I understand it's not everybody cup of tea, but I"ll never understand the pure HATE that sometimes is vent here about tattooed/goth girls. There's a clear difference between "not my taste" to the shameless hate & prejudice that I ocasionally read round here.
It's a pretty widespread group that can't keep their fucking mouths shut and will actively verbally attack actual women, not just models, porn stars or porn games. Any platform you see it on, it's always the same handful of usernames. These are also the same people that will again attack the porn stars they just got done jerking off to. Is it shame? Bigotry? A lack of personal accountability? Yes.
It's hard to find chicks between 22 and 50 at this point that don't have piercings or tattoos. I don't know anyone irl that has an opinion against tattoos or piercings. At worst, they might not like specific examples, but generally are indifferent.
There are a lot of reasons for people to get tattoos. If you can't respect that, you're incapable of respecting the person to begin with. That's a personal problem. Not the person with the tattoos fault.
I find people unattractive all the time. I don't go out of my way to tell the world that I find that person unattractive, let alone blast them in front of entire corners of the internet. These people think their opinion carries some sort of weight. That it's acceptable for them to go out of their way to insult others w/o any provocation. They're fucking narcissists. They're actively reducing women down to and demanding that they be attractive in their eyes. There is no reason to believe they'd treat anyone else any differently.
Even in terms of games, I don't go to racing games and down vote them and bitch about how much I dislike them. I don't go off on mini-vans even if I'm currently car shopping. These people are literally going out of their way to tell the rest of us how pathetic they really are. They weren't duped into playing this game. This is a game they'd have to go out of their way to find. For a site that is often so heavily moderated, it's kinda ridiculous that it's even allowed.