QSP Abandoned The Last Guardian [v0.3] [Cerberos87]

1.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Jul 6, 2018
I basically walk to work, talk to maybe 2 people...and fall asleep lol, are energy costs supposed to be this high or am i doing it wrong? Grabbing food from the kitchen gives me 15 energy iirc but every movement seems to take 5 energy...so i can barely leave my house before my breakfast is gone?


Jul 7, 2017
Hello everyone, it is my first project and I had no one to try it before. I promise to improve things so that everything is easier to understand. the first spell they will get will be Ngil kan after working once. For the second one, which enables hot scenes, they should use Ngil Kan once in Mrs Addams (police), Mrs Jensen (work) and Mrs Dee (school). I attach the .qsp with some corrections. I apologize again.
Hi thanks for this, I appreciate your work. Ive tried talking to Mrs addams, but I never can. Riley has a ring on so i cant charm her. I got the key to Gias house but now there's a bug at her work and I cant talk to her, as a matter of fact theres ALOT of location error messages popping up. Mrs Jensen is never there and Mrs Dee has no option to do anything. I want to like this game and youve picked fantastic models, but as it is right now its far too buggy, grindy and aimless. You need a quest log and a hint system.


Apr 13, 2018
Hmmmm i did find the Key for the REST ROOM
Mom at work [Relation:53] [Lust:68] = Key for "REST ROOM"


The Gravewalker
Jun 4, 2018
Added the corrected qsp file, so replace the qsp file with the corrected qsp file in the game.


Jan 20, 2019
I can see this game going somewhere but a designation alpha 0.1 would have given more realistic expectations than version 1.0. I am curious to see many more versions.

Couple of tips:
*Energy is a bit screwy. Instead of sleeping, it is better to eat all night. You actually need to exploit this or you can fall asleep from 25x entering different rooms or strolling around.
*Time flies. If I remember correctly, it takes the game 5 mins to say "ngil khan" Irl I type it in less than 5 seconds. This breaks immersion that I already had.
*Not much to do yet except gain energy and limited interaction.
*I had to read through the post above to find what is content. A simple "content ends here" message saves a lot on useless grinding.

It's not easy to get everything right without feedback. While this game does need a lot of work, it does make a promising foundation for me. Cerberos87, please do not give up or be disheartened by a bumpy start. You can turn this rock into a diamond.


Jul 30, 2017
And btw --- securing the QSP with a password is counter-productive.... Especially if someone was willing to help... Password is supereasy to descramble (basically 87Cerberos) or to disable in under 3 seconds by just editing the file.
I cant open the file even with this password im using qgen 4.0.0 also ive descrambled the password myself with the same result but it still doesnt work any idea why?


Jul 30, 2017
Also a tip for the current version, go to the park and mash 1 to get 1k+ energy and you wont get tired anymore


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
the game is a mess but it can be good and interesting

the chosen models varied and very sexy but instead of photos you would have to put video clips
that if the concept has to be totally re-done this is unplayable

there is a lot of error you do not advance anything with the characters despite having hundreds of relationships or lust due to failures the story does not progress well and therefore it is practically impossible to advance to the sexual content of the game

spells it is not known whether they work or not even if you cast them 200 times

and personally conditioning the "unlocking" of sexual scenes to theoretically control 3 random characters in the game without any clue or information is a very bad idea

for example one of them is supposed to be in the police station ok but with ryley I have a relationship of 490 minimum but since she wears a magic ring I cannot use magic with her and as the plot does not progress that part of the game is broken and not being able to access that mandatory character is impossible to advance in the rest of the game

a and the mechanics of fatigue I would remove it gives more problems than solutions
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
I cant open the file even with this password im using qgen 4.0.0 also ive descrambled the password myself with the same result but it still doesnt work any idea why?
just replace the third line with
and save. this will completely remove it.


Jun 1, 2017
i know this has being said a ton of times but I have zero clue on what's going on. I have the relationship to 1000 for everyone and still cant get to far or have sex with anyone.
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Active Member
May 12, 2019
Where does mom and sister go after 20:00 hours? They are not in their rooms nor in any other room of the house??

Also, at work, when trying to get the other co-workers under your spell, I get errors when trying to enter their offices, except mom's. This is the error I get:

Location: Work
Area: on action
Line: 28
Code: 119
Desc: Unknown action!

This goes for in the morning in Gia's office and in the afternoon for Lana's office. It also happens at Gia's as well in the afternoon.

Oh, and if you are looking on how to get a lot of energy, just wake up real early and go into the kitchen and just keep "eating" for hours at a time. Each click of "Eat" will get you a supply of energy. Same if you eat a snack at the office.

I'm also getting this error code:

Location: giaworklvl4
Area: on action
Line: 20
Code: 111
Desc: Location not found!

This happens when I have Gia in the rest room (her stats are Relation 80 and Lust 94) and I click on Masih Nerap.

Another issue I see to be having a lot is when I have used Ngil Kan on someone a lot and I get the Nasih Nerap option, I lose the options to Talk and Flirt with her. This has happened with mom and sister, although, when I return home a night and find mom in the living room, I can do those options, but not when I'm at work.
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Raknor --- Like I've said --- the initial QSP was a big mess.... haven't checked the QSP posted by the dev in the thread yet....
But I can say one thing --- when using the original QSP there are game breaking bugs preventing you to move forward...
I can help out the dev iron out the bugs if he wants me to, but for that a baseline needs to be established.... and I am willing to help once the dev himself goes through the gameplay at least once fixing the bugs he finds.
This cause I have literally given up after counting 25+ bugs.

I have a semi-playable QSP version with tuned and renewable energy but it is far from finished (was ca. 40% through all the quests). Reason ? Every time I have changed the code fixing bugs my saves stopped working so I basically started like 25+ times from the beginning.

I might check back in a few days or if the dev pm's me... to help iron some stuff out...


Active Member
May 31, 2017
Yup, like most of you have mentioned, I as well can't get the game to progress due to lack of direction. The location errors don't help any and If you open the save file up and look at the stats you will see that your total energy can(should) only go up to 300, but I wake up at 5:00am and go to the kitchen and eat until I have 800+, then I go out for the day of grinding that leads to nothing. I'm going to wait until the next update, assuming there will be one.
1.50 star(s) 2 Votes