Dev gone radio silent for a while. The classic - "hey guys all delays are due to an injury I received at work as well as no access to the internet cause I decided to move across country so my family can look after me".(lol what?) No problem though, understandable if true! But then the classic - " The next update will drop on X date". The confrimed date is missed, no note from the Dev, Eventually the Dev addresses it with more and more excuses that follow. Then another "Next update will drop on X date". Date is again missed, even more excuses about stuff being stolen and having to redo all of the previous work due to no game backups. Honestly, who knows what to believe with this Dev, full of excuses. It really sucks for those who supported the project for a while.
These Devs need to get their priorities and plans straight, the vast majority seem to start off strong then they start dropping their quality and responsibility and probably use google to generate their list of excuses for a chain of lies about the delays. I'm open and happy to be proven wrong here, but as I've seen this all a few times before, I would guess this project is probably abandoned