. I hand out free stars for the Gymnopédies and that tingly feeling, and this is legitimately not the first time I've done so.

    I usually wait to review an entry after I've gotten to the end of the current version, but I had to stop mid-play for this. Thank you for that... and you're welcome.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I doubt there is much more to say that haven't already been said in the other reviews. What I can say is this games shows the dedication and love that the developer(s) put into it.

    There is no doubt in my mind that this game will be listed as one of the greatest of all time once it's development is done. The story that it tells and the emotions that it weaves into the player make The DeLuca Family a must play by anyone even remotely interested in adult visual novel games.

    Not only all of that, but to get so much high praise from so many people even with the limited sexual content currently present in the v0.06.5 build that is current at the time of this writing. I will warn you now, the furthest you can go is getting one blowjob. But even still the story is well worth it.

    I doubt this game will be finished any time soon. Because it is a very slow burn. But having spent hours playing straight through it and making sure to see all the available content, I don't care how slow it is, because it is just that good and I will be looking out for each update, clawing at the bit for more content.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The character development is amazing in this game. Really makes you feel and care for the main characters. Also very well written with a good bit of humor and great banter between characters. Really good looking renders as well! It does take quite a while for any type of 'action' to happen with the characters., but it's well worth the wait.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is a lot better than these porn games have any right to be. Its not something you expect to encounter when trying to get your fap on with a basic story to connect the sex scenes together but why not have good sex scenes connected by an even better and compelling story? Deluca Family has both.

    Luna best girl.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2232275

    It is amazing and mostly likely will stay in my top 5 for awhile! I love the plot so I will give it a 9 out of 10 and the overall appearance of the game is fantastic. I would love more scenes with Luna in a beautiful setting, such as the event when Luna was going to get her new gun and the MC wanted to come along. It would also be nice if I can access more than just my room, the Don's room, the living room, Luna's room, Gracie's room, and Isabel and Antonio's room. Like I can access the garden or talk to other employees and maybe the town. And the thing I would like the most would be the ability in which after you get enough hearts with Luna you can actually sleep with her in her room or have sex at night. PS I know I laid a lot of selfish stuff but I wanna say it would be AMAZING if you can become a serpent yourself, or at least have a respectable reputation in the underworld, and it would also be nice if you add more stories like Luna's past trauma into the game, with like the MC and all. Oh and I would like if you can actually marry Luna or make it official, and announce it, with her at least.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    First let me say I despise Most free roam games it can go wrong and cause the player to be lost.... THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF GAME!

    I found the guide provided in the journal to tell me where to go to trigger next event. A button to continue the story.. I was never confused..

    The characters are engaging and well written!! I loved Luna's persona especially.. but all have story's that if expounded upon should prove very deep and engaging. Art style is very well done! I am enjoying this game!!

    Please put on STEAM when complete should do very well there!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I would have enjoyed this as a more direct style visual novel instead the partial sandbox, I'm sure I would give it 4-5 stars then. The developer is friends with one of my favorite developers on the site, but their style is quite a bit different (at least from my perspective).

    I enjoy the story and the setting, the mix of mafia and comical somewhat supernatural turned off some reviewers but it appealed to me. The mafia seems like strong genre and I'm surprised it doesn't appear in more adult games.

    The renders and animations are very pleasing and most people who rated the game poorly agreed that the visual art portion was good.

    Some of the others giving this less than stellar rating enjoy the mini-game portion and the sandbox, but it wasn't for me. I would have preferred to be able to progress directly through the story without trying to advance to another time of day or switch rooms (someone pointed out this is the normal style in many adult games, but it isn't used in the ones I really enjoy).

    A criticism I share with others about the mini-game is the disconnection between it and the story, even after hundreds of combat missions the character is still a coward when he goes into a fight. Actually having the main character be a coward at all (Mostly I would prefer confident character and really no mini-games or make mini-games optional which at least one of the really fun games on the site does).

    The developer put in a scene as a reaction to those complaining about the lack of sexual content, it's the developer's game to do whatever with but the scene seemed petty and used a lot of resource time for writing and renders that could have moved the story forward. As for the lack of sex in the game it didn't detract from the story to me (until the scene at the theater I hadn't actually thought about the lack of sex). That said, being an adult game it seems reasonable for people to expect it even if it isn't with the primary love interest characters.

    I do think the story has potential (it doesn't need to be realistic, just entertaining). While I'm not a fan of the mini-game and the associated grind I do realize there are people who like that part of the game. Overall it isn't a game I will follow closely but the story is interesting enough I'll come back to it sometime to see if it's progressed or been finished.

    I didn't alter my rating, but wanted to expand some on my thoughts and note that while the mini-game interface isn't for me it may be exactly what someone else is looking for.