Is it only me who are lost the general game story?
I did realy enjoy N&T.
But this, i was pretty much lost in the first updates. Not being able to play all girls in the update, especially early on. This, the strange general story, and english not being my first language. Yeah. I just focus on a handfull girls.
I skip by now all main story, just following some girls, mainly Tina and Saaya. Mina long gone. I dont what the endgoal is and i realy hope no other girls desappear or i losing the littl bit rest of interesst in this game.
Just a few thoughts for this great AVN:
The Interim Domain begins with the destruction of our world as we know it.
You start out as an Archon in the remnants of our world - think of it as a kind of limbo in between life and death - and Mira is your guide (she's called an Entende and each Archon has one).
Think of an Archon as an Avatar representing certain character traits.
For example, the other Archons include:
Edd - represents a laid-back approach to life
Selene - represents a transactional approach to life (people don't do things for free, they always want something)
Ifuma - represents power is everything and might makes right
This is a simplification but I'm trying to avoid writing a book while giving you an idea of what The Interim Domain is about.
Each Archon gathers energy (called Qi in this AVN) and the more energy gathered, the better.
The Archon who gathers the most Qi before the interim domain disappears defeats the other Archons (the other Archons disappear or die - we don't have all the details on this) and the winning Archon is the central influence on what the next cycle - rebirth - of our world looks like.
Now, in The Interim Domain -
The people who still look human have unresolved issues that are keeping them from passing on and you, as an Archon, interact with them and build a relationship with the goal of helping them to move on.
If you are successful in helping someone move on, you get their Qi - their energy.
Mina is the first of the women who you can, by your choices, either help her move on or lose her - she disappears with her issues unresolved, and you get no Qi.
You advance the story of each woman with the goal of helping them to move on and getting their energy - their Qi.
As the story advances, there is other drama - and spoiler:
Ifuma is revealed as a murdering Asshole - a sociopath who cares only for himself and torture is one of his preferred ways to gather Qi.
I have used the walkthrough pdf and it is very helpful.
You may want to try it out and see if it gives you a better playing experience, at least until you are more comfortable with the story and its mechanics.
I've not tried the walkthrough mod so I can't add any recommendation regarding the mod (I don't know if using the mod will cause save problems near/at the end of the AVN).
I hope this gives you enough information to continue this AVN or restart it given what you have learned.
I'm a big fan and I support the dev on Patreon - he is also one of the most consistent devs I know, delivering a quality update every month for years.