There are the similarities in personality between the characters from TON and TGO. With many of them, I am clear about their similarities, but there are other characters in which I don't see a great resemblance. Note: They are not physical similarities but only their personalities.
Alia - Judy ; naive, easy manipulable, cute, friendly, sociables, little real world experience.
Naomi - Ella ; nymphomaniac, lewd.
Janet - Heather ; a little stupid for their age, too protective, very sociables.
Clare, Diana also but not all - Melissa ; independent women, lonely, elegant, educated, serious, professional, aggressive when defending themselves, they don't like nonsense, they smile little, not very sociables.
Tasha - Hannah ; soft hooligan, fanny, amusing, daring but without before think, rude.
Madalyn, Sofia - Lillian, Andrea ; ambitious women, leaders, manipulators, they know what they want.
Emily -
Pricia -
Jessica -
Kaley - Chloe ; nothing daring but hungry for sex, not very sociables, a little stupid, they are easily offended.
Evie -