Yeah, it's difficult to get AI to keep the same eye-color in every picture...
I wanted to let you know that rejecting DJ doesn't work and it's a bit annoying having
"Imaginary Daddy" meet her and not literally 5 minutes later having her madly in love with him,
having Mila get all creepy manipulative trying to push things where they don't need pushing,
which make her an even greater annoyance since all she does is cause unnecessary problems
for herself and everyone around her. I'm at a point where I wish I could have left her in Utah.
She seriously becomes a mega menace. And having Imaginary Daddy suddenly throwing literally
everything away for some one he doesn't even know (he doesn't even know if she's even telling
the truth about who she is and I suspect she isn't). Rejecting her date should not lead to a sneaky
forced date you can't get out of and changes the entire course of the story like he's drugged or something,
Even Angelina is like WTF in her dialogue when he acts like DJ gave him some magic love potion which
made him uber stupid. I'm trying to deal with Hailey (who I want Imaginary Daddy to be with) and suddenly
none of that matters any more cos Daddy is too fixated on DJ. He doesn't even care about Violet any more.
SO I hope this gets fixed big time in the next update. That trip to the lake should be Daddy and Hailey not
Daddy and DJ. That makes no sense. If DJ is connected to Mila, the casino is where those things should happen.
Not before that. And it should stay and option like everyone else. I mean it makes no sense either to keep
rejecting Mila and then there's no option but to fuck her at the casino. How many times do I have to reject that
bitch? And where did Kevin go?
This story is now one of my all time favorites. Please keep it good. All these issues have caused me to
learn how to do Ren'Py writing so I can get around all this. Don't worry, I fixed the Amber issue and holy
crackers do I love Penelope hahaha SO I guess I not only love your story but I leaned a new skill set too hahaha
Would you be greatly pissed off if I cleaned up the dialogue in 2nd Chance? Now that I know how to...
I want to like it but the dialogue has some major issues. Feels like I'm reading a draft script.
I know it would be for my own personal use but I still rather ask first.