- What the girls call MC : What you're asking about Gladys, getting called differently, is defined by an in-game variable. So, you'll see later on that she'll address you in different ways based on your choices and her statistics.
Nice. But my point was about her starting point. At the start, her character feels like she should be using a more formal approach. Like she warms up to calling you any name you want (Daddy) vs she grows distant & stops calling you Daddy. Currently it's the 2nd, but I feel storywise the 1st approach would be better.
It's not a big deal since there's like only one line where she calls you Daddy(set name). But as her character development happens, it'd make for a better read to make her call you by name early on (neutral/formal) & then the stats based function pulls it in either direction.
- Surname : I can only answer questions regarding the game's story. I understand that you might be tempted to look for clues in the code, but normally players aren't supposed to have that information, so I won't respond to questions related to the code.
I only asked cause the warning(when naming father, daddy, etc.) mentions surname. Only reason I got curious & looked in the code

Maybe change the warning to something else as players do not get to set surname like the warning says - was the point.
Anyway, since I looked, now I hope there's more to it than just normal sisters. That'd make for a great reveal.
- Jojo's fight : A man of the same age as the MC has a testosterone level ranging from 7 to 28 nmol/L. When a man takes steroids, his testosterone level increases about 10 times depending on the dosage. Testosterone accelerates muscle building but also affects other aspects, such as rage (roid rage), as well as strength. Take two identical twin brothers with exactly the same muscle mass, give steroids to one of them (e.g., propionate, which has a half-life of 2 to 3 days, meaning it takes effect very quickly). So, the twin who took it, three days later, wouldn't have had enough time to build much muscle, but he would experience an almost immediate effect on strength and rage. In a fight, it's not just strength that matters, but also the mental aspect. You can take another example from arm wrestling contests, where you might have guys with much less muscle winning against guys with more muscle because technique and nerves play a role. This explains why sometimes leaner individuals win against those who are more muscular. In our case, the MC has stopped training and spends his time running, making him very tired since he's not getting enough sleep. It's important to know that when a man finishes a steroid cycle, he must undergo a "post-cycle therapy" because his body receives a higher dose of testosterone than usual, causing his testicles to go into a resting state, and his body stops producing testosterone during the cycle. Thus, he needs to take medications usually used for stimulating ovulation in women (clomid) to kickstart the natural production of testosterone again. During this phase, men are emotionally very fragile; they can cry for any reason, experience loss of strength and motivation (even depression), and even lose some of the muscle gains they made during the cycle.
The average player doesn't have specific scientific knowledge like you mentioned here, so I'm gonna ignore everything you said here.
If you have to explain a scene, you have already failed in creating the scene. It's like explaining a joke.
What the players see is a more muscular MC cannot maintain his chokehold on a leaner character.
But even beyond that, I feel there's a bigger problem than "why is the MC weaker than Jojo?". Even without the explanation about steroids, that much is already established. Explaining why he's weaker will not automatically make ppl like the fact, nor is it the main problem imo. People are feeling why is he made weaker(in the story), not how is he weaker(steroids reason).
And the reason ppl don't like him being weaker, imo, is that it is the only thing the fight scene shows, with no redeeming qualities from the MC.
I have no problem with a weaker & exhausted MC, I even feel that's a better developed character than the typical invincible/best at everything MC. (I also have no complaints at the MC not using brute force at the oasis. Much more realistic & likable than your typical 1 dimensional muscular MCs)
I just think such a weaker MC should have other redeeming qualities the scene should showcase. Ppl cheer for underdogs but not for weaklings. Being weaker should not be end of the character development for the scene.
Here's some thoughts I had directly after the scene.
It's a bit long & I didn't bother to trim/edit it. Sorry if the suggestion at the end feels pushy. I was just jotting down any thoughts I had.
Anyway, tl;dr - I felt the 2 main problems were that MC had no incentive/impact after the 1st qte & that he gave up completely at the end, even after Iris jumped, he just waited for gladys to finish the job.
Yes, he had a gun pointed at him, but humans react to emotions better than logic. A desperate struggle to grab the gun that gave the girls a chance to aim, with the qte at the start being moved to this part which actually matters, would be better. Maybe give the girls a scene where they cannot aim the jump until the MC stops jojo's movement while wrestling for the gun. Shows it to be a team effort, give the girls some development & give the MC some usefulness during the fight.
Showing MC is exhausted & weaker than jojo is fine. But currently he does nothing in the fight & gives up at the end, being irrelevant over all as the girls take him down solo. Atleast show him persevering against a stronger opponent to the last breath due to his determination to protect the girls, which pays off by giving the girls a chance to help him.
Currently it feels like jojo toying with him->mc giving up-> girls to the rescue (Last part is very nice, the 1st 2 not so much)
Again sorry if it was too harsh or if it feels like I'm trying to hijack the scene. Not my intention.
- Messages disappearing too fast : This is one aspect of the game that will be reworked, but I admit you're the first one to tell me it was too short. Everyone else says it's too long. I'll make sure that everyone is satisfied.
Lol. I tend to slowly read such messages to get into the feel it's trying to set. I don't like trying to rush through the text like normal due to time limits. Sometimes I read a line multiple times to that result. Thanks for the consideration
- Passive trans sub is fine : Juliette will never penetrate anyone and the MC is the only character who will penetrate the LIs.
Also please capitalise Master. It's kinda a pet peeve, but seeing bdsm dom title nouns not getting capitalised is very irritating. Pretty please?
- For the mini-games, unfortunately, I would like to please everyone, but each player has a different opinion, and it's an endless story for me
Idk which portion of my msg you are responding to, so I'll talk about it in detail.
The Juliette scene is kinda a 'me' problem for having no mouse on joiplay.
Qte events during fights are fine, as are any achievements from it.
You don't want to put timers on choices that have a walkthrough (lighthouse & hitchhiker).
But one thing you should do on principle is to make sure it isn't necessary to play the games to access any content. Like suppose the arcade highscore gives a scene. Then make sure there's another way to get the highscore (like learning/training from someone 3-5 times automatically gets you the high score) through the VN. Don't force ppl to play arcade games in a AVN.
It's sad Jeff looks down on people who don't grind the game before leaving the dinner
Also, only 32 achievements seem possible in the game.