shit after few hours of playing I'm just guessing is MC retarded or from California?
WHY he never acts on his own, he wait till girls do everything and even when they done he still secondgueses everything 20 times.
Fills like author created someone who literally nonbelivable as MC, he has a dick but no balls.... silly
the rehearsal with Alisa is just facepalm on facepalm, is it just me, or MC needs to be at least an Beta if not Alpha, but here is some Gamma or Omega shit, with large dick.
pretty much any scene in game
Girl comes and undresses, MC sits looking doing nothing,
girl- well are we gonna do that?
mc- do what?
girl - fuck me
mc- are you sure?
girl - yes I wanna you to fuck me hard
mc- mm, ok lets talk how you wanna me do it...
tons of text girl explains
mc- okey, get undresssed
girl- I am already
mc- oh I forgot
girl- well?
mc- are you sure?
mc- do i have permission to touch?
girl- yes, how else you'd fuck me?
mc- ok
girl- start already and undress too
mc- oke oke
girl- finally
mc- are you sure sure? just wanna make sure
girl- YES!!!!!
mc- ok, if you sure I'm putting it in
mc- but you sure right?
girl- yes
mc- okey if you sure i'll do it., but let me know and ill stop anytime
girl- dont stop
.... start fucking gir...
girl- oh yes
mc- you ok? should I stop?
girl- no dont stop
mc- ok but I can stop if you want.
and that's every fucken scene like that.
I just can't stand this crappy MC, at least he is not asking for written confirmation.