And this way of thinking is precisely why you're single. I don't say that to be mean. Being healthy and attractive are good characteristics to have for anybody, no matter their gender. By branding it as "girl stuff" you're not only reducing women to sexual objects, you're also making yourself unappealing.
And concerning the game: We look at porn to get off. And getting off is better with beautiful actors than ugly ones. Especially in a game about a breeding kink, you're inevitably gonna think about the children. And when you then look at the MC's face... lol.
well lets get a few things straight as you are greatly misunderstanding the point i was trying to make
for one i am not single been happy together for over 5 years ,6 in september (so well you might presume based on my statement that i am single i am not, "claiming not trying to be mean", such a blatant statement 99% off the time will be viewed as insult )
also never stated that being attractive as a male is a negative
it just less important to have then others when women choose a partner
women generally look for safety and security in her partner first then after other aspects
you can be a handsome dude but if you cannot provide food/shelter and/or safety from threat such as predators or criminals you are not a attractive partner to have for a female ( a broke wimp hiding behind his girlfriend when being robed will never be a good mating partner even if hes the best looking dude on the planet)
also i for one believe in more general gender roles for the men/women (Men being the protector/provider , Women being the caretaker/homemaker)
Men and women are not equal physically or mentally (men tend to be more rational acting on facts /women tend to be more emotional acting on feelings)
are there men that are good caretakers and/or home makers Yes
are there women who are good providers/protectors Yes
but these are the exceptions not the rule