Ren'Py - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game had interesting screenshots but no interesting content!
    No sexy scenes
    Boring story and repetitive environment
    Boring minigames! Up-down-left-right! I hate games like this! You have to try 10 paths to see a scene
    In general, it was not worth the time and I will not even try the next updates
    I think this game has received much more attention than it deserves.
    Don't waste your time!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    :love::love::love: Those who haven't played this wonderful game yet don't know the great opportunity they are missing to play one of the best games I've ever seen is the best game of the mafia genre in my humble opinion... :cool:

    And I'm not exaggerating It has a story rich in details. It's very creative and beautiful around some characters, not to mention that it has a very sad story of Luna and the other family members anyway, I won't give more "spoiler" I don't get tired of playing this tragic part of their story Luna is a special girl i will have some routes that i will follow but she will always be my favorite character in the game who i want to be with at the end. ;):coffee:
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily S tier renpy game.

    Good renders, outstanding dialogue, elevates the genre past the usual boring tripe.

    Good minigames, good freeroams. Good thematic music.

    The characters are extremely unique and memorable, they all have their own personality as opposed to many games I'd forget a week after I've played.

    Only complaints or suggestions for improvement would be two areas are somewhat grindy - the rank up and the money accumulation near end, requiring running missions to the point of boredom, but other than that a fantastic game, highly recommended.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing balance of story, character development and just overall fun. Lots of crazy characters and supporting cast to keep things interesting too. Good action scenes and production values. The only complaint is the open world mission system can be a bit grindy if you need money but it's a very minor complaint and the grind is minimal.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. FuckFace

    Brilliant characters and amazing story, this game has better written side characters than the main ones in most lewd games.

    Thank you very very much, just magnificent work overall on this, hit me like a ball point hammer and in my opinion perfect amount of lewdnes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, thanks to @whichone for telling me about the review system.

    I don't usually write reviews but I felt compelled to do so after playing. I'm gonna get my issue with the game out first, so I can focus on what I loved. My only issue with the game (besides some of the contracts being annoying) is this small part where the writer mocks critiques who expect just porn and (I assume) rated his work poorly. Instead of it being a witty scene, it just felt like the writer responded with "screw you ugly bastard, go die". It was just a small scene, so it's like a small blotch on an otherwise incredible experience, which I will talk about now.

    Two things that I think are incredible about this game are the characters, Gracie and Luna. I'll get Gracie out the way first since Luna's gonna take a bit. What I like about Gracie is that besides being a huge troll, the writer does a fantastic job of slowly and tentatively exploring this darkness in her (alongside her learning how to be social). The scene where she tells the protagonist that if he does something again, she'll hurt him, was chilling. Not just because of the amazing facial expression, and the fact that she proved to not be your typical dumb pretty face (spoiler, she's hyper-intelligent), but because the lighting choice gave the illusion that her eyes were an evil shade of red.

    Now to my favorite (and I imagine probably most controversial) part of the game, which is Luna's backstory. I won't spoil anything, but I'm not kidding when I say that her backstory is some of the most compelling and melancholic story-telling I've read in all my life. If you've already read it, the scene where Luna is tilting her head from side to side, going, "clip clop clip clop clip clop", over and over, until she just smiles with absolutely nothing behind her eyes, legitimately disturbed me in a way horror games can only dream of doing. Luna's character is incredible and she makes the game worth experiencing by itself. But her backstory... wow 10/10.

    I don't know if this game will ever get finished, but it was an overall great experience. It wasn't as "hot" as other games, but the writing was stellar.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of
    I waited for a while to play this game as it seemed content based and I wanted enough content to truly get into it.

    It really is a very different game and I mean that in a good way. It has minimal grind and is truly fun. It is absolutely not for the "wam-bam-thank-you-mam" crowd which is totally fine. While the action is sparse it is beautifully done and well within the context of the game. It is more sexy that is is hardcore, but it is done so well.

    The fact that it has multiple aspects of the gameplay and 3 ways to experience the game is wonderful. I personally love the full experience as it adds games within the game.

    This game is an experience and story which are excellent. It has want you want in a good story including ups and downs, but also some true parts that can make you feel (especially the Luna story) which gives this game more depth than many books I have read.

    Anyway, I am 100% hooked on this game.

    Graphics 5/5 - absolutely beautiful aesthetic that fits the story well
    Models 5/5 - Wonderful models that fit the characters. The women are beautiful and the men fit their positions.

    Characters 5/5 - Main characters have great backstories and it is still in progress, but you can tell that all of them will be interesting.
    Story 7/5 - Yeah you read that score. The story is wonderful and has all kinds of levels of depth.

    Sex N/A - While it has sexual content and what it has is really awesome, this really is a Adult game where the story comes first. If I rated this for me it would be a 5/5, but I don't feel that will translate to some of our blue-balled members here of f95 ;)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, took me abit to get to used to the minigames and sandbox mode but once I've gotten the hang of it I really liked it.

    The personalities of the different chars is really something else, got to love Luna, Uncle Wilfred and Joey (the guy they always forget on missions, really laughed with his interactions). Not to forget Gracie, Isabel and the weird bunch of Serpents... Cat on rollerskates is really cool, they are really unique.

    Game is a slow burn, lots of teasing, models are beautifully rendered, especially the close up of the faces. At the end of Ep 7 or 8 some lewd scenes are thrown in, those scenes are awesome (nice animations and length).

    The maffia story is also very well written and believable, can't w8 to see some more progression in it.
    Actually got tears in my eyes when watching "My name is Luna" story unfold, the "long version" really hit me. Still don't know why they released Luna? Because they couldn't break her? Hope to get some more answers in the next episodes.

    A game to keep supporting!

    A big thumbs up to Hopes Gaming
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatest mafia game ever played. Game has everything, Sex, violence, Rambo, chuck Norris, more sex. Has some great sandbox feature and great side mini missions that later get sync to the main story. The game is growing into something great, also has very funny and bad ass moments. Oh did I say chuck Norris?
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this game but the recent updates don't seem to have any focus. We have barely moved into the MCs backstory, The daughters are the only characters with any real development recently. The scenes are fine but again there is surprisingly little content for a game that has been in development for so long. Hope the next updates come quicker and offer more story.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I can say that there are beautiful graphics here (it is) and a lot more, but аll you need to know: this is a game where you don't want to press ctrl. Beautiful story and characters! One of the best game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has an interesting hook but is sadly plagued by a lazy dev which likes to focus more on his boring minigame than actual content. Story felt a lot worse after last updates. Might be worth playing if you're curious but dont even expect any good closure IMO
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The rendes are great, the story is really interesting but I feel that the story about Luna kidnapping was to long and could be made way shorter and used that time to make progress with the main story.
    The decisions have almost no weight, some to make the girls like you more, but there aren't choices that affect you at long term.
    The game has not Harem tag but for what I played looks like the game force you to flirt with all the girls even if you don't want them and it gaves you the option to reject them in the last moment, kind of a jerk move. What would you think if a girl flirts with you all the time and the day you try to fuck her, she say that she is not interest in you? This game does that.
    I never understand how you level up your skills, some upgrade in activities but others are unknown and the game never explains you that, and I finished a lot of works in a failure because I don't had the needed Charisma, Agility, Inteligence or whatever, in the end I just cheated and level up all the skills. The contracts are replayabled, so they don't have and impact in the story or the world at all, and looks like they are there to give the feeling that the game lasts longer, because you have to grind the contracts a lot to get money and buy things for the girls and clothes that upgrade some of your skills.
    I don't mind to much that there is little or no sex content, but only if the story is good, here the story is good but is really slow paced, and looks like it would take ages until the MC will be able to make something interesting, because being realistic, he didn't do much and don't forget about his story, it will take more time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Most interesting and fun game on F95.

    Comedy, plot, action, lewdness, romance, and so much more

    With the most potential as well

    This has brilliant worldbuilding , character development and Romantic/Lewd moments

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played this game thru the 0.6.x release and found it to be a very likable story. The character development is good and not just all about sex all the time. Great renders and lots of mini games
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    As of V0.07.2


    • Model's looks good
    • Not the usual same old story or setting


    • The "Forced" aspect of the setting is an off putter.
    • Scenes aren't great.
    • Characters are unlikable.
    • Choice's are meaningless to the story (which is always bad).
    • Forced into LI routes to carry on main story.
    • Mini game leveling is repetitive.


    If you just want to dive into scenes regardless of character then you'll probably enjoy.

    If you like a little freedom of choice and routes then skip it. This far in it's not going to change now.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I rate games from three things the story, LI and content(meaning sex and character development) the game is 3 stars almost solely because of the story and the LI cause apart from that the game is still very underdeveloped on the content portion of the game. Most of the main LI lack sex scenes and any real development outside of my second favorite character Luna (the first is Lady Cordia) and Isabella is limited and the missions segment are a major hit or a miss with miss being the majority. Until this game get some serious bump in update speed I'm not sure if this will every be finished to the level people hope or expect. Update the version 0.8 update is nice story wise but again this game pace is like a snail stuck in a glue trap trying to go up a steep cliff with hurricane winds going against it. I didn't know/realize that this game is 4 years old but it has like 4 hours of content with 1 actually full on sex scene with dick in pussy not oral sex and even oral is counted on one hand, so for that this game loses a star no way in hell a game that is this old should have this meager of content and if the update speed is not seriously increased I'll reduce it to 1 stars in 6 months. Update around 7 months and no update so making it one stars, no matter how good a story is if it takes too long especially with games and 1 update a year with 20 minutes of content if you can actually read at a decent speed, I'll be in my 40s before it's finished
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh man, a BRUTAL slog-through without any sexual content till the tail end. Story tries to be realistic and does establish the clichéd archetypes well enough, but it's strangely nonsensical. A tale about the mafia with 19 year old girls dodging bullets head on and blasting thugs' heads at close range. Really hard to take anything seriously after that. The hero is a tepid wet blanket and the choices are all of the just keep grinding till you see the next event with every girl variety.
    The three primary LIs are cute and the interactions okay. Maybe I'm a victim of false advertising but I didn't expect this kind of game on a porn VN site. Put this on steam and it'll be a generic adult kinetic novel.
    One extra star for all the effort and the renders which look great. Immensely frustrating game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily my favourite vn story-wise, the quality of the visual content the entire way through the story makes it a fantastic mass of content. The depth given to each character is awesome, presenting their flaws and showing their progression to amending them through their relationships with the MC make them all loveable.

    Luna is best girl :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The very first AVN I played and still in my top ones, but it is falling faster and faster. Game just does not get updated enough. It started to feel like the story was lost in it. I really liked the story and the direction it felt to me it was going. If it ever gets done, would make great play.