Poll - Next Girl for the Punishment System
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Hey guys,
Now Chapter 2 is established it's time to start working on levelling up specific girls with their own in depth storylines. So we need to decide the order that each girl is going to have their storyline developed. I've talked about this poll since all the way back before version 0.9 and now it's finally here. This is a very important one that will set the direction of the game for at least the next year. So choose carefully.
Now, I'd like more information than just letting people pick one. So I'm going to make things complicated for myself and ask people to put their preferences in order. I think the poll will be more fun for you guys that way as well. Patreon provides me with a spreadsheet of how everyone voted which should enable me to select the winner using an alternative vote system (also known as an instant run-off election in the US). This should make it a lot more fair, so even if your favourite isn't popular your second place vote will still be counted. So pick one first choice, one second choice and so on.
To help everyone decide I've written a short description of roughly where I see each storyline going along with a few pieces of concept art. Please bear in mind I haven't written all of these stories yet and these images are just ideas for some of the things that might happen. I’m not going to put any of the images into context, you’ll just have to use your imaginations.
Faye is a sweet girl who is also unfortunately very accident prone and scatter-brained. Whether it's the code to the girls locker room or names and dates in your history class, Faye struggles to remember things, especially under any kind of pressure. This combination of faults makes it really hard for her when it comes to exams.
Faye's punishment system progression should be a fairly simple one. We'll be helping her improve her memory and testing her under gradually increasing pressure to simulate exam stress. I'm sure it won't come as a surprise to anyone that that pressure will come mainly in the form of sticking progressively larger things into her various orifices.
Outside of your office we'll also have a subplot for her with a sweet and innocent odd-couple lesbian romance with Nina, that the headmaster will gradually corrupt into something much less innocent and a lot more sexual.
When the headmaster confiscated Liz's underwear he awoke in her some exhibitionist feelings she didn't know she had. These thoughts were distracting her in class and threatened to interfere with her school work. The headmaster decided that the best way to help her would be to allow her to explore these fantasies and find some healthy outlets for her desires.
As we've already established, Liz will be starting off the punishment system completely naked. As all the images in the game are pre-rendered this will save me a lot of time making multiple sets of images depending on how much she is wearing. For example, when spanking her in the over the knee position, I'll only have to make one set of animations for her being spanked (with six animations in a set, counting three views and two disciplinarians), rather than five sets for the different clothing states (so that would normally be thirty animations total just for one punishment action). I'll be using the time saved to focus on scenes where the headmaster helps Liz find healthy outlets for her compulsive desire to expose herself, perhaps convincing some other girls to join in the fun along the way. Ada and her interest in photography could come in useful here.
We'll also have more of a focus on the public punishments in Liz's storyline as well as the enforced nudity punishment we saw introduced in version 0.9. With perhaps a more extreme longer term version of it. Of course, the girls have already seen Liz naked and they are mostly straight. So it's unlikely that Liz will get the strong reaction to her naked body that she craves. This highlights a general problem that the game has currently, with the girls becoming accustomed to being seen naked and nudity related punishments having progressively less impact. Therefore, during Liz's storyline I'd like to introduce the headmistress of the nearby boys school as well as her young female assistants. For clarity, I don't plan on having much content at the boys school. I just see it as a literal backdrop for humiliating the girls in front of male peers and a way to extend the effectiveness of the public punishments once the girls are all used to being seen naked by the headmaster and each other.
The twins
The twins are a pair of troublemakers who enjoy playing pranks on their teachers and fellow students. This may seem like fairly harmless behaviour, however, they often fail to think through the full consequences of their naughty stunts and they have little regard for the safety of themselves and others. Despite repeatedly making the same mistakes the twins seem incapable of learning their lesson. Hopefully, the headmaster can correct their behaviour where their previous teachers have failed.
While on the surface the twins seem identical, deep down they are two very different people with very different life goals and aspirations. When the headmaster tricked Louise into thinking her sister Mary had betrayed her, Louise fell for the trick very easily. He clearly tapped into a very real and deep seated insecurity. The headmaster suspects that the twins' bad behaviour may be a manifestation of the problems in their co-dependent relationship. Pressure from the school's owners has forced the headmaster to treat them both as an individual for the sake of their punishments, however, to solve the twins' behavioural problems he needs to understand what makes them different and to help them accept the differences between each other.
As we saw in the most recent update, the twins' storyline and Miss Potts' storyline have become quite tangled together. As decided in a previous poll Miss Potts will be punishing the twins instead of Sally and so to make the twins' punishment system we will also require some extra training scenes for Miss Potts after school with Amy and Debbie. We also need to resolve the animosity between the twins and Miss Potts. Much like with Liz, I plan on having the twins being punished nude from the beginning. The twins have been naked quite a lot already and so I don't think it's worth the extra time making all the animations with them in their underwear. However, the complexity of making double punishment animations will still mean it's going to be a lot of work to make their punishment system. So for all these reasons, expect the twins' update to take a little longer to make than the others listed here.
To the casual observer Alice comes across as a typical dumb blonde. She is very proud of her good looks and exceptionally large breasts. She seems to believe this is all she needs in life and doesn't place any value in her studies. However, not all is as it seems.
Alice came to the headmaster for help with her homework. However, this later turned out to be a ruse and she was secretly hoping to exchange sexual favours for good grades. Unfortunately for Alice, the headmaster had no interest in such an arrangement. He needed every girl to pass their exams in order to prove his teaching methods. So instead he punished her with some slaps across her breasts and bottom.
The headmaster couldn't understand why Alice would rather trade sexual favours for grades rather than simply studying. Was she really incapable of learning or was there more to it? Because he cares about his students he always wants to probe deep into their psyches to discover the underlying cause of their problems. After applying a little pain, pleasure and humiliation, and giving Alice an intensive probing on his desk, the headmaster was able to discover the truth behind her poor performance. In truth, Alice had an active mind and beneath her stereotypical ditzy blond exterior there was a bright and capable young woman who had simply been let down by an outdated school system and poor quality teaching. Alice only associated studying with boredom and failure and so she had closed herself off to it entirely. The headmaster was going to need to make Alice's studies more interesting and rewire her brain to enjoy learning.
I never had time to include a classroom punishment for Alice or a repeatable punishment in your office, so in some ways her storyline is a little less developed than the others listed here. On the other hand though we've already had some very explicit sexual actions with her in our office, so we are actually further along in her progression in other ways. A lot of Alice's scenes will need to take place in the classroom as the headmaster gives her extra tuition and tries to change the way she views learning from a painful experience to a pleasurable one. He's going to need a lot of sex toys.
Priti is a very intelligent girl, she works very hard and is obedient to authority. So it would appear that she was the perfect student and not in need of any behavioural alteration. However, as the headmaster witnessed, Priti was easily led astray by Harriet who convinced her to share homework answers in exchange for chocolate. So although she was a good girl, she was not infallible and she had a weakness.
The headmaster called Priti to his office to confront her and she immediately confessed to her crime. She claimed she had a weakness for chocolate, however, the headmaster suspected there was a deeper underlying problem and so he pressed her further. It turned out that Priti had dreams of going to university and becoming a Doctor. However, her mother had other plans for the young woman: She would be expected to enter into an arranged marriage and to become a housewife. All her life, Priti's true desires had been repressed but they were still there bubbling beneath the surface, desperate for release. Her craving for chocolate was really just a manifestation of a deeper yearning for freedom from control.
The headmaster couldn't stand idly by while a young woman with such clear potential was held back by a controlling mother and outdated family traditions. He knew he had to help the girl become more assertive and to do what she wanted with her life, not just what her mother wanted for her. He saw two potential ways to help Priti: 1) He could encourage her to rebel a little against the school so she would have the confidence to stand up to her mother when she got home. This would also allow him the opportunity to punish her and to modify her behaviour directly using his punishment method. 2) Alternatively, the headmaster theorised that he could build up her confidence by allowing her to explore some of her repressed desires. She told the headmaster that she really enjoyed modelling swimsuits for him and so more photoshoots seemed a good place to start.
So there are two possible routes for helping Priti, although it will be possible to do both in the same playthrough. The options basically boil down to whether we want to punish Priti or not. So people who can’t bear the thought of giving such a sweet and innocent girl a spanking can avoid it. Both options will lead to similar eventual outcomes with Priti becoming gradually braver and more assertive. Priti’s storyline will heavily feature in the school play. We’ll also get to see Priti’s relationships and interactions with the other students change as she learns to stand up for herself.