Ren'Py - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: v0.09.5)

    What I enjoyed:
    + Excellent premise. There needs to be more mafia themed AVNs.
    + Good storytelling. I love the updates where the background of the character is written about. Luna's backstory is one of the most heart-wrenching tales told in an AVN.
    + Art. Renders aren't excellent, but they can be considered in the pretty good category.

    = Character interactions. While I loved how the dev fleshed out the characters, the interactions with them always made me like "people don't speak like this, right?". Perhaps, the DeLucas are all a bit unhinged or immature or both. But, I could never take their interactions seriously.
    = Action. I have two thoughts on this. On one hand, I loved the anime-esque fights. It looks dope when done right and this game achieves that. On the other hand, I would've preferred if it fitted the realistic setting that the rest of the game goes for. Would've preferred if there was a lot of war in the shadows rather than in your face shootouts.

    What I did not enjoy:
    - Music. Same track for most of the time. It gets maddening after a while.
    - Contract Missions. I just don't see the appeal in the them. These missions could've been carried out in a normal VN manner instead of a text based one which you have to squint to read. The missions are mostly a source of money which can be used to buy boosts to clear other missions or for whatever quest during the game.
    - Lewd content. The content is pretty sparse for a game that's been in development for almost five years.

    7/10 is a fair rating. I just feel like the game has a lot of wasted potential. It could have been an all-time great game, but it merely stays at the level of being considered as a good game. Still it's a good job by the dev. Hope to see the next update soon!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    + Powerful storyline
    + Beautiful locations and scenes
    + Excellent characters
    - Contract structure needs to be improved
    - Limited choices in the story (but not disturbing)

    One of the best adult games overall.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Don't get me wrong. Deluca is my favorite adult game (sandbox or not) and I see a lot of potential here. I first played this game when it wasn't even popular. But there are some things that annoy me so much.

    + Renders are great. I love Luna, she is amazing.
    + Story is awesome. Undoubtedly the best adult game with story. Period.
    + Tasteful H content. No absurd and unrealistic porn scenese
    + Lots of groping ❤
    + Romantic path (which actually touch hearts)
    + I love forgettable Joey, best character imo.
    + There were scenes that almost made me cry

    - Dumb MC
    - Only 5 missions so far
    - Text is too small, and narrative text-based adventures will bore you to hell
    - Characters are wild. And doesn't seems in-place. For example Battista and his slut nuns, Cat on her roller scates. I liked Gattardo at first, but the story introduces too many of "special" characters.
    - Sibling quarrels are irritating (calling each other stupid repeatedly)
    - Don and Jalen's chemistry seemed forced. Guy friends don't talk like that
    - Grammar mistakes, though that don't bother me too much
    - Stats are meaningless. This game doesn't require sandbox at all.
    - Very few choices, again that don't bother me much.

    This is my first review. And I want the dev to consider it for future releases. This game has the potential too reach #1 place.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    User name is phantom

    Graphics = Very Good
    Story = Very Good
    Characters = Very Good

    One of the few Masterpieces out there. I highly recommend playing this game. for everyone who is searching for more then just every 5 Second sex games.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, the only thing I can ask for is to give us more Luna's content, but in general is a great game, I love that you can choose if you wanna play a VN or the interactive way. I hope the next version won't take so long.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorry for my english. It's the first review i writting and i did it because this game is amazing.
    Just want to say it's the best game i ever played on this site.
    Hope it will stay like that.
    Take all the time u want for keeping the story good.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring and kinda pointless, lost interest long ago. Too bad because it showed lots of potential, but it's a boring grind and a story that takes too long for anything significant to happen, and the lack of smut doesn't help either.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    My review of The DeLuca Family [v0.08.0.3]

    This game is a pretty mixed bag so I'll just list the pros and cons instead of doing a traditional review.

    - Good base story
    - Really great Luna (psychopath blonde girl) storyline
    - Pretty funny scenes with the boss (woman on the left) and her butler

    - Barely any content after 5 years (close to zero progression on MC's story)
    - Obnoxious mini-games that don't affect the main story at all and are hated by everyone
    - Annoying sandbox that forces you to check every room in the house 5 times a day, to see if a girl has new dialogue or events
    - Higher ranking mafia members act like kindergartners (not my kind of humor)
    - Barely any story events with the interesting older pink-haired girl yet
    - Gracie (200 IQ Mary Sue brunette) story events were so boring I stopped playing

    Overall a below average game, that I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
    I'm only giving it 3 stars, instead of 2, because the Luna storyline was really good and entertaining.

    Oh, and for the coomers: This game has no sex scenes yet.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Liked the game, and checking frequently for updates. Decent story line, totally fell in love with Gracie and Luna, has some interesting future plots, and some sad story aswell to get you more hooked in to the story. I mostly play these games for the story, The "Adult" part of it is just a fanservice in my head like in TV-series like got etc.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Story , interactions and dialogues are very captivating, it's very moving and beautiful, relationship parts easily top-of-the-lines , it's so alluring and intimate that looks like real thing , sometimes interaction is so tense that makes heart palpitate, also comedic elements are pretty funny ,you can't get better.
    The warehouse plot defintely one of best scenes that I saw in any game, very smart and well-written, there is of course many more, for example Luna's story which is heavy and dark
    I feel like story sometimes can be complicated and hard to follow, probably only complain for me.
    Having quest for advancing story is better than just clicking mindlessly, it makes more pleasurable experience.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well crafted storyline and characters development. At first I just downloaded the game with the expectation of seeing some hot s** scenes but oh boy, I completely forgot about them. I got hooked on stories of the game and the background story of each character is so good, especially the story behind Luna's past. I have to admit that I almost cried while playing "My name is Luna".
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A good story it is very well written with depth, intrigue, and
    intelligence, with quite a bit of humor, nice quality images, very attractive models, and gameplay is always welcome. one of the very few games that I would recommend.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has fantastic renders and looks interesting at a first glance but turns out to be generic in every way with a wet noodle of a main character and decisions that pretty much go nowhere at all.

    The story and characters don't seem to fit the mafia environment that is portrayed, i also think the lack of sex scenes after so much dialogue makes this game a bit off a chore to play.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.08.03


    Firstly, great premise for a story. Good execution too with the free roam and contracts added in, it adds A LOT of extra content, regardless if it's tied to the main story or not. Models look good and whilst the writing isn't top notch. It's funny/cute/interesting enough to make for a good story.

    The music fits the theme although I would give it a 6/10. There isn't anything here to bolster emotions that much, some tracks definitely help but vocals are way more powerful.

    This game has so much potential but is a slow burner. It's not often I play games that are fun, sometimes boring and make me yearn for more all at the same time. 10+ hours of content for the game and like I said I wanted more (to do with the characters). This isn't a bad thing per say, but you have to tread a careful line in future, adding enough character content to balance main story content whilst weaving those characters into main story content also and have the scenes reflect your relationships, not easy.

    Due to how the games started and being a slow burner. It gives me hope that dev is trying to make a long and impactful game. It took hours to get into Luna's backstory and damn that made me tear up. It was really well crafted. And you aren't instantly "with her" after finding our her story. So I think we will really get to know these characters more along the road. MORE LUNA CONTENT!


    If you are just here for the sex scenes, don't bother lads. Too much effort for the return ;) However, if you want to see the start of a well crafted story that will lead to sex scenes (hopefully) with meaning as you build relationships/trust with the LI's then give this a go. Luna's story really touched me and I care about the character's wellbeing a lot. Sure, it's only 1 character so far but it's alot better than most games where you have no emotional attachment whatsoever.

    Best of luck!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    after playing so many different kind of avn I grown tired of mindless sex and random horny. games like these really buts the different to the genre of VN . not alot sex in the game after many updates but the story holds up super. really good characters. awesome story where there is backstory and slowly revealing itself and you anticipatie what would happend. and god damn,, the luna past. made me fell and cry a few tears. thats what a game to do to me. sometimes fun games are nice and mindless sex but a true game were it plays like more real life or just not mindless jumpo. it really gives a kick to a veteran., ... <3 keep doing what ur doing.. great game so far cant wait for future updates.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The game had interesting screenshots but no interesting content!
    No sexy scenes
    Boring story and repetitive environment
    Boring minigames! Up-down-left-right! I hate games like this! You have to try 10 paths to see a scene
    In general, it was not worth the time and I will not even try the next updates
    I think this game has received much more attention than it deserves.
    Don't waste your time!
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    :love::love::love: Those who haven't played this wonderful game yet don't know the great opportunity they are missing to play one of the best games I've ever seen is the best game of the mafia genre in my humble opinion... :cool:

    And I'm not exaggerating It has a story rich in details. It's very creative and beautiful around some characters, not to mention that it has a very sad story of Luna and the other family members anyway, I won't give more "spoiler" I don't get tired of playing this tragic part of their story Luna is a special girl i will have some routes that i will follow but she will always be my favorite character in the game who i want to be with at the end. ;):coffee:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily S tier renpy game.

    Good renders, outstanding dialogue, elevates the genre past the usual boring tripe.

    Good minigames, good freeroams. Good thematic music.

    The characters are extremely unique and memorable, they all have their own personality as opposed to many games I'd forget a week after I've played.

    Only complaints or suggestions for improvement would be two areas are somewhat grindy - the rank up and the money accumulation near end, requiring running missions to the point of boredom, but other than that a fantastic game, highly recommended.

  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing balance of story, character development and just overall fun. Lots of crazy characters and supporting cast to keep things interesting too. Good action scenes and production values. The only complaint is the open world mission system can be a bit grindy if you need money but it's a very minor complaint and the grind is minimal.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. FuckFace

    Brilliant characters and amazing story, this game has better written side characters than the main ones in most lewd games.

    Thank you very very much, just magnificent work overall on this, hit me like a ball point hammer and in my opinion perfect amount of lewdnes.