Unity - The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters [v1.3.8] [Mogurasoft]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on version 1.13, played on normal and hard mode. This review will only touch the gameplay & controls since most other people already talked about other parts and I agreed with them on that front, but not on gameplay.

    First off, attacking feels quite good. Light attacks, heavy attacks, special attacks, aerials, combos, standard stuff. One mechanic in particular is quite interesting - you can throw enemies to another and it's quite satisfying to pull off, although it feels a bit hit and miss sometimes. Gurading also feels quite good, with normal guards and perfect guards.

    Unfortunately everything kinda falls apart from here. Jumping is floaty, even worse when you realize that this game accounts for clothing weight as well. So you can't exactly put the outfits you like without watching this weight meter. If you choice of outfits are weighty, then your movement would feel more sluggish - personally I think this is a bad idea. You also can't guard until you descent onto the ground, so no jump guard. No evade, no dash, no roll, and you can't cancel attacks to guards too, which makes this feel like a 2D Dark Souls game expecting you to play it more like Devil May Cry. Perfect guard timing is also one of the tightest parry/guard timing I've felt in a game. It's even tighter than something like Sekiro, which personally I think is somewhat absurd.

    The other thing is the bosses. Most bosses are easily exploitable in normal mode. In hard mode, it's somewhat similar except now you have to at least learn how to perfect guard and you dish out less damage while enemies dish out more damage, as well as enemies being less susceptible to stagger. Not too bad until you realize that not only bosses can attack you mid combo no matter how quick your combo is, you can't even guard in the middle of an attack. Hard mode bosses devolve down to a perfect guard stagger-fest, which I feel is against the combo-esque gameplay in the first place, and makes the gameplay quite boring as a result. Never mind about the BS I've just spewed about hard mode being hard. Ice wrecks almost everything. I just got it tested on true final boss and here is the result - Caution : Maybe spoiler.

    Well, until the true end boss (not the final main story boss) that is. Other bosses are really difficult on hard but it's just about doable. I gave up on hard mode for this one specifically since the devs decided that this particular boss should be almost impossible to stagger, attacks without any telegraphing, and almost impossible to combo (it'll just attcack you mid-combo, and you can't guard until attack animation is over). I feel like you can probably beat this one by simply perfect guard -> counter -> repeat but that's one of the worst way to finish a boss in any game, so I didn't bother trying this.

    I wish there's a difficulty between normal and hard, giving and taking normal damage but hard enemy aggresison, patterns and more emphasis on perfect guard. I also wish this game at least maps light and heavy attack on separate buttons, as is sword throw and other special attacks separated as well, with special attacks activated on press + directional buttons instead of on hold. As of now it feels like the controls are made with SNES controllers in mind, only utilizing movement + 4 buttons for gameplay, and it wouldn't hurt to utilize more buttons.

    All in all, not a bad game. With more polish and tightened up controls I feel like this game could be more just an H-game with gameplay.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 544897

    This is a pretty heavy game, with no mercy to the players emotion.

    The early rape scene with the goblins made me quit the game twice before i made the decisions to play it through, no matter the violence or discomfort. I never skip anything, i want to see all the content available.

    This game is probably even better than the ones from miconisomi which where the first unity games that suprised me by their quality, but what makes this one outstanding is the depth and authenticity of the main character.

    I am curious, how the trend to high quality porn games will evolve. So even with the bestiality, i didn´t like, an inspiring adventure that touched me emotionally. The only handicap, you need good hardware to enjoy every aspects of it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I never expected a hentai game to be so emotional.
    Story: While the driving plot of the game is pretty basic (literally dark lord wants to rule the world), The main character goes through so much through the entire game that its hard not to feel for the poor girl. That being said, it's not entirely grim and misery, as you watch the MC, beaten and bruised, get back up again. That being said thats pretty much all I can think of for the story. The H scenes are a good, but its mostly ryona, yeah the beaten and bruised part wasnt a metaphor. You get them after getting defeated which I'm fine with though it can get annoying since you sometimes have to be defeated in a certain way. More of the more graphic stuff like scars and bruises can be turned off but it's still there in the voice acting.

    Gameplay: The game is surprisingly competent hack-and-slash platformer, from decent, directional-based combo mechanics, to special attacks and even different movesets for different weapons. I've played non-H games with worse gameplay than this. Though it can feel clunky at times, theres a bit of depth with the attacks you can do, juggling a bunch of enemies at the same time can be very satisfying. Your fully-customisable armor and clothing can even break during battle, which follows you into the H scenes should you fall to certain enemies.

    Animation: Definitely one of the better 3D animations out there, though dont expect the animation to look as good during the cutscenes. All the effort is put into the H scenes and it definitely shows, it's hot. But the ryona stuff can get very graphic, with our character getting beaten, strangled, straight up impaled with a sword, all in full animated HD 3D baby. It's definitely not for the faint of heart.

    tl;dr: If you come in with low expectations, this game is a blast. You can have fun with it even without the H scenes. Those H scenes are good, but it's very ryona so be warned.

    5/5 One of the better hentai games out there.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    2D platformer hack and slash with 3D models for everything which heavily relies on plot.

    As a platformer and hack and slash its....okay. Dont expect from it something of a level of....Mario???(Im not an big fan/expert/player of platformers) or Sick Smoking Style of Devil May Cry or similar slashers.

    Graphichs are very good, animations are smooth, lighting, shadows, etc. Cant say more on it since...well its good. Also included boobs jiggle physique, yay!!

    It also have some, again pretty generic, upgrade system. Weak attack, strong attack, double jump, etc. Nothing special.
    More interesting is a clothing system. And also it provide a way to change size of a boobs (and how hard they should jiggle), ass and other body parts. Not to an extreme degree but still. And also recoloring of everything mentioned above, including skin, hair, weapon, etc.
    Instead of being purely decorative it also provides you with armor benefits.
    So character cant run around completely naked, without being susceptible to even weakest enemies. Further in the game it would possible to maximize defense while being relatively naked, but its more of a end game stuff.
    Also, the more heavy items character would wear (each item have weight) the slower he would move. Its not too subtle, but still noticeable.

    As I mentioned its plot heavy game. But plot is pretty generic. If I say that it begins as "girl finds a MiStErIoUs magical shit and brings it to her village, after which village got invaded by forces of evil" Im pretty sure you figure out what plot is and would know what happens next for the duration of a whole game. Again, nothing too special.
    But it plot heavy so it relies on cutscenes, which are pretty long, if you want to read all stuff that goings on there it would take good chunk of a total game time.

    Also about duration, its relatively long. It have 20 levels, each takes around 20 minutes to beat. But my first playthrough takes around 10 hours, with all deaths and reading of all cutscenes shit, so I would know what I should do. Its possible to skip all cutscenes completely, there are a dedicated option for this, which I recommend to use if you not interested in story.

    It fully translated to english in text part but most cutscenes have japanees voices. That mean if you not a fan of squeaky YAMETE KUDASAI voices, turn off voice lines in options.

    Pornographic content opens up or after losing to certain enemies on certain levels or after beating a level and clicking on "there are a porn scene on this level" line after you beat it. No more grinding for a fuck...unlike a real life.
    Its is a real time 3D scene with some text before/on it. This mean you can move/rotate camera anywhere you want and however you want while its going...Yes, Im watching on you Subverse....
    Not only that, but it also takes into account all character customization (items, color, size of a boobs, etc). Pure and innocent knight of light? Japanees schoolgirl? SUCCubus? Something with visually unsuitable gear to max all stats? Whatever monstrocity you would make game will show how it would be raped in HD. This include tear/broken clothes/armor.

    As for quality of an animations its high, but it drops slightly from scene to scene. Like in one scene shows fully animated penetration, with all important physics/bits how dick spread vaginal lips, but in next same dick moves in and out of vagina like there are no collision/friction at all. Yes it pretty small, but it all critique I cant say to it about quality.

    From the quantity its....mixed. Most of the time its rape/gangbang by orcs/goblins which is.....meh???? Seen that thousand of times already, gimme something new...Pregnancy from goblin/orc??? Wow, what a novel concept...
    No, there are 2 IIRC scenes with tentacles and stuff (I mean, it japanees game, how it could not have a tentacles??), and at least one...disturbing I guess scene which explicitly shows death of a heroine, but without any guro (drowning). But at least half of it is a orc/goblins.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4429436

    Sex scenes and gameplay are alright, though aspects of the game design and combat are just plain retarded. Cancerous platforming sections that spawn enemies that attack you as you climb chains and can't fight back. And boss fights that you can't win for moronic plot reasons.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, i downloaded it for h content but stayed for gameplay and story, which is kinda funny to me.Even though i like game for these aspects and they are damn great, h-content is like 90% rape, and not just some more mild rape, it's ryona all the way through, so if that is not your cup of tea i'm quite sure that if you won't like gameplay or story you will be disappointed, but if you do i'm sure you will like it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version: 1.10

    It's rare to pity the main character of an adventure story, but this poor girl gets let down so often while standing brave in the face of it all that my heart breaks for her. Some of those who fail her are redeemed, but even after conquering the antagonist she cannot rest, either due to the personal demons she 'earns' in her journey or by those around her. I've never been so reluctant to view H scenes as in this game.

    Gameplay-wise, it's pretty fun but not overly difficult, albeit with a few difficulty spikes on certain bosses. On normal difficulty I rarely needed to spend mana on anything. Controls are pretty tight but there is no option to bind mouse buttons to actions like a normal game allows. Level design is well done.

    Some default settings should be changed before playing--primarily 'Automatic mouse movement'. Consider disabling auto text advance as well.

    Almost all H scenes can be unlocked after clearing a stage in the Scene Select menu, by clicking on the heart symbol next to ?????????????? (if not previously unlocked.) These can also be unlocked within a stage by suffering defeat from certain enemies, occasionally in certain ways--usually by being grappled and running out of health. H scenes could use better scene advance controls for one-handed viewing.

    One flaw is that combat tips disappear too quickly to read when they pop up. There are abbreviated descriptions for special attacks in the pause menu, but the only way to see the full description aside from tips is by viewing the skill tree, which must be done in scene select mode. There aren't too many actions that need to be memorized so this isn't a huge deal.

    This is worth playing if you want some gameplay along with some brutal H scenes. It's enjoyable enough even without the lewds.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd give a 4.5 if I can, but overall I can't give this game less than that, so it's a 5-star.
    Like so many people in this review thread already said: unexpectedly well-made game. Though it is a porn game, but I'll rate this game purely based on the level of its craftmanship for its category standard.
    Here's the reason why it's 4.5 stars to me: I don't why they had the need to drag on forced H-scenes for so long for no reason. I get it that they want you to see the torments, but if it takes 30-40 minutes for every forced H-scene (if you really read through all the texts and listen to all the voice clips) then it's so dragged on for no significant impact for the scene itself. And some of these forced scenes are pretty significant to the story and characters.
    But aside from that, for a porn game to have this level of craft is unheard of to me. Alright, I'll do it properly for the review, but I'll not give a score.
    pretty decent to good especially for porn game standard. The story is cut and dry simple, but the characters get pretty good development and reasonable behaviors for the circumstances they're in. And there's deep lore potential for its world and subsequent titles.
    Voice Acting:
    fine overall. Though few of the delivery might be out of tone, but most of these are in forced H-scene, so the main story doesn't get affected as much. And some of the voice clip loops are misplaced in some of the forced H-scenes, but neglectable.
    UI is clean and really easy for the eyes. Gameplay is fun, enjoyable and intuitive. There's even a bestiary for the game, though pretty lacking in texts, but it does serve the purpose of telling the weaknesses of the monsters. Though there are customizable load outs, but it feels like these are for porn scenes in the gallery more than the gameplay itself. There are numerous of weapons and outfits, but few are really viable in combat for hard mode.
    NSFW Contents:
    There are tons of H-scenes in this game and they're all animated and they're all decent animations, but the problem that I mentioned is that the forced scenes are so dragged on and the optional ones (which you can collect after you beat the stage btw, by clicking on the heart ????? in the stage select screen, so you don't have to lose to get them) are really hit and miss because pretty much each scene is for each fetish. So if you like a female spider raping your protag you only get one scene, if you like insect you get one scene, and so on and so forth. And these scenes have at best 2 looping animations per action/position. So many varieties yet so few. And a lot of them are not 1-1 though; not all of these are gangbangs, but these always have spectators around, so if anybody likes 1-1 sex scene, you get only a countable fingers on your hand and pretty much half them are fetishes.

    Too long; Didn't give a fuck:
    Just play the game or better buy it if you can afford, it's fun and overall quality is really well-made for a porn game and it's worth the money. Dialogues are dragged on, so skip if you don't give two shits. NSFW contents are numerous, but shallow.
    Likes: mc247
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well-made game which I didn't expect, to be honest.
    Most importantly, hentai scenes are great, incorporate a lot of fetishes and fit well in the story.
    By the way, story is also pretty good for a hentai game - with nice characters, good pacing, some turns and drama. All of it keeps you interested until the end.
    Also customisation adds a lot to enjoyment, having many costumes/armor and accessories to choose from with an option to change its colors. And with ability to customise body it gets even better.
    Gameplay may be a bit more questionable for me. I really don't get it why some developers think it's a good idea to put platforming in hentai games. To me platformer is one of the most frustrating video game genres and I don't wanna play somethig like Boshy or whatever the fuck while trying to enjoy my hentai games. Especially in chapter 21 I suffered more than an hour getting over those horrible moving wheels and columns surrounded by awfully annoying bats.
    Well, maybe It's just me, so I'll still give this game a perfect score 'cause overall it's really great.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Didn't expect to play it to the end (Review) [ver. 1.0.6]
    Total playtime: 10h+
    Number of faps: 1~2
    Finished the game?: Yes

    Game-play (4/5)
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    It's a 3d action side-scroller with some platforming. It has a talent/upgrade system that makes the game gradually more fun and engaging. You can customize your character and equip a variety of armor, clothing, accessories, and weapons. They not only change your appearance but also your stats. The game is actually polished, I didn't encounter any bugs or glitches. However, the levels and enemies are very repetitive. There is just too much non-interactive stuff in the game (text-walls, cut-scenes, etc.). Unlocking abilities and h-scenes might take a really long time, and, unfortunately, it's not worth it.

    Sex (3/5)

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    You can customize your character and wear lots of clothing. Great looking animated 3D sex-scenes. Limited free-mode sex is available. Half of the sex scenes are in form of cut-scenes (you just watch it play) and the other half is controlled sex scenes (you choose which scene to play). You CANNOT customize the h-scenes other than your outfit. This was the biggest downside for me, I disliked half of the h-scenes (not into non-humanoid sex), and rest of the h-scenes were hit or miss. Oh, let's not forget, you HAVE TO LOSE in order to see any kind of h-scene, which is INCREDIBLY tedious since you have to start from the last checkpoint of a very repetitive and boring level.

    Verdict (3,5/5)
    This is an actual game that you'll definitely enjoy playing if you like action side-scroller games. If you are not into non-humanoid sex, there are only a couple h-scenes that you might enjoy. However, the game was entertaining enough for me to finish it even while skipping the sex scenes I disliked. What frustrated me the most is the fact that they developed an amazing h-scene player but they didn't utilize it to the fullest.

    Why only 2 categories (game-play and sex) for the review?
    I only care about how good and entertaining the game-play (mechanics, replay-ability, enjoyment, etc.) and whether I can fap to the h-scenes. The rest doesn't matter to me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is easily one of the best out there and 100% worth real money. the character art and animations are incredible, the playtime is pretty good, and the writing, translation, voice acting, ux, gameplay and audio are all professional quality, whether you're looking at it from a h-game perspective or a normal game perspective.
    the customization and player controls in scenes are also really nice, and even has slider softcaps on a scene by scene basis to prevent clipping, which you can turn off if you don't mind.

    if you're made uncomfortable by violence, or coming into this from a con non-con angle or a forced angle where there's usually little to no physical assault or trauma, this is NOT the game for you. the protagonist goes on, in several paragraphs-length messages, about how much she hates what happens to her in the moment, about how traumatized and filthy and abused she feels afterwards, and more often than not she is in extreme pain rather than anything pleasant; the game leans waaaaaay more towards actual rape and torture as content, with a heavy dose of gross-out factor in the form of thoroughly described unwashed dinkies, rotten corpses, and other very visceral things along those lines.
    for the way sex is framed, this angle kind of changes midgame as she is inflicted something that makes her feel pleasure more often, but the scenes still take a very torturous and painful angle nonetheless. if you wanna pin this on a spectrum this is stopping just short of those ryona games that actually have gore or women dying, while still being pretty extreme all things considered.
    personally, i wasn't able to derive anything sexually gratifying out of this game for these reasons, but it's seriously INSANE quality and really worth a try if you think this content fits you. i still had fun with the game by just skipping most scenes and if anything, this is a good reminder that while i am browsing the female protagonist+rape category i still have distinct boundaries i am not willing to cross.
    Likes: mc247
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Godly game.
    Gameplay-wise, it is decent, and decent means top-tier inside-sroller action genre of H-games.
    And you can customize the girl clothes, how cool is that?
    I was amazed that this beautiful gem run fine in my potato laptop, which have trouble to run skyrim.
    H scenes: godly. There are 2 types of H-scenes. The defeat H-scenes is standard, however, I like how the game indicate there may be defeat H-scene, and you can continue at checkpoint as if nothing happen after view the defeat scenes. Just beware the amount of lifes left.
    The story H-scene is where the game really shine. The writing is so good and well explore the psychology of the victims. Every time the char get raped, she would evoke different reasons to make herself humiliated: her parents and sister would be disappointed that she used her body to please non-human, she can no longer get married, ... Yep, that hot as fuck and make me wonder what the hell I am doing with my life.
    On a side note, character developing is good and consistent too, the girl is not a good and moral girl in one scene and a slut in the next.
    Overall, this is a fucking GOTY.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best hentai game I ever saw and played. Amazing scenes and really good gameplay. I love to just skip all the way to the scenes most of the time (I'm a busy dude) but this gameplay is worth it. That said I used cheat engine to max all my attacks so it's always easy to get what you want and no grinding at all. Best download ever on this site.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Great animation, good combat system without difficult enemies to back it up, good writing with a harsh tone, and a lot of crying, miserable rape.

    In some games the "rape" tag is fairly minor. This is not one of them. Every sex scene features the (very well personified) heroine crying, tortured, and screaming from a mix of pain and fear. She is beaten, stabbed, and clearly hates every second of what is being inflicted upon her. Worse, she knows the same is happening to her friends and family. The scenes themselves can be hurried through, but are ultimately not skippable, so you can't get away from them. I played through the first few chapters, and ultimately stopped once I realized it was the rule rather than the exception. If that kind of thing isn't a turn-on, don't play this game.

    The writing and story are better than most you can expect (this is what made the rape scenes worse for me - they spend a few minutes showing you the main character being read stories as a child by her older sister, and then witness horrible things happen to them). I like my games to be a little more playful in tone, rather than feeling bad that the main character just watched everyone she know get murdered before being stabbed through the chest. Again, that may be a personal preference.

    The combat system was above average for games of this kind. Some great ideas - like combining the special attack with platforming - are unique and engaging. I liked the flexibility of the upgrade system, but found the vast majority of enemies to be so trivial that it didn't matter. Every enemy before the first boss was "run up and press heavy attack to win," and few after it were much harder. The first boss itself was very well designed - great animations, variety of moves, and pleasantly difficult. I'd love to see more games with a combat system as well designed as this.

    I can't rate the game too poorly just because it made some decisions that didn't work for me personally (especially when there are warning tags), so my rating is based on the great combat system with lack of engaging enemy encounters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game,i like all details,the open vaginal hole when there are a penetration is a detail that few games japaneses have because the censored,the history is pretty,the caracthers is beauties,the caracther creation soo you can make the caracther how you like the boody how you like and you not need eat a ugly super big boobies,i should want more hentai games that look like a normal game with history etc but with hentai,this game is the more close that i watch in this years.

    I would only change the fact that it has few sex scenes with Iris which is a tragedy since I like Iris a lot and Claret needs more sex scenes too, it should be good if apart from these detailed game over there were normal sex scenes where you get caught by enemies and you can rotate with the camera, more female enemies and more variety and quantity of sexual traps, maybe sexual events without game over, pregnancy system, interaction with npcs in cities etc, but otherwise the game was great I recommend it and the truth after the days I've played it I think I'm going to miss Ricca, Iris, and Claret :¨(
    I hope that the creator will make other similar or a sequel in a future.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is excellent its platformer 3d and contain many h scene mode than inhope developers really doing great job at first i really hoping there is a pregnancy and birth debuff in game while playng but this way the story became more interesting kind remind me of mobile game kings raid (prev holy knight became dark knight) but the game itself really quite good enough they even making the hidden story about what happened to miria after stabbed by archlich, im really Looking forward for mogurasoft next game and i hope they stay making the game in english because im not good in japanesse
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I was sceptical but this is actually a gem. The setting is played very straight. Neat customization and outfits, I never had any issue with my character setup janking out in the scenes and I was able to use customize some quite appealing looks.

    Its a somewhat longwinded game with pretty intense h content. It doesn't go dark to the extreme, but expect the world and plot to be on the rougher side, mood wise.

    The pacing might be so the h content can feel far apart if you don't collect all the lose-to-h stuff (you usually lose very little progress), which in most of these sidescrolly games is kind of a mood killer. But this one has one ace up its sleeve that elevates it beyond that and makes it actually fun:

    Unlike most competitors, the production values aren't awful.

    Its not triple AAA polish by any means, but judged by its peers, the visuals, gameplay mechanics and stability are far ahead. The gameplay feels way better to control and is much more fun than i expected. PSA: Don't let the tutorial level fool you, something happens and then the gameplay becomes more responsive and elaborate.

    Only issue I really have is that some stun-locky stuff can feel a bit bs but thats mostly situational and not a constant thing. Except for like one part (which I think got fixed with the patch, because it was suddenly easy afterwards) the difficulty is fair and you don't have to worry much but at the same time won't just fall asleep.

    Beyond that the visual style is solid and the animations pretty good. H scenes are nicely fleshed out. When it comes to the sidescrolling it often has some quite nice camera flourishes where the path goes around bends and winds through 3d space while keeping the gameplay in a 2d plane. Cool stuff.

    5 Stars for me, less so because I think it is perfect or anything, but as appreciation for how much it outclasses almost all games like it that i have seen.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved the gameplay and customization and was generally invested in the story, although the text/dialogue can be extremely long-winded. I was ready to give this a 5/5 and best side-scroller title until about 1/4 of the way into the story where it takes a very bizarre turn that honestly completely disconnected me from the characters and the story.

    I won't spoil for anyone, but I honestly couldn't even play the rest of the game after it happened. It may be perfect for some of you out there but I immediately went flaccid and just...couldn't.

    Definitely not here to shame anyone who liked it, but it was a huge turn-off for me and kept this from a perfect rating. That being said still a really good game and one of the better side-scrollers out there. To those who like or can tolerate the story this is a must play and I hope you enjoy!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    To keep things short and not let my personal biases interfere, this is a very, very high quality game for people who like more brutal/emotionally intense sexual content. The customization options alone warrant 5 stars; there's a whole lot of them and each one, even cosmetic accessories like glasses and shoes, have an effect on gameplay, be it in the form of slightly altering elemental resistances, defense, attack speed, or equip weight. As for gameplay/visuals, it's satisfactory. Some assets look bland and objects are prone to clipping, but that's Unity for you. Sex scenes are well animated and partly customizable, which is a very big plus. Gameplay is reminiscent of platform fighters (Jump Cancelling is an actual unlockable upgrade for God's sake), and the central gameplay loop of swatting monsters and watching them go flying never really lost its charm.

    However, moreso than mechanics, the truly fascinating part of this game was how wildly my feelings on it were prone to shifting. The very first act had the most egregious example: The first unavoidable sex scene involves our protagonist getting brutally raped and literally murdered by goblins. The dialogue was also equal parts long and specific, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, including the texture and consistency of goblin smegma and the state of Ricca's labia (This is actually one of few gripes I have with the game. There's just way too much text for even the most basic scene). I was so taken aback that I straight-up went flaccid in the middle of playing a goddamn porn game. A little shaken, I went to the newly unlocked customization menu and saw a thigh slider. Cranked it up to max, and wouldn't you know it, we're back in business. The borderline batshit juxtaposition of what I had just experienced meant that I had to keep playing, and I don't regret that decision in the slightest.

    tl;dr If the first scene doesn't make you vomit or book a therapist, you'll probably really like this game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, this game is quite competent, although the pace of the writing is dreadfully slow. It's nice when it comes to the sex scenes, which are appropriately set-up and blessedly well animated, but the rest of the game's dialogues and protagonist's inner monologues just go on for fucking days. I've taken to skipping most of it, stopping here or there when I suspect it might actually be relevant, but I'm proven wrong more often than not.

    That particular hair in the food now out of the way, the gameplay is... okay. Movement is a little floaty feeling, but the game is not overly challenging, so it's not a big concern. You might lose a life due to carelessness here or there, but you could also play each level without taking a single hit if you know your zoning or perfect guard timing. There's plenty of sensible upgrade options in the skill tree that all seem to have legitimate effects on your combat efficiency; no big complaints there. There's a surprising number of customization options for your character, although she will always be Ricca, Miria's sister. It's not exactly a tightly designed game, nor is it particularly heart pumping outside of the fap material, but you can at least see the influence of better games like Castlevania in the enemy and level design, and it's a better game for it.

    I'd argue that this is better than most of the games posted on here -- hell, this is at least a game in the classic sense of the word. There's no guarantee that you'll enjoy this one, but I'd say that the chances are higher with this game than with much else you might find.