Planed.sorry, the comments in this thread are vague... is there anal in this game or is it planned for the future?
On my patreon's front page, just click on "Show More".So, I was interested in checking this one out, but the only links I can find are to the reportedly buggy releases. Is there a link to the latest stable release somewhere? I tried the magic search button, but I don't really know what I'm looking for, and there are 118 pages in this thread at time of posting.
what have I to do into the atrium? it says WIP and nothin happens thank you
well...... it says WIP....i am Weightlifting Championship and when i click to go to atrium it said WIP and then teleport me to the corridor , can anyone tell me what is this ? and ty
They were part of a crossover cameo I did back in v0.03.? why are the girls from Max Life in this ?
Neither, they are just a is it canon or just a parody ?
Since it's not from the same dev I would assume it's not is it canon or just a parody ?
The "gloryhole gone wrong" scene is a special one that only plays if you go to the bathroom before checking up on Linda at the Fitting Rooms.So did a quick search and the Gloryhole scene is "random" but I only get 1 result: giving someone a pirate's life. Is the variable for it set upon each new game or can I get a different save if I go far back enough?