Don't think so it would be a bug ! It is called safety measure ! I already warned folks not to touch the chest keys variables... and the game is was will be pretty straight with this... an update a chest and it's key... the game won't let you have more than you need since that would open the door to cheating
It's a bit up to you really... To the outside you either buy Porch Plants ( 150 $ ) or Potted Garden Flowers ( 150 $ ) to the inside you can buy the Wall Clock ( 90 $ ) or anything else you want but to stay economic this is the cheapest way !
Is it just me or the sex scenes audio is real amateur work
Ofc it's a porn game but come on ! Btw : bullseye on Fuckface being 27 ( wrote 26-27 ) but more mature ??? Don't think so... not in the least