Gotta thank
Dessolos and
Justaphase for pointing me this way. I just spent a lovely time with a bunch of lovely girls.
(mostly - you know who you are you insensitive bitch) All pretty, with distinct personalities and some interesting backstories and experiences in their past. As a member of the 'Oh noes- tatoos' crowd, I really don't care about all the ink on display here. It fits, and after a while I just pretty much forgot about them as I got caught up in the story.
So; great characters, interesting story so far, pretty girls, great renders and animations (though, tbh I don't really care much about animations).
Another huge plus is the total absence of weird or safely gay (or both) best male friend. Zach, inspite of his name and all its baggage, is a great character. I can see some akward scenes in the future though with Caitlin being a bit loud and coming down for breakfast next morning.
I doubt that anyone cares much what I think, but I like Lane the best so far, so cute and a good friend, and Sloane the least.
Apart from a certain insensitive bitch.
Absolutely great game.