I don`t see the point of discussing.
If someone likes this game, they will play.
Noone is forced to do that...noone is forced to "like" this kind of game.
Whoever wants to play an other build game, is free to choose one of those thousands out there.
But, arguing about, how a dev uses his money from Patreon, or arguing about, how he shall change any content, is just stupidity.
The dev creates his story, he wants to show or tell...thats what the people will play after.
Just think about a book.
Do you guys argue to the author later on after reading, what he shall change and bring out the same book again with changed story? No?....guess why.
Do you argue about the money, he gets?...no? Well...
We may give a suggestion, but...thats it.
If we will find any suggestion in a WIP later on, thats our surprise.
For myself, I enjoy a game more, if I do - NOT - know all the content, which will come or not.
Otherwise, besides some graphics, there wouldn`t be any need of playing.
Just my 2 cents...