Preview Build 3:
Graphically its a step up from the original, and as it is is decent, but there are some fairly major issues to me.
Firstly, the combat. 3 swings and each one forces you forward. Making combat really annoying. You have to run away and have a run up just to land a hit on them. Needs to be a faster and less dynamic moveset.
The massive bugs. So far I have encountered missing NPC's. Spawning outside the map after being defeated by Torus. Getting locked in the prison wardens room despite the door being wide open after doing the scene. Unable to free someone from the racks due to them being missing, and interacting with everything does nothing. It needs the cheat menu from the original, because that got me out of broken situations when I couldn't move, or couldn't progress something.
Third, Performance. On my 3080ti and 13600, it runs at 60 fps no problem... the issue is the power draw. Its forcing my PC to use upwards of 380 watts... not even RDR2 optimised settings got even remotely close to it. Had to ramp up my cooling to max just to dissipate the heat it was generating.
Fourth, unequipping items after EVERY scene. Every defeat scene, every lewd scene, it unequips weapons, so you have to open the menu up each and every time and re-equip it. It got irritating after the 30th time due to dying because of the swinging animations. Similar topic, but interacting with anything requiring you to holster weapons... that also was rather irriating.
So... so far its decent, and I will give it the benefit of doubt due to its very early state. But I simply had to give up after nearly 30 minutes of no idea where I had to go or what to do, not being able to access the newest content.