
Apr 28, 2020
I agree it is not hard but "it's actually fair" part is just wrong. Famous swamp levels are not fair
Blighttown is completely skippable. If you enter from The Depths, going down would feel like hell. But if you enter from New Londo Ruins, you can skip all the bullshit and head down without much effort. It's fair because the devs gave you an option on how to deal with it. So if you choose to do it the hard way, then that's on you.
enemies attacking through walls are not fair
Enemies can indeed attack through walls, yes, but so can you. If you see an enemy's arm clip through the wall, you can cheese them to death from the other side. It's fair if both the player and the CPU can use it.
enemies changing attack direction mid-attack is not fair
I haven't seen many instances of this happening. Is this a Dark Souls 3 thing? I only played base Dark Souls 3 once before the DLCs were released, it is the worst Dark Souls in my opinion. It feels like a super nerfed version of Dark Souls 1 with HD graphics.


Sep 13, 2021
View attachment 1590942

In this 3D side-scrolling action game, you play as Ricca, who can transform into a holy knight with the powers granted to her by God. When Ricca is captured or defeated by particular enemies, she will face a variety of kinky sexual encounters.​

Thread Updated: 2022-02-03
Release Date: 2022-02-03
Developer: Mogurasoft - -
Censored: No (patch)
Version: 1.10
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voiced: Japanese
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Win: - - MEGA -

Patches: *

ThtsMyScrtCapImAlwysHorny thanks for the link
*This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.

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changelog please


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
It's fair because the devs gave you an option on how to deal with it. So if you choose to do it the hard way, then that's on you.
If option is skipping in-game content it is not really an option, it is just bad level design. Also correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't every DS game has a swamp level? I'm having trouble remembering, last time I played was a few years ago when DS3 was released. I heard even Elden Ring is going to have one too, it is gonna be fun dealing with this shit again.

Enemies can indeed attack through walls, yes, but so can you.
What? I'm pretty sure my attacks bounced off walls if I tried attacking near walls. Idk how this can be considered fair.

I haven't seen many instances of this happening. Is this a Dark Souls 3 thing?
Every DS game have it. Fromsoftware probably does this in every game because I saw it happening even in Sekiro. I still remember that chained ogre drop-kick turning 360 degree mid-air. I bet even Elden Ring is going to have this shit.

Well v1.1.0 is a thing now, thankfully the dev listed the additions on their ci-en:
- There's a skeleton warrior spear weapon.
They're still adding new content, nice devs.


Feb 3, 2019
i literally downloaded 1.09 yesterday before bed...then i wake up and a new version with good changes comes out
Jun 8, 2017
I just finished the main story and oh my god, was it good. I won't spoil anything but I can't wait to play the epilogue parts to see what happens next!


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Dark Souls a good game design until FromSoft listens to whinny Dark Souls players and nerfs skills and weapons into oblivion

and the worst part is that most of the whinny ones I'm mentioning are mainly just doing PVP.. but the nerfs effect the main campaign.. and that is when the game becomes really shitty.. the initial game without nerf patches are really good and it's exactly how the DEVs envisioned the game to be

mainly what I mean is that all the nerfs make the game less of a game you can experiment with and more of a game where you are more locked into certain skills and weapons.. which is more boring.. and I guess that's what PVP players what sadly
that's shite, having a meta always sucks, what's fun is having choice but I guess it's hard af to balance multiple choices
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Jun 8, 2017
Who does one-hit kill attacks?
I only know of Archlich during fights where you have to lose in order to progress the story. He can one hit you with his sword. Maybe there was other bosses who could insta kill you but I never got grabbed.

The only boss I had trouble with was The 2nd boss who can turn you into stone.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2018
Who does one-hit kill attacks?
I only know of Archlich during fights where you have to lose in order to progress the story. He can one hit you with his sword. Maybe there was other bosses who could insta kill you but I never got grabbed.

The only boss I had trouble with was The 2nd boss who can turn you into stone.
I was very annoyed when replaying level 21 to discover that the reaper can One Hit KO you if the actual scythe hits you when he does his long wind up attack to send a wave of magic forwards. I was jumping over him to hit him in the back with my firey sword (oh yeah, to anyone who didn't know, you can damage him if your weapon has an elemental atribute, you don't have to hit the minions into him if you don't feel like it) and the arc of his swing just barely caught me, and I went from full health to zero. Not sure if there were any others besides arch lich and the instant death pits before the update that offered you the wings upgrade to make them be just damage.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2017
I will summarize for you. There are currently two groups of individuals arguing the same argument that comes up every time a game has a difficulty curve or may in any way be related to Dark Souls (and in many cases even otherwise):

a) The first wants to enjoy the game without engaging with an overly harsh skill curve (note the word harsh varies from person to person). Since the point of a game, or any media, is to be enjoyed (and they presently cannot), they have critiques to make the game more accessible. This group also includes players who play on harder modes but are still critical of aspects of the game which do not necessarily add fun challenge to the game but instead needlessly frustrate them and sour the experience.

b) The second enjoys the challenge as a core aspect of the game (fair or otherwise) and holds this as a core tenant of the game design. A more aggressive and vocal part of this group is often appalled or even insulted that the game might be adjusted for the enjoyment of a broader audience. The problem is that this often leads to the reductive argument of 'you clearly suck at the game so your opinion doesn't matter, git gud and then you can have a voice once you agree with me.' This utterly pointless and aggravating statement just pisses off group a who feels pointlessly excluded from content they wish to enjoy because others enjoy the challenge.

The thing about this that gets me is that your own personal achievement for beating a difficult game matters only to you. Also, since people have literally no reason to lie about which difficulty they played on, if that really does matter to you, you can simply talk to those who played on the difficulty you enjoyed.

The second is that all media can and should be critiqued. It is not a sin to do so, it is necessary for media to evolve and improve. I am happy to argue about what aspects of a game are fair or not and what is reasonably difficult all day. I find that discussion interesting and productive.

What we need to stop doing is excluding people from the conversation just because they don't play the game the 'right' way. Fuck off with that, there is no right way to play a game but the way that you personally enjoy. You like it hard? That's great! You like it easy? That is absolutely fine too! It's meant to be enjoyed, not suffered through for a badge of honor.

This is a fantastic game and deserves praise, but the dev cannot improve without constructive criticism from his audience. As people who enjoy this content for free, the least we can do is provide that without silencing each other.
well said. i was getting tired of all the "git gud" complaints. there is hard fun challenge and there is unnecessary unfun tedious mechanics like insta-death on falling off..


Active Member
Sep 21, 2017
If option is skipping in-game content it is not really an option, it is just bad level design. Also correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't every DS game has a swamp level? I'm having trouble remembering, last time I played was a few years ago when DS3 was released. I heard even Elden Ring is going to have one too, it is gonna be fun dealing with this shit again.
I guess I'm the minority.. I always love the swamp level and design, except for one game.. Demon Souls and that's for one reason.. pure black tendency world npc there.. she runs away into the swamp so you don't get a choice in fighting her in the swamp or not.. her weapon can't be blocked really, and she also heals a ton of hp if she gets away from you for even a second really.. the fight is pure cancer unless you're maybe a caster with great spells and very high INT by then or a very high DEX bow user.. or I guess maybe a pure STR weapon user with a HUGE weapon that would just possibly smash her into the ground.. I make good character builds, but I hate being almost forced into a set mold.. as the examples I just mentioned..

the swamp by itself is very manageable though.. on it's own.. and somewhat interesting.. as most of the swamp levels are, in my opinion

edit: After thinking a bit more.. I believe I like the swamp levels more for the fact that they make you realize that even the world itself is trying to kill you.. not just the monster.. the world already feels sinister most of the time.. and the swamp levels really give the 'feeling' a blade to kill you with.. it's almost magical when you see it that way, as I do


Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
First things first, dark souls really isn't relevant here. It is an absolutely excellent game series that is difficult by construction, but its existence is not some unassailable rule about game difficulty or design in general. There really isn't a whole lot of overlap mechanically between this game to dark souls other than using gems from monsters to get stronger. This game is nowhere near as mechanically complex as dark souls and that is ok.

In truth, you and many others want the game to be difficult, and I understand and agree that hard mode should be difficult. The objections I personally (and many others) raise relate to elements of the game design that make things unfair for no productive reason (e.g. things that kill you that you have little to no opportunity to notice or react to before you die). These include things like instant death pits that are certainly challenging, but if you take a step back and think about it, aren't really fun as much as annoying. Sure, one could sit there and say 'git gud', but many of us would much rather actually enjoy the little free time we have.

Take the mega-goblin boss for example. The key to winning this fight is very quickly becoming very good at parrying: a skill you have absolutely no practical need for in any difficulty before this point. A simple game design change that would make this boss more fun and less frustrating would be adding an element to the preceding level that forced you to learn to parry. You could do this by making the shield goblins more effective at blocking. Instead, someone playing hard difficulty will get to that boss and die over and over again having developed no skills for handling that threat. You might call that difficulty, but I would call it poor design.

Then there are my personal favorite: enemies that can juggle you to death (one example being the mega-goblins spin attack). There is a very important reasons combat games have i-frames, and that is because players don't enjoy watching an entire health bar deplete while they helplessly watch. Solution? Exactly what they did with the grim reaper boss. Clearly show the player that they have to dodge everything perfectly rather than making it a game of random numbers that the boss will do one move that you can't escape. Both are challenging, but one builds anticipation rather than frustration.

I am not suggesting that hardmode be nerfed as a whole. Indeed, I think the normal difficulty should be harder! What I am suggesting that some minor things that can be easily changed (moves, enemy AI, minor level design, etc) be changed to remove unnecessary frustration.

Finally, I hope everyone understands that 'but I like it hard' is the least helpful response when someone requests that something be changed. Not everyone wants to suffer, and those that do really don't benefit from that response anyway. Instead, maybe tell them how you did it and why it was more fun to do it that way!


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
While I agree with many points written here, there really aren't a need to write wall of texts. I mean no offense to anyone who wrote those texts. Issue is some casual players complaining about getting one shotted by telegraphed boss attacks and traps. These one hit kill attacks are easy to read attacks. People who complain about this should record their own gameplay video and watch it. As for traps, I didn't find anything bad. It's 100% players fault for falling into traps, should've paid more attention to the game. Also hard is supposed to be hard, anyone complaining about the game being hard while playing at hard difficulty is retarded and should be ignored.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2017
First things first, dark souls really isn't relevant here. It is an absolutely excellent game series that is difficult by construction, but its existence is not some unassailable rule about game difficulty or design in general. There really isn't a whole lot of overlap mechanically between this game to dark souls other than using gems from monsters to get stronger. This game is nowhere near as mechanically complex as dark souls and that is ok.

In truth, you and many others want the game to be difficult, and I understand and agree that hard mode should be difficult. The objections I personally (and many others) raise relate to elements of the game design that make things unfair for no productive reason (e.g. things that kill you that you have little to no opportunity to notice or react to before you die). These include things like instant death pits that are certainly challenging, but if you take a step back and think about it, aren't really fun as much as annoying. Sure, one could sit there and say 'git gud', but many of us would much rather actually enjoy the little free time we have.

Take the mega-goblin boss for example. The key to winning this fight is very quickly becoming very good at parrying: a skill you have absolutely no practical need for in any difficulty before this point. A simple game design change that would make this boss more fun and less frustrating would be adding an element to the preceding level that forced you to learn to parry. You could do this by making the shield goblins more effective at blocking. Instead, someone playing hard difficulty will get to that boss and die over and over again having developed no skills for handling that threat. You might call that difficulty, but I would call it poor design.

Then there are my personal favorite: enemies that can juggle you to death (one example being the mega-goblins spin attack). There is a very important reasons combat games have i-frames, and that is because players don't enjoy watching an entire health bar deplete while they helplessly watch. Solution? Exactly what they did with the grim reaper boss. Clearly show the player that they have to dodge everything perfectly rather than making it a game of random numbers that the boss will do one move that you can't escape. Both are challenging, but one builds anticipation rather than frustration.

I am not suggesting that hardmode be nerfed as a whole. Indeed, I think the normal difficulty should be harder! What I am suggesting that some minor things that can be easily changed (moves, enemy AI, minor level design, etc) be changed to remove unnecessary frustration.

Finally, I hope everyone understands that 'but I like it hard' is the least helpful response when someone requests that something be changed. Not everyone wants to suffer, and those that do really don't benefit from that response anyway. Instead, maybe tell them how you did it and why it was more fun to do it that way!
This type of thinking is very acceptable, and I believe it's true that a game isn't designed so well if it hasn't let you experience 'the basics' of game play before throwing you into it..
That said, the game lets you unlock skills and if you never even try the skill you unlocked.. that is kind of on you as a player.. when I unlocked parry, I played around with it.. same as the other skills I unlocked.. I guess I don't understand why someone would unlock a skill and never even try it? I'm not meaning anything other than that.. I really don't understand a player that would do that.

and I also think Dark Souls has no bearing in this thread just as you think so.. I only mentioned it because you and others have.. and yes, I do know that you mentioned it for that exact same reason(or at least I can logically assume this based on context.. but still, I could be wrong.)

I will only mention it one more time in a nicer way.. In the Dark Souls community, there are the ppl who only say 'git gud' and that is the cancerous side of it, but there are more ppl that.. IF a person comes with an actually question that comes from a perspective of a person that is truly wanting help and to learn.. many times there will be ppl in the threads that will give VERY good advice and are VERY willing to help. I, as you seem to be, appreciate this kind of cooperation of a community.. this very thing is the reason humans have survived and thrived, and that is why I do appreciate it to that degree.. since it's a mirror-image of civilization as a whole.. or humans in jolly cooperation (heh :) )

Fun though is in the eye of the beholder, as is beauty and a lot of other things in life..
so what is annoying to some is just a challenge to others.. both are fine, absolutely!

and I feel like Normal difficulty should be the more accessible difficulty.. and, IF ppl want to play the game as a super casual person (which is fine btw) then they should pick an even lower difficulty.. easy or whatever.. some games even have a 'Story' difficulty now.. that basically makes you invincible to a good degree..
stun-lock is a bad game design, unless you create a way for the player to deal with it.. but other players will use the stun-lock stuff against bosses and normal enemies in some games.. on this game, I don't think you can do that against bosses so easily though..

I actually have seen ppl give good advice on dealing with the bosses in this game while reading this thread, so I believe the ppl here are doing well together and sharing well.. there are only a few ppl that are only saying 'git gud'(perhaps in other words though.. but essentially the same) and I have seen actual real constructive criticism from a few ppl(you are included)..

And it's all very good, I just don't want to see this game become a pathetic game eventually and from what ppl have said, some are trying to bother the Dev in the wrong ways.. I hope he is intelligent enough to keep his vision of the game as it was when he thought of it while creating it..
I also think there are things to fix, one definitely being that thing you mentioned about not forcing the player to use a skill until a boss appears.. and then the player doesn't know how to beat the boss because he/she never used the skill..
The player should have to use the skill and I don't know.. maybe the game should give tips on death of the player..

For example: you die and it tells you that maybe you should get the parry skill if you haven't.. that's a good hint possibly to get the skill and learn it..

Anyways, I think you probably believe you disagree with a lot.. but I think we view many things the same actually(or close)


Active Member
Sep 21, 2017
While I agree with many points written here, there really aren't a need to write wall of texts. I mean no offense to anyone who wrote those texts. Issue is some casual players complaining about getting one shotted by telegraphed boss attacks and traps. These one hit kill attacks are easy to read attacks. People who complain about this should record their own gameplay video and watch it. As for traps, I didn't find anything bad. It's 100% players fault for falling into traps, should've paid more attention to the game. Also hard is supposed to be hard, anyone complaining about the game being hard while playing at hard difficulty is retarded and should be ignored.
Yes I can stop my walls of text :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
...maybe the game should give tips on death of the player...

For example: you die and it tells you that maybe you should get the parry skill if you haven't.. that's a good hint possibly to get the skill and learn it..

Anyways, I think you probably believe you disagree with a lot.. but I think we view many things the same actually(or close)
That is a good idea, and I do think we are on the same page for most things

While I agree with many points written here, there really aren't a need to write wall of texts.
Fair enough, I will restrain my passionate fingers this day.

...Also hard is supposed to be hard, anyone complaining about the game being hard while playing at hard difficulty is retarded and should be ignored.
You should really read my heinous wall of text before throwing insults good sir. That was very clearly not my point and avoiding shit like "<so and so who has opinion on game> is retarded and should be ignored" was exactly my point

Not throwing the insults at all would also be a good move.
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