Extract everything in the zip to the "HolyKnightRicca_v(insert_version_here)\Game" folder and start up the game.
It does require internet to grab appropriate files. It only grabs files required by BepInEx as part of BepInEx. It will take a while on the first load, but after that should load like normal.
Thanks so much for this!
Got it working on Linux using Lutris and Winetricks and I wanted to share (and didn't see any posts regarding this in this thread):
1. Install funog1's patch in your game directory
2. Use "Add Game" in Lutris for Holy Knight Ricca. Ricca should work at this point, but the patch will not fire up first (so will still be censored).
3. Configure Lutris...
(adjust paths for your system, and version for your install)
(assuming knowledge to install new Wine versions, use of Lutris,etc)
Game options
Executable: /pathto/HolyKnightRicca_vXXXen/Game/HolyKnightRicca.exe
Working Directory: /pathto/HolyKnightRicca_vXXXen
Runner options
Wine version: (something very recent - lutris-ge-7.1-1-x86_64 works for me)
Left all other options default
4. Start Winetricks for the game using Lutris bottom menu, second from left.
(not sure that everything that I installed is necessary)
A. Select "Select the default wineprefix". Hit OK.
B. Select "Install a Windows DLL or component". Hit OK.
C. Select the following...
- dotnet48
- iertutil
- winhttp
- wininet
...then hit OK.
D. Keep on click on "Cancel" until Winetricks exits.
5. Run game. If you see something like this, first...
... you'll know that things are working.
Hope this helps another non-Windows user.