Ah yes, another Turboincel game.
This shit is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond the line. I can't believe someone actually sat down and made this shit. I'm actually surprised they didn't either kill or fuck the baby, too.
I know there's "shock fap" for those inclined but this ain't it. This is borderline criminal against humanity. Even if it's "not real" and shit.
Like the quiet kid drawing guns and dead people at school. It's "not real" but you'd still want to ask him if he's OK and get on his good side, if you know what I mean.
"Please purchase this if you want to support our circle in the future" that's a big yikes, fam. If your "circle" does shit like this, then it shouldn't exist. This isn't like lolicon and other disgusting shit, this is way too gone.
Wow, welcome to hentai and all that. If this little title
triggers you, then you should either quit hentai in general or never look-up artists like "ponchi (menchi0925)".
"...criminal against humanity." Uh huh. You DID catch the setting of the game, right?
"Like the quiet kid drawing guns and dead people at school." False equivalence, much?
"Oh, I'm against this subject so to push my point while attempting to create an argument that people can't counter I'll just couple it with this other completely irrelevant bad subject". Like every person who draws porn or violence for payment as a job is going to commit similar violence in reality. Riiiiiiiiiiight.
"If your "circle" does shit like this, then it shouldn't exist." And here's the classic,
"I don't like 'X' so 'X' should be censored"...and it's combined with another false equivalence - this time lolicon!
Did I play this? Yes. Did I enjoy it? No. Because of the content? Please, I see more extreme things driving the downtown of my nearest major city. I found the title
repetitive and dull with a
distinct lack of content and gameplay. However, I only saw one birth so I likely didn't get very far into it.
But hey, you got me to reply, so yay for you.