First of all, thanks to @whichone for telling me about the review system.
I don't usually write reviews but I felt compelled to do so after playing. I'm gonna get my issue with the game out first, so I can focus on what I loved. My only issue with the game (besides some of the contracts being annoying) is this small part where the writer mocks critiques who expect just porn and (I assume) rated his work poorly. Instead of it being a witty scene, it just felt like the writer responded with "screw you ugly bastard, go die". It was just a small scene, so it's like a small blotch on an otherwise incredible experience, which I will talk about now.
Two things that I think are incredible about this game are the characters, Gracie and Luna. I'll get Gracie out the way first since Luna's gonna take a bit. What I like about Gracie is that besides being a huge troll, the writer does a fantastic job of slowly and tentatively exploring this darkness in her (alongside her learning how to be social). The scene where she tells the protagonist that if he does something again, she'll hurt him, was chilling. Not just because of the amazing facial expression, and the fact that she proved to not be your typical dumb pretty face (spoiler, she's hyper-intelligent), but because the lighting choice gave the illusion that her eyes were an evil shade of red.
Now to my favorite (and I imagine probably most controversial) part of the game, which is Luna's backstory. I won't spoil anything, but I'm not kidding when I say that her backstory is some of the most compelling and melancholic story-telling I've read in all my life. If you've already read it, the scene where Luna is tilting her head from side to side, going, "clip clop clip clop clip clop", over and over, until she just smiles with absolutely nothing behind her eyes, legitimately disturbed me in a way horror games can only dream of doing. Luna's character is incredible and she makes the game worth experiencing by itself. But her backstory... wow 10/10.
I don't know if this game will ever get finished, but it was an overall great experience. It wasn't as "hot" as other games, but the writing was stellar.