The Interim Domain 0.18.0 update #2
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All right, here we are with update #2. A lot has already been packed into it and we're nearing the testing stage (plus coding in audio which always seems to come in late). Content-wise, we have a healthy split between the main story--where the stakes are getting ramped up--and the side stories. More than one girl is starting to have some real moments where their already-complicated lives take a turn.
As some of you have wondered, we are approaching a time where the MC dating around is going to start having ramifications. Maybe it doesn't get out he's sleeping with everyone, but there are some pairings who are going to compare notes. And not everyone will react the same. Some may even be okay with it. Or okay as long as it's a certain person. Others? Well, you have an idea how that may go.
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Combination scene: Sammy/Roe
This release's update features a pairing hinted at in an early scene in Roe's story: You, Roe and Sammy go out on the town to show Roe a good time. But a good time within limits (for now). This story sequence shows the dynamic between the two women who may be more alike than one might initially think. As a part of this story, we did have to go back and do a little continuity cleanup on a conversation or two, basically retconning a statement that no longer worked for the narrative as it evolved.
Thanks for your interest and patronage,
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