Unity - The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters [v1.3.8] [Mogurasoft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good, fun combat and plot! It's also pretty long and took me all 25 hours to unlock all scenes.
    H scenes are nice and detailed but mostly about raping the protagonist. But there are fun ones too!
    In the end games leaves warm feeling that everything ended good and not how in defeat scenes. Succubus sisters are love.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphics (5/5): Epic, for an eroge. The main appeal of the game.

    Sex (4/5): CG obtained on defeat, mostly. The effects like cum-on-body are beautiful . Breast jiggles, vagina open and close with every thrust. I have to score lower because of low variety, it's mostly limited to vanilla penis-in-vagina stuff and that gets a bit old.

    Writing: (2/5) Townspeople waste no time being horny from the start, and crack sex jokes. They talk about how the MC should act less like a "tomboy" if she wants to find a husband. The MC has the personnality of wet cardboard. After the town is ravaged by monsters, the MC just mostly goes on a quest for justice or whatever.

    Gameplay (3.3/5): Sidescroller with level-up skills. More interesting than your average RPGM, but still feels kind of slow and unchallenging. Still, if you got an afternoon to kill, it's not that bad.

    Overall: 4.3/5. Recommended. While the writing and gameplay leaves to be desired, the production value is INSANE and a lot better than what gets put out consistently.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best H games of all time, apparently this game took 5+ years to come out and it definitely shows. Gameplay is solid and the h scenes are great. I'm not a fan of a bunch of the H content but I can easily overlook it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Holy Knight Ricca balances high quality animated sex scenes, engaging gameplay, and a fairly interesting story in a way that makes it stand out from most h-games. Those who enjoy dark sexual themes, particularly rape and mind break, should consider this a must play.

    Although 2D sidescrollers aren't my favorite, the gameplay is polished enough to be more enjoyable than other lewd sidescrollers I've played such as Night of Revenge and SiNiSistar. The skill tree and other abilities keep combat fresh. Difficulty is adjustable and scales well enough. Some enemies and bosses can be frustrating but overall it's a fun experience. I think even without the sex, the gameplay can compete in the 2D genre but it certainly can't compete with some of the best AAA sidescrollers like Hollow Knight or Ori. Competing with games of that caliber would be too much to ask of a hentai game anyway, so I consider this level of quality more than acceptable.

    Character customization exists, and it has some depth which expands as the plot progresses. I really enjoyed being able to change Ricca's looks and outfits throughout the game. I thought the overall plot was pretty cliche, but it has enough nuance and flavorful writing to make the dialogue mostly worth reading. Some of the sex scenes are very graphically descriptive, and the crazy imagination of the devs really shines through at the best moments.

    The sex is split between defeat scenarios and other kinetic scenes. Most h-scenes are interactive in the sense that the camera angle can be changed to different presets or free look, and the opacity of the male character can be adjusted. Again, some scenes are just really impressive when the game presents this combination of animation, character customization, and perverse dialogue accented by nice sound effects/voice acting. For maximum enjoyment, I highly recommend the uncensored patch because it works perfectly to disable the mosaics and actually reveals full animation underneath.

    Overall, a rare gem in the sea of shovelware titles that often flood the h-game genre.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually one of the best hentai games @.@
    Gamplay is simple, story is fine, cursor movement in main menu is... kinda weird and even annoying.
    Though to be honest it's not about gameplay but graphics, customization, sounds, animations and textures... they are amazing!
    I highly recommend you to download high res 4K textures, so to get full satisfaction from playing this game and enjoying high quality animations.
    Though to be honest I think there are not enough of game over scenes in this game. I would love to see more of them :c

    It definitely worth trying even if you are not going to play it (but gameplay is pretty good too!).
    I never got such satisfied after my own defeat, just watching my cute character being humiliated~
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    We got through this game too, didn't we? Longer one here, make sense after all.... Still, now that we've covered it....
    Link to the Blog's Full Review here:
    [The Link]

    And now for on the brief:

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = 9.85
    ======== Story = 10
    ======== Characters = 9.5
    ================ Gameplay = 7.62
    ======== Mechanics = 9
    ======== Complexity = 8
    ======== Uniqueness = 6.5
    ======== Replayability = 7
    ================ Scenes = 9
    ======== Visual = 10
    ======== Written = 9
    ======== Interactivity = 8
    ======== Replayability = 9
    ================ Development = ----
    ================ Obtaining = 8
    ======== Price = 7
    ======== Methods = 9
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 8.61


    A high-quality, AAA-tier game, with good H-scenes, challenging and detailed Gameplay, even having a decent Story to itself (and not overly cliche, either!). Still, the game is AAA-tier in price, as well. I highly recommend checking the Demo first (being a bigger game, even the Demo itself is sizable) before considering getting the full game. Also depends if you're into that high-quality of games.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    im on stage 21. it has everything you could ask for.

    side-scroller, platforming, souls-like, with secrets and puzzles. typical of a castlevania/darksouls game.

    but has also above-average VN writing that makes the game more than just a finish-all-stages game. and yes, there's character development. Ricca will be down in the dumps at one point.

    and speaking of writing, don't skip on the h-scenes. I know a lot of us would skip h writing but this one is very well done.

    if there's one thing I would complain, its the movement and hitboxes. especially the ground. a lot of times (when enemies are plenty) I couldn't tell if I am over the edge of a terrain or not. this also includes some enemies that you can step over. but yeah I'm willing to overlook that.

    gameplay advise: 1. get the double jump asap. 2. max your ground/air attack and 3. play Ricca naked. the more she is clothed, the slower she is. someone mentioned a lower jump height if you're heavier so that's a big no no.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe Game of the year.
    Good graphic.
    Decent gameplay.
    Many scene.
    Different costumes.
    Character Customization

    They are going to release the game in language of my country, cant wait to buy this game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Man, I really hate the review interface... but I spent enough time with this game that I feel it's worth putting up with it to drop a review on it.

    First and foremost, I'll say that the review is based on the 1.2.0 version of the game, though I also played it ages ago on... 1.1.0? Something like that... I don't remember. I just remember dropping it because of certain reasons at the time.

    Now, I want to say that I really wanted to give this game 5 stars, I really did, however, it has some issues in my mind that drop its score a bit. The more correct score I'd give it is 4.5 stars, but the shitty review system doesn't allow for that sort of thing, so here we are.

    About the game in general, it's a side-scroller with hack-and-slash elements, in a sense, with just a dash of RPG and enough platforming stuff that it can be annoying for anyone who doesn't like that sort of thing. (Hint: Rush the double-jump skill ASAP) Interestingly enough, unlike many other games of this type, the focus of THIS game is the characters (specifically Ricca and those around her) and the story, though, again, most of it revolves around Ricca rather than the other way around.

    Everything in this game is designed to tell Ricca's story, and that's something you should keep in mind as you play. Certain gameplay sections make a lot more sense in how they work and where they appear when you realize that the devs were more focused on the story than gameplay convenience. More detail on that in spoilers later.

    How good the story is will vary based on your tastes. I will say that in terms of what's happening, there are quite a few clichés going on. "Archlich" is such a generic villain that they didn't even bother giving him a real name, for example. You only get hints of his story and origins and those are in many ways just more clichés. Some of the plot twists are pretty obvious from a mile away for anyone that's read/seen/experienced a lot of stories. This does lessen the impact a bit at times... It's hard to be impressed with Succubus Miria's timely return when you knew it was coming several chapters ago. Same with Ricca's last moment powerup in the final battle against Archlich. I will give them points for making it clear that absolutely No One liked Archlich, not even his underlings, further driving the contrast between him and Ricca.

    What caries the game past these cliches is Ricca herself. I suspect most people won't be able to stop themselves from rooting for her and hoping that she manages to overcome the latest hurdle that she ran into. The fact that the story is a cliché matters less than the fact that Ricca is the one going through them. Ricca is not a typical hentai heroine either and that helps. She's not even a heroine at all for most of the story. It's only in the latter chapters that she truly accepts the power given to her etc. She stumbles, she falls, and while at times I groaned at some of the dumb shit she did, I also accepted that it was consistent with her character, as well as with what she starts off in general, a normal girl from a medieval-ish society that is thrust in a horrible situation for no fault of her own. Even though Archlich does try some victim blaming at the end.

    Moving on.

    The gameplay.

    The gameplays is solid, but nothing really special for this game-type. I do give them props for the way they implemented abilities, which more games could do, and the skill-tree is fairly decent... but it's also not that special. The one thing that does stand out, and which the game does a poor job of fully explaining, is the way the gear Ricca has in her knight form affects things. Ricca has a weight stat. The more weight she has, the slower she runs, but also, the lower her maximum jump height. Needless to say, this can affect the platforming sections a lot, making timing for jumps a lot tighter. Weight over a certain amount even makes it impossible to get to at least one location in a certain chapter. Well, unless you're REALLY good, but I'm not sure if it'd work even then...

    However, what the game doesn't explicitly tell you and you have to notice yourself, is the fact that Ricca's weight is also affected by her proportions. Basically, the more "thicc" she is, the more she weighs. Put on those huge boobs and thicc thigs, and see how her weight increases. Reduce her to absolute loli-form, and see how her weight jumps down drastically.

    Yet, weight doesn't just affect her speed and jump height. More weights also means higher physical resistance, even without armor (and more resistances in general) and more importantly, higher stagger and knock-back resistance. When Ricca is heavier, she's harder to stagger, recovers easier, is harder to knock-back and doesn't fly as far out (with some exceptions when dealing with some massive enemies).

    In every way that matters, more weight is generally better for combat if you want to be able to tank your way through damage and want to have more room for errors. However, that is balanced out by the fact that the places where you need that the most are bosses, which are at the end of the stage... This means that having too much weight may make it difficult to reach those bosses in the first place. Then the game throws in another curve-ball at you in the form of instant-kill attacks on some bosses, along with grapple attacks that you want to avoid rather than tank... which means you need to think about Ricca's proportions and gear choices a lot, because it WILL affect how you can play the game.

    That's a shame because the game has a LOT of costumization going on. There's bunches of outfit parts and weapons, and plenty of sliders to play with to affect Ricca's looks in a lot of ways. I wish there were more hair-styles though, particularly ones that fully exposed the ears... but whatever. The point is that while all these options exist, because they're not just cosmetic (even earrings add a tiny bit of weight...) means that you can't actually run around with Ricca looking however you want, not unless you're either playing on Casual, or unless you're so good at the game and so adaptable that the impact on play-style doesn't matter.

    Furthermore, you won't know in advance what a stage will have in it for the most part, so you might end up going in with a heavy build, only to find out that it makes it too hard to move around. Or you may go in with a very light build, only to find out that Ricca will be knocked around too easily. The end result can be very frustrating if you don't know about the weight thing in advance, especially if you're on some of the longer stages.

    Now. The H. The Smut. The reason why we often play these games to begin with.

    The first thing you need to understand about this game's smut is that much like everything else, it bows to Ricca's journey... and Ricca's journey is a dark one. There are multiple unavoidable rape scenes, and every other scene can only be obtained from Ricca reaching zero HP under certain circumstances or certain areas or against certain opponents. There is only ONE semi-consensual scene... and even that one is... iffy, shall we say. Claret, I love you, but you're still a total stalker-ish weirdo with impulse issues...

    There are also plenty of dark elements to the H, with implied snuff and maiming and whatnot, though there isn't any explicit gore IN the scenes themselves. Outside of the mandatory ones, every scene essentially implies death, slavery, insanity and other such lovely things for our unlucky heroine as the price of failure. Though there's only one scene where Ricca explicitly dies at the end that I can think of, and that one featured drowning rather than any hard death.

    If these sorts of themes are off-putting, and if rape is something you don't enjoy in any way in a fictional medium.... STEER AWAY FROM THIS GAME!

    No. Seriously. If you have IRL rape related trauma, then I definitely recommend not touching this game with a ten-foot cattle-prod. Ricca's reactions are a lot more realistic than what hentai games usually go with. Her suffering actual trauma from being raped is a significant part of her journey. If you can't detach yourself from those things, this game will not be good for your mental health.

    If you do enjoy these sort of themes though, then man, this game is a total TREAT with the sheer variety of situations they get Ricca in. There's plenty to enjoy, and it's not really that hard to get any of the scenes either. The game is VERY generous with the continues after all. Furthermore, for most scenes, the gallery allows you to load in whatever appearance you want from your saved list of appearances, which in turn allows you to see them with configurations that the gameplay doesn't allow. It's entirely worth the effort to unlock all the outfit items just for all the variety you can have at your finger-tips.

    The 3d models are also pretty good, at least in my personal opinion. Obviously, mileage WILL vary there a lot. However, as someone who normally doesn't like games with 3d models, I will say that this game hit the sweet spot pretty damn well, and gives you a lot of options for the scenes... even if the bigger boob versions of Ricca can look a bit awkward in some of the scenes due to clipping. Obviously, extremes can cause problems.


    All in all, very good game. As I said, I consider it 4.5 out of 5. It's only the way it handles some gameplay elements, and the overuse of certain clichés that drops its score for me from a perfect five. Seriously, introducing a friggin' flight mechanic so late in the game is NOT ok dude...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game does sex scenes better than almost any other game on the entire website. They feel consequential, and they're so varied and cover a variety of situations and fetishes. Oh, and also, they're hot as hell.

    While the gameplay of Holy Knight Ricca isn't going to blow your mind, it's simple and enjoyable enough to help pace its girthy, fantastic sex scenes.

    I really don't think there's anything I'd change about this game if I could, maybe a few more scenes with Iris, but that's just my personal taste.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is definitely the embodiment of "came for the "plot", stayed for the plot" phrase. Clearly a passion project and very well made at that. Here's a short breakdown:

    1. H content
    The game is divided into stages with each stage having from 1 to 3 H scenes of two kinds - either a fairly long VN style cutscene(which are well written and represents your customization) or an interactive session. The animations and VA are top notch, the kinks and situations are plentiful and the writing sells them masterfully. If H content is all you want out of this game then you wont be disappointed.

    TLDR: there is a lot of high quality porn here

    2. Gameplay
    This is a side-scroller/action/platformer with a surprisingly deep skill and character customization. About 80% of the time you will be going thru stages killing trash mobs with occasional mini-bosses thrown in as well as encountering various traps and hidden paths that will provide you with secret abilities and big money rewards. The remaining 20% are reserved for boss fights and unique gameplay scenarios(which i wont spoil) that are well spaced throughout the entire campaign and keep the game from getting stale. The boss fights themselves are very well made and challenging(albeit too spongy on the highest difficulty) and serve as a serious skill check each time you do them. All in all, not ideal but nonetheless very competent gameplay.

    TLDR: gameplay is fun, challenging and rewarding.

    3. Story
    Probably my favourite part of the whole package. While not exactly original or groundbreaking, the story still manages to grab your attention due to its elaborate writing and the MC herself that grows on you with each chapter. Its important to note that THIS ISNT A HAPPY STORY -
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    but a fairly long and compelling one nonetheless. Some story twists will affect the gameplay directly as well which once again helps keeping the experience fresh. By the end of the journey i was feeling strangely at peace and satisfied which is saying a lot when it comes to "just a porn game".

    TLDR: it's nothing crazy but it will grow on you and the ending wont leave you dissatisfied.

    4. Graphics/Sound
    Game looks good, plays good(very responsive controls and good combat animations), sounds good(hats off to the music writer in particular), runs smoothly and doesnt have any game-breaking or even noticeable bugs.

    If you're looking for an H game thats also an actual game with mechanics, deep character customization and compelling story, look no further. If you're just here to wank, well, this will still deliver en masse. If you're none of the above, give this game a try anyway - its a product of passion and its got a lot to offer.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Before anything else, understand that this is a game with sexual themes rather than a game about sex; it won't provide a quick nut, but it may provide a satisfying one depending on your preferences.

    Holy Knight Ricca (HKR) is a pretty complete game, and consists of three major components: The Game, the Story, and the Sex.

    The Game

    Everything that follows uses my experience playing the game on Normal difficulty.
    HKR is a sidescrolling hack-n-slash with some RPG elements thrown in. When I first started playing, I was immediately concerned with how slow my character's jump squat was, and how bad it felt to move around and interact with the world (read: whack slimes). It turns out that this is an intentional choice that I believe is meant to emphasize the difference in the main character's power before and after the titular transformation. Movement in the game proper is mostly good. Controls are very reactive and precise, and it's fairly easy to traverse the world while engaging or avoiding encounters as you wish with some practice. That being said, there are several segments involving fairly precise platforming that shows some warts with the control scheme. Using a keyboard for everything, I had quite a bit of trouble making small adjustments before/after a jump. There is some aerial drift, but I wasn't able to figure out how much by the end of the game. Not that it really mattered much because most platforming boils down to "hold forward and jump at the right time", with the challenge being whether you predicted or reacted to the enemy spawning from offscreen only after you were airborne. Aerial knockback is pretty insane, and a fair amount of my deaths were the result of this sort of design over a bottomless pit or pool of lava.
    As for the combat itself, it's fairly satisfying if rather shallow. You have light and heavy attacks, combos you can unlock from the skill tree (the "RPG" part of the game), a guard which can also serve as a parry with proper timing, and special moves tied to a resource you unlock by exploring the levels more thoroughly. You are also able to change your gear freely between levels (after buying it of course) which affects how much damage you do, how fast you attack and move, how effective your guard is, and how much damage you take from various sources. In practice this means it is fairly painless to switch between mighty glacier builds and glass cannon builds. I finished the entire game and the bonus epilogues using a speedy build that relies on parrying to stay safe, so any observations that follow are made from this perspective.
    Combat vs most enemies plays out pretty similar.
    • If it's an enemy you can kill by spamming attack, do so until it's dead--mix in some heavies or aerial attacks if you're bored. This is most enemies.
    • If it's not, look at its health bar and use the corresponding elemental special before you start your spamming. This is most bosses.
    Every enemy in the HKR will stagger after taking enough hits, but the amount varies wildly depending on whether you're fighting a goblin or a dragon. It was always either reliable enough that there was no reason to stop spamming, or unreliable enough to not be worth going for at all. The only bit of variety I found with the overworld enemies was using the magic sword projectile--the first special you unlock. It usually stuns on hit, which makes for very reliable approaches to some more dangerous enemies.

    Bosses are fairly varied in theme but all fall under the typical fantasy adventure umbrella. They're also all rather samey in execution. The first couple bosses are of the "hit it until it dies" variety. The Succubus is the first boss faced that involves a more give-and-take style of fighting (read: attack, parry, repeat), which is then used in one form or another for the rest of the encounters. There are a few exceptions that add something different to spice things up, but effectiveness varies. Personally, I thought the Reaper's gimmick worked the best and the Final Boss's the worst, but YMMV.

    Finally, the platforming is decent at best. As mentioned before, it's mostly easy with a couple of curveballs thrown in that are equal parts bullshit and reliant on surprise. And as far as replay value goes, once you've died in every way necessary to view all the scenes (which doesn't have much to do with gameplay but whatever) and collected all the silver crystals and holy swords, there's no intrinsic reason to go back, so replay value is fairly low.

    The Story

    Details will be light to avoid spoilers, although there are not many surprises to be had IMO.
    It's pretty standard "Evil Guy vs Holy Knight (singular)" fare with adult themes thrown in. First thing to mention is despite the scope of the conflict, the world feels very small. We visit a couple of villages and a city, with some wilds in-between. There is mention of another city. There are generic guards to be found in several places. There is no government or military mentioned, despite the threat being of the "once in an era" kind.
    Others have described the story as "Cliche but done well". It's certainly cliche, but whether it's well-executed will come down to personal preference. I do not think it succeeded.
    The characters are a mixed bag. Some I'm meant to like, some I'm meant to hate, but I can't say I felt much towards anyone involved. Without spoiling too much, I can say that interesting plot threads are either tied up cheaply or forgotten altogether, and redemptions tend to be undeserved, or at least unearned.
    The standout of the story is how the writing handles some of the more mature themes. I'll talk about it more in the Sex section, but the plot threads involving trauma in particular are surprisingly well-handled (before their weak conclusions). In particular it's very easy to empathize with the main character through all her trials and tribulations, and this empathy is the driving force behind most of the intrigue the story has.

    The Sex

    Some spoilers, naturally.
    First, HKR is about rape. There is no consensual sex to be had, and to my recollection only one scene falls into the "starts as rape, ends consensual" category that eroge enjoys so much.
    Second, Ricca will be raped. It is unavoidable and plot relevant. There are about half a dozen mandatory scenes, and minus one they are all varying degrees of rape.
    Third, optional scenes follow the standard eroge format: lose to this monster in this circumstance and get a scene. All scenes are therefore "non-canon", but are also game over states; progression requires avoiding the optional scenes, which is both thematically appropriate and annoying as ever for a porn game.
    The quality of every scene is top-notch. 3D rendering models and animation rigs with a lot of camera freedom, sequence playback, and customization. There is no player interaction during the scenes.
    The subject matter ranges from mild to brutal rape, bestiality of various kinds, ryona, monster birth, some snuff (implied or otherwise), body modification, parasites, prostitution, mind break, sexual slavery, petrification, and lots of tentacles. The mandatory scenes include rape across the spectrum, body modification, prostitution, tentacles, and masturbation.
    As mentioned in the Story section, how Ricca deals with her trauma from the mandatory scenes makes up the most interesting part of the narrative. Her feelings are both realistic and incredibly sympathetic. Personally, I felt she came off as kind of an idiot in general, but never once did I feel this way whenever her trauma came up. That being said, as mentioned previously, I do feel this thread was wrapped up both quickly and to a not-very-satisfying degree. There are also other characters who go through similar trials that do not get the same amount of nuance or introspection.

    Time: About 13 hours for everything on Normal difficulty
    Worth Playing: Yes
    Fappability: Low
    Extras: Uncensor Mod, Highres Mod, lots of customization with some body sliders
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly addictive and satisfying gameplay, to the point where I found myself skipping the H-scenes to jump back into the melee.

    The visuals are stunning, and even at max settings are not too taxing on the pc with great results.

    H-scenes are great, with enough variety to cater to several crowds.

    The only issue I can see from the game is the control scheme. Keyboard users will be hard pressed to sort anything out, and the combo/special system is not the most intuitive. However, even with that, you can hack and slash button mash through the majority of the game with relative ease.

    All in all, a great game!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Here we go, after spending several hours playing it it's time to review it...
    So, first of all, as an hentai game it's amazing, nice animations, nice graphics, tons of fetishes, that's VERY good.
    But as a platformer it's barely functional. It's pleasant at the begining, but after a while, enemies get spammed all around, with some of them you can't really avoid ! You end up like a flipper ball, bouncing across the screen or thrown off of platforms.
    Also some bosses are just ridiculous. The Death Incarnation has TOO MUCH life points and is just slow and boring. And the Village Guardian is stupidly hard, with some attacks that take half the screen, stun you and kill you in a matter of seconds !

    TLDR, Pros :
    • Very good graphics
    • Amazing animations
    • Tons of fetishes served
    • Some very smart and interesting gameplay mechanics (loved the mining cart sequence)
    • Some endearing characters
    Cons :
    • Strange control schemes and combos (I have to release direction to perform a combo, REALLY ?!)
    • No comprehensive combo list (or I could not find it)
    • Sometimes releasing direction makes you turn around...
    • Knockbacks are too violent, meaning you get bumped across the screen
    • Enemies spam some attacks and are just annoying
    • Projectils from outside the screen keep hitting you with no warning
    • HUGE delay on attacks when holding a direction (and you will do that A LOT), longer than the time it takes an enemy to reach you from outside the screen (see the problem here ?)
    • Same monsters repeated over and over again with no coherence whatsoever, I ended up avoiding them...
    • Stupidly hard and boring bosses
    • Generic story
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    - The plot is generic so far, other reviews say it gets better so I won't minus any points
    = The game is heavily based around rape with a hard R, avoid if this isn't your thing
    + The real time side scrolling combat is decent
    ++ Character customization is great, but you have to give up skill points for costumes which never feels good
    +++ The scenes are crazy hot, buckets have been filled and I'm not even a third of the way through the game. I rarely review a game so highly without finishing it, but there's been so many good wanks I've made an exception here
    Likes: ZanyD
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Was not really expecting a high quality H game here.

    1. The game definitly worthy being put to my list of H games that shouldnt be H games, second to Fall in Labyrinth
    2. A lot of the map, enemies and gameplay elements somehow reminds me of Bloodstained Ritual of The Night (edited) it has potential to be a good metroidvania XD
    3. Character writings and the story is very good. A simple plot but executed very efficiently, great af.
    H part is as said as other reviews, its too niche with very extreme fetishes and ryona. Also a bit tedious to watch, they make it too long in the dialogue
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The great adult game !
    An exceptional achievement, where the protagonist can be costumed in the delight of detail. An exceptional story and action that you get attached to as you advance in the game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the most messed up game most people probably should never play. Although I liked many of the scenes, there were more I didn't enjoy as they cater to niche and extreme fetishes, and a lot of them were legitimately hard to watch to the point it felt like a psychological horror game at times, with many of scenes being much more haunting than you'd expect from just looking at the store page or the OP. There should arguably be a graphic violence or death tag.

    Like all lewd games, the actual gameplay is understandably pretty mid, though it's still the best of any I've tried and had it's fun moments. Just play it on easy mode. However as a story about overcoming extreme trauma and using that grief to better the world I think this one was 5/5 for me. Plus you get to go Goblin Slayer on some rapists along the way, in a world that feels inspired by Berserk.

    I think it's a shame some people who left negative reviews said they couldn't finish the game, but it's totally understandable. I don't think one should write it off as a game only intent on entertaining those who enjoy seeing fictional violence against women, because I sure don't and I'm just a kinky sub that enjoys rape roleplay with a trusted person. The story has themes of the cycles of inequality and violence faced by everyone, both by monsters and humans, and many more men die in it than women do. It's a indifferent world absent of a benevolent god just like our own where the good will of some people is all that can shine through. (There is one "god" in the game, but it's implied she is just one heavenly entity with limited powers.) The bleakness of the story made it feel all the more authentic and engaging to me than your average adventure game in a romantic world with a story that's just about good guys against bad guys.

    I'm not saying it's some transcendental experience, and I don't know if I'd recommend it to anyone, but I really enjoyed and appreciated it as a whole. I do not think you will ever find another lewd game that handles sexual violence with this type of nuance in it's story. Most games about rape don't even have happy endings or moments of relief and are just endless trauma with no healing, some even seeming to glorify the act. The dark story, amazing soundtrack, and memorable characters made that happy ending hit harder and feel more authentic than most I've experienced.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing, even though... not for what you will expect.

    The best part about the game is the story - I will not use spoilers here, but... at times the events in the story can be very gruesome and very depressing. And no, I am not talking about the normal game-over scenes which exist only because this is a porn game, I am talking about the scenes from the story which cannot be avoided. The mental trauma that this causes for the main character makes you feel sorry for her, not to mention that her fairy friend is not aware of what she has been through for the first one third of the game and so acts dismissive and sometimes rude. Through the story there is a lot of character development from the main character by overcoming all of these challenges. Even after the final boss fight, she needed psychological help from her mage friend. There is only one ending - a good one so it doesn't matter how many times you reach a game over screen. This is why I chose to play the game normally instead of losing on purpose to see porn because it breaks the immersion.

    In terms of gameplay, if you like platformers with combat you will like this game too. There is a full skill tree for you to unlock step by step by collecting red crystals from killed enemies. However, I strongly recommend you to change the default controls into , let's say WASD to move, J to attack, K to jump, L for magic, I for blocking. Not all of the skills can be purchased however, some skills, more specifically the most powerful skills needed for the difficult battles, are locked, to unlock them you need to collect shining swords hidden in the levels, which encourages you to actively search every corner of the map for them instead of rushing to the exit of the level.

    While fighting in the levels there will often be dialogue between the main character and her fairy friend, but you are busy mashing the attack button so you can't pay attention too much, this is a little annoying.

    There is detailed character customization available, but I didn't really bother with it at all, for those who want to change her appearance, you will be disappointed to see that the same red crystals used for buying skills are used for buying clothing, which is kinda dumb, they should be unlockables for completing the levels in my opinion.

    The game is fully translated into English, even though the voices are in Japanese, but let's be honest, if you are reading this review, this does not bother you at all.

    It took me 3 sittings to beat the game, I wasn't expecting so much length or so much effort put into it, the developers did a great job.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ High quality Visuals
    ✅ Gameplay is fairly fun side view metroidvania’ish
    ✅ Plenty of outfits and all affect scenes (and your combat stats as well)
    ✅ Main character can be customized from get go (body, face looks etc..)
    ✅ Fair weapon selection
    ✅ Plenty of skills to unlock including useful passives
    ✅ Hentai scenes are long to keep you busy for a while
    ✅ Scenes are high quality & variety of fetishes
    ✅ Superb voice acting
    ✅ Story is fairly straightforward and enjoyable
    ✅ Enjoyable character stereotypes & proper character growth/development
    ✅ Lot of scenes are game over specific BUT if you finish a level without losing you can still unlock the scene in level selection
    ✅ Played on normal difficulty, was challenging on occasion, but in general fair difficulty
    ✅ Lewd crest development was NOICE
    ✅ Game actually tells you when you can unlock a H scene
    ❔ Story is rather grim though
    ❔ Voice acting is too good for hentai genres that this game presents...
    ❔ I think her intimate body parts progressively changed as well the more she went through
    ❌ Last levels optimization was kinda shit (on my end at least)
    ❌ Because main H tags are fairly violent then superb voice acting left me very bad aftertaste... (strong focus on rape, brutality, ryona)
    ❌ Played on normal difficulty, was challenging on occasion, but in general fair difficulty
    ❌ Some rather niche mechanic boss fights (grim reaper was most obnoxious for me)
    ❌ Sadly most scenes are forced thus you get lot of painful and breakage type of voice acting / dialogues
    ❌ Last few levels are also quite clusterfuck and feels like they started rushing game to the finish
    ❌ Like any this type of metroidvania’ish game. At certain threshold it becomes very repetitive
    ❌ Ey where is x-ray vision
    ❌ Don’t remember seeing much of H stat screens
    Okay for starters. FMC Is fairly kiddish, I plumped her up in customization. Made her similar to her older sister but a bit less developed variant. Vanilla was too loli for my taste.

    2nd, this game is probably the best voice acting quality I’ve heard in a long time in hentai games, BUT it’s double edged sword. Since this game is heavily focused on forced sex, ryona (sexual brutality) and all sorts of other forced genres… then it leaves extremely bad aftertaste. (if you don’t like forced tags) If game has proper character, development in a way you grow into character…. Then this type of tags are simply not nice… Tried to ignore that part, but yeah…. I felt bad for her and I felt bad in general, could still enjoy scenes, just left much stronger bad aftertaste. Not really my cup of tea. If it comes to forced genres, NTR or cheating then make it simple premise, with set characters and hot scenes… but don’t make me grow into character then I’ll be furious.

    Now moving on. What I love about H scenes, not only they are extremely high quality scene players, long but also all the outfits had outfit damage and also states. Another great H feature was that game actually gives you a little info bubble when you can unlock a scene and ON TOP OF THAT you don’t actually have to lose. You can legit finish the level and then in the level selection menu unlock the scene afterwards. So no save scumming for scenes

    As for game itself. It’s a sidescroller combat platformer or metroidvania’ish game basically. (simply linear version). You have large skill tree with various abilities to unlock & various passives. You have plenty of weapon types to play around with as well. For most part it’s fairly easy combat, but it can be challenging on some maps depending on your placement & weapon. Combat during platforming is nightmare as always. There were some bosses that had extremely niche functionality on how you can damage/beat them, that was something that annoyed me occasionally… It took me too many times to beat death reaper, simply because how he could be damaged was obnoxious to achieve.

    Story & Characters are fairly good. Main story is enjoyable and has some entertaining plot twists and maybe even references. Main character duo/sisters had great development and growth as well. Also the loli side-kick that shows up later in the game was pure bliss as character and scenes.
    Top notch visuals and voice acting. But optimization felt bad at later stages… (maybe because I played with higher texture quality mod & uncensored , who knows. But basically, the last gothic map lag the hell out, rest ran just fine in capped fps)

    I probably have forgotten few things to mention, but ANYHOW as whole. It’s one of the highest quality 3D hentai Games I have played. But I do not recommend this for those who can’t deal with forced sex tags and brutality…. Hell.. I personally hate those tags, so digesting this was not easy. That alone lowers score 1-2 point wise as whole...
    Total Score: 8/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished