Reviewed on version 1.13, played on normal and hard mode. This review will only touch the gameplay & controls since most other people already talked about other parts and I agreed with them on that front, but not on gameplay.
First off, attacking feels quite good. Light attacks, heavy attacks, special attacks, aerials, combos, standard stuff. One mechanic in particular is quite interesting - you can throw enemies to another and it's quite satisfying to pull off, although it feels a bit hit and miss sometimes. Gurading also feels quite good, with normal guards and perfect guards.
Unfortunately everything kinda falls apart from here. Jumping is floaty, even worse when you realize that this game accounts for clothing weight as well. So you can't exactly put the outfits you like without watching this weight meter. If you choice of outfits are weighty, then your movement would feel more sluggish - personally I think this is a bad idea. You also can't guard until you descent onto the ground, so no jump guard. No evade, no dash, no roll, and you can't cancel attacks to guards too, which makes this feel like a 2D Dark Souls game expecting you to play it more like Devil May Cry. Perfect guard timing is also one of the tightest parry/guard timing I've felt in a game. It's even tighter than something like Sekiro, which personally I think is somewhat absurd.
The other thing is the bosses. Most bosses are easily exploitable in normal mode.In hard mode, it's somewhat similar except now you have to at least learn how to perfect guard and you dish out less damage while enemies dish out more damage, as well as enemies being less susceptible to stagger. Not too bad until you realize that not only bosses can attack you mid combo no matter how quick your combo is, you can't even guard in the middle of an attack. Hard mode bosses devolve down to a perfect guard stagger-fest, which I feel is against the combo-esque gameplay in the first place, and makes the gameplay quite boring as a result. Never mind about the BS I've just spewed about hard mode being hard. Ice wrecks almost everything. I just got it tested on true final boss and here is the result - Caution : Maybe spoiler.
Well, until the true end boss (not the final main story boss) that is. Other bosses are really difficult on hard but it's just about doable. I gave up on hard mode for this one specifically since the devs decided that this particular boss should be almost impossible to stagger, attacks without any telegraphing, and almost impossible to combo (it'll just attcack you mid-combo, and you can't guard until attack animation is over). I feel like you can probably beat this one by simply perfect guard -> counter -> repeat but that's one of the worst way to finish a boss in any game, so I didn't bother trying this.
I wish there's a difficulty between normal and hard, giving and taking normal damage but hard enemy aggresison, patterns and more emphasis on perfect guard. I also wish this game at least maps light and heavy attack on separate buttons, as is sword throw and other special attacks separated as well, with special attacks activated on press + directional buttons instead of on hold. As of now it feels like the controls are made with SNES controllers in mind, only utilizing movement + 4 buttons for gameplay, and it wouldn't hurt to utilize more buttons.
All in all, not a bad game. With more polish and tightened up controls I feel like this game could be more just an H-game with gameplay.
First off, attacking feels quite good. Light attacks, heavy attacks, special attacks, aerials, combos, standard stuff. One mechanic in particular is quite interesting - you can throw enemies to another and it's quite satisfying to pull off, although it feels a bit hit and miss sometimes. Gurading also feels quite good, with normal guards and perfect guards.
Unfortunately everything kinda falls apart from here. Jumping is floaty, even worse when you realize that this game accounts for clothing weight as well. So you can't exactly put the outfits you like without watching this weight meter. If you choice of outfits are weighty, then your movement would feel more sluggish - personally I think this is a bad idea. You also can't guard until you descent onto the ground, so no jump guard. No evade, no dash, no roll, and you can't cancel attacks to guards too, which makes this feel like a 2D Dark Souls game expecting you to play it more like Devil May Cry. Perfect guard timing is also one of the tightest parry/guard timing I've felt in a game. It's even tighter than something like Sekiro, which personally I think is somewhat absurd.
The other thing is the bosses. Most bosses are easily exploitable in normal mode.
I wish there's a difficulty between normal and hard, giving and taking normal damage but hard enemy aggresison, patterns and more emphasis on perfect guard. I also wish this game at least maps light and heavy attack on separate buttons, as is sword throw and other special attacks separated as well, with special attacks activated on press + directional buttons instead of on hold. As of now it feels like the controls are made with SNES controllers in mind, only utilizing movement + 4 buttons for gameplay, and it wouldn't hurt to utilize more buttons.
All in all, not a bad game. With more polish and tightened up controls I feel like this game could be more just an H-game with gameplay.