Ren'Py - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is based on 7.2.

    Visuals - 5/5
    Story - 5/5
    Characters - 5/5
    Music - 5/5

    Really good game, I've experienced alot of games, from huge companies, but this one gave me some other thrill, awesome story, the chars are pretty amazing, looking foward to see the story that the DEV is writting about the main char, I know the game it's only at the begginning at least I hope so, because once I started playing it I was stuck to it.

    Just saying I played alot of games, I love mafia games, GodFather, the mafia franchise are some of the games I can relate to this one, but from what I could see, my opinion this one it's better than the others. From some of the reviews people are only looking for sex, but they are missing some important stuff, and this game yes, it's supposed to have sex scenes, but let's just think that we can have a nice story, i proper try to conquer women, like the main char trying to conquer the ladyies in the house, not just going for the sex, but for the story behind, and this one has plenty from what i could see until now.


    I don't want to see a awesome game like this getting canceled like others!


    Really looking foward for the next update, I just want to see how it ends, maybe with main char in the front of the family, or maybe THE CHAR, discovers the truth, and if its bad he goes rogue, or something, im already dreaming, making stories about what comes next !!!

    Thanks for everything, HOPESGAMING!!

    Final word the game is 10/5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 763289

    Very good project. Want to know how it ends.
    Story - very good. Originality - hmm... It's classical situation for these genre. Very good sound, playability and performance . Bugs - no. Decent animations. Very good script and amount of content.
    Luna take my breath away :love:
    Many thanks to developer.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is based on 7.2.

    One sentence review - For anyone who wants to laugh while you enjoy a top notch VN, this is the one for you.

    Visuals - 5/5 Stunning and unique. You won't find these visuals anywhere else
    Story - 5/5 What starts as a pretty basic story turns real strong real quick! It's gripping and sucks you in.
    Characters - 5/5 While there aren't as many to chose from, the ones you get, Luna more so, are top notch.
    Music - 4/5 This is the only part of the game that lacks a bit. The music is pretty basic in most parts but good in others.
    Fappability - 3/5 This is mostly a story and sandbox game. There isn't much to far to yet.

    Because of the quality of all other sections of the game, it still gets a 5/5.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game looking forward to more of the story and future updates. Really enjoying how the story progress and can not wait until or characther gets involved further into the family business. I'm enjoying the relationships we have with the girls in the game and can't wait to see how they continue to progress.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Listening to the users claiming that the story in this game is excellent, I tried it out.

    The game is basically a cut and paste of a shonen in an obscure mafia setting in practically every way. Personally, I was extremely disappointed.

    The only content I cared for was, "My Name is Luna." Beyond that you wont find storytelling much different than practically any other 3-5 star VN you'd find on F95.

    Adding to that, this game has been in development for Y-E-A-R-S and is extremely lacking in any adult content whatsoever. There are 4 main love interests and after 7 updates the farthest you can go is a blowjob from one of them. That's it. I let myself get pump faked by the FAQs, i'll be wary of this stuff moving forward:

    Q. Where's the sex?!
    A. This game is a bit different from the rest as it is not solely an adult game. The story is as much part of the game as the adult part. Therefore do not expect to have the girls go crazy about you right away. With that said, there will be plenty of bed action down the line.
    The "adult part" is not as much a part of the story as the story itself, it's not even close and I would put the balance at about a 99:1 ratio.

    The story itself has seemingly been stagnant for the better part of a year and updates are infrequent.

    TL;DR: All in all, unless you're really interested in seeing what a homegrown mafia-style shonen looks like this game is a very easy pass.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The best adult game i have ever played. From graphics to gameplay everything is excellent but the best part of the game is the story and it sets apart this game from the others. Each and every character is unique and very well written specially Luna you will just fall in love with Luna. The best part of the game is unlike other game you not just go and fuck everybody in the house specially when it comes to the mafia family. You will have the build the relationship with each character which is quite real. Though this is an adult game but still you will want to oplay the story rather than the sex. I have played many games before it and many after it but man this something else. I definitely recommend this game just close your eyes and download this game. And am eagerly waiting for the next update I request the devs to please bring the next update as soon as possible because the updates off this game is slow in comparison to other games
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time I heard of this game was with the 07.2 update.....and wow, was I amazed. The best part about this game is the story. It sucked my right into the game. Honestly, it sucked me in to the point that I didn't care about any lewd scenes. I simply wanted to solve the mysteries about each character in the game.

    The contracts are also fun. For the most part, it doesn't feel like you are grinding. I also love the "text adventure" feel of it. Sometimes if I want a break from the main game, I will just go play a few contracts.

    Yes, this game is lacking in lewd scenes, but it isn't a deal breaker for me because the story is so good. As for the renders, I had no issue with them. Could it be better? Probably, but I still had no issue with them.

    I look forward to the next update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really liked this game and the story. The story has a very good start, I hope it continues good to the end too! As I saw many games with a good start but very bad ending.

    I'm eager to see new versions of this game and how the story will progress.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    The gameplay is really different from any other lewd game around having not only your usual VN story progressions through dialogue, but also some contract missions. Having a quest log really helps nailing what needs to be done in order to progress, which is nice. Story is also quite good with all the mafia setup.

    The art and lewd scenes, however, could really be improved. Animations are OK and there is certainly not enough lewd scenes at this moment.

    Besides all that, it's a bit concerning that the game has been in development for almost 3 years and has this amount of content. Games that have been in development for this long usually have much more content.

    It's certainly a nice game that's worth playing, but I'm not sure if I'll be playing it in further releases, specially if my old saves won't work.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game with an excellent story and render not for everyone focuses on story first lewd second but the lewd scenes so far are very hot. not very realistic but it doesnt have to be game has some really good humor with believe able characters.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is something special and a one of its own.
    Admittedly it is not the best wank of material on this website and if you are just skipping through everything to finally lay some hands on, it is not really worth the time. Even if the models are beautiful, in fact every single one of them, even if they are just there for a few scenes. Seriously, how should a man live in this town without having constantly blue balls? No wonder that half of them seem to be nuts ;)
    Perhaps that is even the reason why the MC tents to be a “little” Mr Hurricane so far what leads to the reason why the few sex scenes could be a little longer for my taste. Perhaps with a little more dirty talk or so to stretch them without too much effort, because the art is top nodge and esthetic.
    Perhaps the Developer/s wants to save the long and fulfilling sex scenes for the Maingirls. I pretty much hope so, because he knows how to build up tension, and especially in the Isabel story arc I am looking forward to a scene that blows our mind.
    Because the Developer/s knows exactly how to surprise his audience with emotional impact on different levels.
    I played it yesterday for the first time since April 2019 and what he did with his characters and their backstories touched me in ways I did not expect, nearly made me cry (for some pixels damn it!) and revealed how much passion is put in every single character. The dialogues are mostly well thought out, some of them a little cringe, but that may be good in its own way to loosen up the tension.
    So it is what it is and how it gets through to you depends on what you are searching. If you want a smutty little journal to wank one out (what is totally fine and alright), the DeLuca Family tale puts so far not really much effort in granting you that.
    But if you want a fable that takes you on its wings through a journey of different (long lost?) emotions, with attendants that are hard not to love and a heartbreaking finale at the horizon with sweat, blood and (probably) jizz ( ;) ) then this game is everything you could ever have asked for.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games on the site. Be warned though: it is kind of slow burn, and not a whole lot of sex scenes.

    The story is unique, definitely setting it apart from the standard games we see here, and even against the crime / mafia based games. You need to interact quite a bit with the characters to unlock scenes with them, but doing so isn't grindy and directly contributes to understanding of those women.

    I was playing along expecting a porn game, but towards the end began a side story exploring a character's traumatic childhood. I was peeved at first about how long it was taking, but by the end I was absolutely heartbroken. Changed my view of the character and the game. Coming back to the present day I just couldn't think of building a harem, of breaking any of the sister's hearts. But I had already started on the path to multiple women! Argh I don't know if I can play this as a porn game anymore haha. Too much respect for that one character now. Will take a while to recover from that, but perhaps the devs have something planned to make it easier

    The gameplay is split into Visual Novel style decisions (which are reasonably meaningful but usually one good choice, one bad choice - no choosing amongst good options) and a text based adventure style which was super fun as well. Towards the end of this update the world explodes into dozens of new characters beyond the 4 women we have been repeatedly seeing for several hours. Which should make this more fun as a porn game.

    And of course, the renders are great, and animations (though sex scenes are not many at all, as of 0.07.2) are solid as well. Would like them to be long with several options, everytime they occur.

    Really looking forward to how the devs release future updates, and all the best to them!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Gotta be honest, most of the recent poor reviews of this game have me kind of mind blown. Just about all of the content in this game is pretty exceptional. Most importantly, the humor, which is -laugh out loud- actually funny.

    Most of the issues the DeLuca Family suffers from are minor at best. Sometimes the English is not perfect, other times the Fazio family suddenly becomes the Fabio family, and many people are quick to mention the lack of lewd content. From the perspective of a porn game, I guess I can see the lack of lewd content, but all paths feel like a genuine romance. The characters are very unique and if I had to choose between them, I'm not sure I'd be able to.

    Another issue people seem quick to point out is the plot. I've seen the word convoluted used a couple of times and I don't really understand what they're referring to. If talking about the mafia contract itself, then my answer would be as the protagonist is not meant to truly understand it, neither are you, the reader. At least not in the moment. with the latest update, I think it's fair to say that there are many more lanes for conjecture. Mostly I think because this is such a serious, yet funny game, people miscontrue lack of understanding with the humor but because they didn't laugh, they are just confused, or leave poor reviews.

    The new contract system is pretty exceptional and well-written. It adds a lot of depth and time to the game which is something I really appreciate. However for people that don't like gameplay in their stories, the option to skip all of that is there in the beginning. Definitely not something I'd recommend doing, however, as I stated it adds a lot of depth and good writing to the game.

    In conclusion, the DeLuca Family is capable of making you laugh. It is capable of making you cry. By the end, I bet it will be capable of making you love. It's not going to give you a quick fap, or always take itself seriously, but there are a thousand other titles around here to do just those things.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a visual novel (98% story) with a tease of eroticism (getting to 2nd base) and slight nudity (mostly just some breast shots). This is not a Lewd game.
    This is made by someone who appears to be English is a primary language, so the reading of the scenes and dialogue make sense and flow easily.
    Good humor throughout along with an engaging story of organized crime.
    Just follow the quick walkthrough and you don't have to cheat on anything (if you don't want to) because you'll get enough equipment, money, and raised stats by doing the missions...which is another cool things about this VN, in that you have text-based missions the character to go on to increase his level/rank.
    A very enjoyable VN and if I want lewd content I'll simply go someplace else.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It started so well and mind-blowing, but I doubt that the developer is capable or willing to get this game finished in the near future.
    The story is A++, the renders are A, but the gameplay, progression and - most importanly - the LEWD section is almost not existent.
    I see a slight chance for the game to become a 5*-game, but I will remain VERY doubtful- I can't tell, whether the developer is just a greedy and milking son of a kind OR he lacks in having a real plan how his game should work/ progress. Looks like too many people are getting distracted by the sweet looks of the renders..
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing story. Not a ton of lewd content, but I don't mind. The writing and characters are so good, I lose track of time! If you are looking for a bunch of sex scenes, this isn't your game. If you play it and don't like it for that reason, don't rate it and move on.
  17. D
    2.00 star(s)


    Good game but not that great story feels quite incomplete despite it being in development for so long the update this time barely contain any new content maybe in future it will improve for though now it feels more like a demo with only tease and no real action.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's funny. It's a truly fantastic game, but it's got crazy faults.... so in spite of that... it's still a five star game and that realisation kinda gives me a headache.

    There's next to no sex in the game. That's probably an important point to raise simply because I know some people judge worth on that sort of thing. There's a whole mechanic where you can have a dream sequence of some of the characters in the game, and you can hang out with them at various points and get some heavy petting/flirting going but that's about as far as it goes. And that is no means a bad thing. I actually found some of the flirting scenes a bit... odd. the MC comes off a bit of a sex pest at times and he really doesn't have any right to be that way given the predicament he finds himself in.

    I digress however. The story is solid. It's engaging and it's a definite page turner where you're given just enough lore to lure you in without you being buried in exposition. The visuals are also sound and fresh looking so you're not just looking at the same character models you see in other games (well... apart from the MC, but when does the male lead ever get the attention of the other characters)

    There's even a mission game mechanic which is just crying out for expansion. Like an old 90s adventure game.

    All in all, a great game, certainly worth your attention.
  19. J
    1.00 star(s)


    This game is a prime example of a developer milking their patrons. The last update took 9 months to be released and it contained next to no real story progression with the main characters. What has the developer been doing for the last year? Apparently, "revamping" contracts which nobody really cared about in the first place. After this last update, I feel very sorry for the people who have been paying monthly to support this project.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    *Warning long review*


    From an objective standpoint the game is a solid 3/5, compared to other adult games on the market. However, I believe 3/5 reviews will be rare. The game has very subjective elements such as style of storytelling that are uniquely divisive.

    Simply put, like food and music, you will simply have to try it yourself to find out if it’s a one or a five for you personally. Though, I will describe what makes me love it, and what might be worth criticizing to help you decide if it’s right for you.


    TDF is an over-the-top unbelievably believable mafia story.

    If you are a fan of unbelievable, fantastical fantasy worlds, where a pre-requisite to enjoying the world is suspending disbelief, you will love TDF.
    If you prefer a down-to-earth drama, you might have a hard time enjoying it.

    The main character is held hostage by a mafia family, due to unknown family-circumstances. Despite the obvious threat to his life, he remains fairly calm, and rarely attempt to find out more about his situation.

    If you over analyze it from an overview, it feels ridiculous:

    The main character gets a knife held to his throat by Luna, gets attempted poisoned during dinner, attempted murdered during a stay at a motel, witness Luna murder several people in cold-blood in addition to other atrocities.

    Despite this he never fears Luna nor the family, and falls in love with her, Gracie and possibly Isabella.

    The family has elite soldiers on roller blades and with flails, and law-enforcement seem non-existant. Luna, a small girl you easily carry has the killing capacity of a small bomb. Gracie defuses bombs with no training. You stop assassins, with similarly no training.

    So yes, much like a Marvel movie, the world is ridiculous yet entertaining. Simply unbelievable, however the characters and their interactions are not.

    No media to me has ever better portrayed the nature of getting to know someone. What makes them amazing, what makes them human and what we have in common.

    It’s really difficult to write believable social interactions in this manner. We tend to turn them into simplified versions of reality when we portray them in media. The speed dating approach of asking questions to each other.

    However, the much more real approach of naturally interacting with someone around you, and gradually growing closer is so hard to capture.

    The characters all talk, act, behave and move in a different way. It’s not only what they say that is different, but the way they say it, and otherwise communicate their thoughts and feelings.

    F.ex: Luna has an amazingly, again border-line unbelievable back-story. (Though closer to reality than I am comfortable with). However, even if we never found out her back-story, she would be extremely memorable and loveable. Because, unlike characters that are bland until given a back-story, Luna always acts like an unique individual. The back-story simply explains some of how she came to be, it isn’t how we truly get to know her.

    We get to know her through her actions and dialogue. She teases her sister, she makes fun of her, she fights with her, yet is always there when she needs her. Always worried when something Is important to her sister, when she isn’t looking.

    She makes fun of you, occasionally threaten you, however when you treat her nicely she seems unsure how to react. When hugged she is clearly uncomfortable, yet appreciative.

    Honestly, she is so well written and rendered that it’s hard to even describe how well done it is. And the other characters aren’t far behind. Gracie always acted smart and confident, yet timid, naive and awkward. Her backstory explains that, but is neither where you learn of it, nor where she shows it.
    This depth even reaches characters such as the mother, the butler-like figure and the mc.

    The «mother» of the family shows her love for her family in interactions with the butler multiple times, while remaining calm and collected in front of them. The butler has plenty of ironic humor to him, as well as a sharp wit that carefully plans from the sidelines.

    However, even more than the characters, the interactions between them shine. The dialogue and banter feels natural. it feels like how you would truly treat people you love.

    Many writers write social interactions between friends, like its a kid show. Everyone treats eachother with utmost respect and kindness at all times. That doesn’t feel like a true friendship. Real friends banter, tease and make fun of eachother most of the time, while occasionally giving eachother honest support when it’s needed. Most importantly despite giving eachother shit, we know it’s not serious, and that we would be there for eachother when shit goes down. That’s how it’s written in the deluca family.

    Similarly flirting between the characters feel natural, with teasing and playful compliments, instead of a constant barrage of compliments and white knighting.

    Are the characters violent psychopaths that in real life should be given therapy to process their trauma, instead of remain in a society filled with violence? Yes.

    However, this is a game, and a world where people roller skate while shooting eachother. It doesn’t have to be thought of that logically, and play by reality’s rulebook.

    And most importantly, the characters and their interactions are the most loveable i’ve experienced in any media. The Story could devolve into full on sci-fi with aliens, and I would still play it as long as the characters and their interactions remain consistent.

    I love this game and can’t wait for more. If I were to add some more criticism, it would be to take more advantage of the visual medium. There is a lot of text, contra renders. Which is a shame, coz the renders are beautiful and I wish they complimented the dialogue more often. Especially with the new contracts. Render rewards are nice, but feel too much like collectables.

    I would much rather have more moments like the one with stumbling onto the mafia chick in her backyard, where renders are more naturally integrated with the mission. Especially the one where you stalk a mafia family on your territory to their base with a date is brimming with potential.

    To conclude, I love this game. I love the over-the-top silly plot. I love the characters, and I love the interactions and the world.

    However, I can understand that it won’t be for everyone. I just hope that the developer/s don’t get discouraged by those it didn’t connect with, and finish their amazing game for everyone it did connect with (including hopefully themselves).

    Can’t wait for more content now that the systems are in place. Good luck with future developments, and thanks to anyone insane enough to read this.