VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Entrepreneur [Complete Edition] [MisterMaya]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    EP. 3

    Hire only one woman to play four roles (V+A+Lucy+Paige)?
    Really poor production company...

    The above-mentioned main female characters look exactly the same, I think this is a mess.
    In my eyes, they just have different hairstyles, they are all the same model.

    The choices in the game are actually equal to none, almost only let you decide whether or not to "peek".

    The later scenes are often filled with a bunch of other people talking to each other, and the MC is often not there, you just watch the other people talking... super boring.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played: v0.2
    This review is counted on that I have not played the Christmas episode.

    This is definitely 1 of those high tier ones that exist on this site. Firstly, the renders are bright and clear. Second, the renders itself are detailed, there is effort put in and it shows. An example of this is when MC is speaking with others characters, they will do some gestures like their heads will tilt left or right. A lot of other games will sometimes just give you a flat 1 image render with the story text and you have to stare at the character which is kind of mundane.

    There is also ambient music most of the time and none when the scene is slightly more serious or negative and some sfx is also there.

    A negative point I would point out is that the story is still building itself steadily and therefore there is little to none sex or sexual scenes with the MCs. The only 1 I got was with a non major character and that was by choice. I have not replayed it with different choices other than my this first run so I might be wrong.

    Regardless, I am likely to come back to this in the future once it gets updated and hopefully the story and content by then would be much more expanded.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite having some good traits like having good graphism and attractive characters, the game is really quickly boring. The bad traits are :

    - MC and female characters really are superficial, dialogues have very little depth and are badly managed (Conversations feel like MC knows all the characters for years while he just met them)
    -Early scenario is wonky.
    -I don't feel like there is much teasing.

    Kind of a wasted potential.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to a game! I like all the LI's and it's easy enough to get them all into the MC but it's more about building a relationship then just everyone wanting to instantly jump him which is cool. Will be interested to see where the over arching story goes as there's still a lot of mystery. The game does take some game logic as you could poke some holes in things and I have a feeling that you may be able to with some of the story moving forward but not enough to throw you out of the story. The renders and animations are also top notch. Strongly recommend giving it a go.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Starting out as something of a sleeper play (I didn't necessarily expect very much), I feel that this game could really become great in the future. All the girls are attractive and right now the story is intriguing. I'd say that while I don't think it's quite in the league of some of the tippy top games on here (At least my tippy top games), it could potentially get there as the story develops. It's definitely a cut above the average AVNs on here and may end up joining in the top echelon if things continue going well. Renders are excellent and for a second language, the English is pretty good. Story might need a bit of polish, but it can get there.


    I have been very pleased with the progress this game is making and have changed my rating from 4 stars to 5 to reflect just how much the story has been polished since I left my original review. Definitely recommend checking this one out if you can.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    When I saw this game and all the great reviews, I wondered how I had overlooked this for so long. The truth is, however, the story is just kind of meh. The dev is talented and the renders are all pretty well done, and for English not being their first language, the dialogue is pretty good.

    The problem is the story. Full disclosure... I am all about the fapping but these days, I need a good story too and this just isn't one. So if you are here for the fapping, 5 stars all the way, but if you want a story too then you might want to skip this.

    I won't go into to many examples, but let's just look at the start of the game. The kid's father dies, leaves him a bar and a decent amount of savings so the kid moves back to take over the bar. So far so good... but he has to rent a place. Erm... Dad was smart enough to leave his kid money and a bar but no place to live? Plus, if he does have money, why is he looking to rent a room instead of an apartment for themselves? Of course, the only place available is a gorgeous house filled with hot women?

    Plus, all the girls were hesitant to rent it to the MC after reading his profile, but when he gets there, he is warmly welcomed with no drama. Not to mention, the interview process and the argument he used for wanting to rent a place filled with women was laughable yet the girl bought it. I smell a Gary Sue...

    In all fairness, the production is really well done and the girls are all smoking hot. The animation is really good. Seriously. The dev has a lot of skills and they have put a lot of work into this. Speaking as a failed developer, this dev seems committed, driven and talented.

    For me, with all the great VNs out there, story has become very important for me and my selection process and this story just doesn't cut it. If you are into fapping and can deal with a mediocre story, then download and enjoy... just don't expect much from the story.

    Update After Completion:
    I went back and played this after it was finished and I bumped the rating up from 3 - 4 stars, mainly because the dev finished it and that much is appreciated. The dev also went back and addressed some of the early issues and the story definitely plays a little better. Still, the story is just a bit better than meh and the relationships don't always feel right. For example, I turned down Valentina every single time and yet they still had some naked time in the final section. Not sure how that happened. I also don't like how the MC always knows the right things to say and has helped all the girls "fix"themselves or become better people. It's just a bit too sweet.

    I am being a little hard on the story because I have confidence the devs next story can be stronger and the MC a bit more well rounded and with a few flaws. A little less Gary Stu and a little more Peter Parker would be good.

    I am really looking forward to the devs newest game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game shows great potential. (EP2)
    In general the models in the game look very good and well defined. This part is by far the best part of the game. Because the writing and storybuilding can still improve.

    The story is a bit cliché, a parent died and now you are on your own. For a first story it is not as bad as you just need something to begin with, but okay it is not the most original setting to say the least.

    As for the writing, some of the interactions with the girls are very cringy and sometimes things go unnaturally fast. For example, the girl that was picked up via the street. That interaction was really cringy and it just did not make sense. Also she didnt come off as a sl*tty person. But while texting her, the best option was to send her a d*ckpic. That was just terrible to be honest and it just did not make any sense.

    But the storywriting wasnt all that bad. There were some genuine nice/wholesome moments were i actually smiled/laughed and where you could see some good romance start to develop, which i am a big fan of.

    But i can't ignore that some of the interactions really weirded me out, for now three start seems to be what it deserves in my opinion but with big improvements to the writing this game could definitely be a really succesful game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really impressive game. The story got me hooked right away, the renders look good, the models look amazing and the animations, even though they are not many, they are well made. The only negatives are some grammar mistakes here and there, but English is not your mother language so it's understandable, and also characters, like the MC, wear the same clothes every single day. Apart from those two things, I didn't find anything else bad about the game. Really great start, wish you the best of luck!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. With good renders a nd nice girls. Story is good for a porn game. A guy trying to run his father's bar. Now he is an entrepreneur in this field ofc he have enemies. Game is slowburn and has a good pace. Hoping dev will keep this pace. Overall the game is good and worth playing.

    And the stand alone non canonical Christmas special is also good. It clearly shows the improvement in Dev's rendering skills. So next main game update we will get a visual treat. Looking forward to next update :coffee:
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Ulrich von Liechtenstein

    Great game.
    Some may say that the plot is cliché, the main character is very mediocre, and the criminal entanglement in the story looks superfluous. Partly the critics would be right, but, strangely enough, all these patterns, coupled with the quality implementation do their job - passing the game drags! You don't want to skip the text, because after half an hour of the game you feel the story and empathize with the main character. But that's not the most important thing, what is really beautiful in this game is the charming characters. We have a gentleman's set:
    - A young Insta-girl who's afraid to get close to people;
    - An insecure divorced beauty who is afraid of any relationship with the opposite sex;
    - The funny and shy blonde who is struggling to get rid of her complexes and become an actress;
    - And, of course, the perennial anime cliché - a charming childhood friend who has a big fight with her parents.
    Anyway, for the sake of the stories of all these beauties, every knight should play this game :)
    Well, and of course, what I didn't like about the game (author's attention plz):
    - The encounter on the street with the first woman you meet, and the sex scene that follows looks weird. I understand that you wanted to draw attention to the game, but it seems completely unnecessary here.
    - Very strange editing of the plot, then we have day, then abruptly evening, and then day again, sometimes you don't understand why it's even done. Please look at how they did it in Summer's Gone and Babysitters - the developers made the narrative so that you feel the chronology and the game was a whole, rather than a slicing of glued scenes.
    - Weak animation in the sex scenes. But this is more of a wish, I understand that such things require a lot of work. I humbly wait for improvements.
    Thank you for reading to the end :coffee:
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it!

    Beautiful renders and each character with distinct personas.

    Setting/Story is fairly conventional but for me it's about how much I like the characters and how they're developed. I enjoyed the twists.

    Can't wait to see where this goes
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good, decent render and typical plot about a guy managing a bar, some strange men lurking in the corner, ladies with abit slutty attitude. I did say there are already enough games about these types of stories. The plot is a mixture of slow burns and quick pacing, which makes the story pretty much unrealistic. Other than the plot, ig everything is pretty good. Since, this is still the early release, I hope the developer improve the plot and try something different rather than same old typical events and storyline. The characters need personalities, emotional and actual characters bonding.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't even know where to start with this.

    The good parts, renders are nice.
    Character models are great.
    Some of the dialogue didn't give me second hand shame.
    Story has potential.

    As for the bad.

    Pretty much everything else and most of the dialogue had me wincing with second hand shame.

    MC is looking for a house, meets one of the girls living there and instantly starts talking about her divorce. Really personal questions even close friends would think twice about asking. Stuff that was absolutely none of his business and in any real life scenario would probably have seen the woman walk back out again after watching all those red flags waving.

    One of the girls is a social media influencer. She's taking photo's for her job and she asks him to give her space and he starts with the pissy attitude ... 10 minutes after telling the first girl he's mature.

    Sees a girls panties in the bathroom. She gets all shy about it, he talks about it to clear the air and repeatedly mentions the panties making the conversation quite awkward.

    Convinces them to let him live there like thus "I was studying law, partying and acting like a dick".

    Woman - "I don't think you are mature enough to live with us".

    MC - "I am, trust me" .....

    That worked ..... for reasons I cannot fathom.

    I tried to like it but everytime the MC speaks i'm wondering how no one has punched him in the mouth.

    And the absolute worst part, the friends quiz. If you are going to have people asking trivia in your game then 3 questions max or it starts to get tedious .... this shit went on for ages. About 10 questions too many.

    He also calls an exterminator and leaves them the keys to the bar.

    I can't decide if the MC starts off as a complete moron of gradually gets dumber but he is, without a shadow of a doubt, the dumbest MC i've witnessed in a game in recent memory.

    I feel like no matter how good everything else gets, how awesome the female cast is and how good the plot gets. The MC is always going to be the weak link and hold it back.
  14. 5.00 star(s)



    The game is great. It has a lot of potential. The plot, the characters, the renders and models... They're all great. I love this kind of VN's so I know which game is worth to install. So first time i see it, I knew this was a good game.

    The only bad thing is the look of MC. It seems the dev worked too much to render good women models and probably forgot the MC's look. Man he looks like Cyberpunk2077 NPC. They didn't render him properly it seems, or maybe its because i played compressed version of the game i don't know. But the girls looked pretty decent and good rendered so i don't know whats wrong with his renders. But I know one thing : He is ugly. And he acts like he is alfa or something. He is always saying that in the college, he was wild and did lots of sex. While he looks like a peasent. That is kinda annoys me.

    All in all. Its'a wonderful game. Worthwhile, not boring at all and good history with beautiful models. I quite enjoyed it.

    I will stay tuned for next updates.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Sanaa Star

    In short - Good renders, good/surprising story (several, good storylines; coherent narrations of the individual characters; good connection of the individual storylines, ...), good handling of the game, many characters, good music selection and Rick Astley!!!!

    Please keep this level (quality/originality/style/...) and your enthusiasm.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version 0.2) So far, this AVN is excellent. The english can be a tich off because the dev is French. But it is in very minor ways that don't hurt the experience. Just know that's where it's coming from. The initial setup is great. The characters have depth and their surface appearance gives way to more nuance as they are introduced. The character models are fantastic, and come off as very real/sexy without being too flashy. Storywise, there are driving motivators for the MC and other characters and a brief glimpse of enemies that will probably intersect with our MC in the next chapter. There was already a great plot twist with us wondering if we could trust one of the MC's friends. I'd recommend giving this a shot if you like the story heavier games. I'm invested in the characters, it has a great sense of humor, and I'm looking forward to the next update.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Let us start off by saying, for being just v0.2 this game has a good amount of content, with awesome a great story to back it. The LIs in the game has their own personality, and stand out from other VNs. The story I would not say is a slow burn, but you don't just get right in and seduce everyone.. Even though the Mcs dad died and the plot seems generic, trust me his death was not in vain XD.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing v0.2 and gotta say this game has a huge potential to be one of the best game out there. The renders are great and each girl is different in their own ways. One bad thing is it's going to be hard to choose one only so hopefully it'll be a harem game. Though it's only v0.2 , the storyline is good and unique so far. Keep up the good work and can't wait for more!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pro: Excellent renders and models, great story so far, dialogue is great for a porn-game, a great plan with regular, large updates.

    Con: That it is not complete yet :)

    5/5 - A very well-done start to what could become one of the future great games.