LOL, idk if I messed up my english or what but just for sake of clearness:
- I didn't change the save files
- I didn't add more keys
- I just had the 2 keys
- I raked up the money to buy everything possible in the shop
- The game locked
My "strategy" is simply that I don't particularly enjoy going back and forth. With a new update I just go straight to the shop, buy everything new/possible and then go for my marry way. For instance when I got to the gym I already have the shirt and shoes.
May I know what would be so wrong in playing this way that would make me fall in a cheat trap? Because that's what happened and why my working theory on the roll back is that it wasn't an "easy way out", but the code was not refined enough and it hit people that wasn't supposed to be hit. Which, at the end of the day, it's my whole and only point.