MC is already subject to bickering from players about using steroids,
as he is so similar to the Dolph Lundgren on steroids looking fella.
On appearence alone, 19 year old kid working out calistenics or gym for three years,
in the prime of his lifde as the hormones cause huge growth spurs,
could look meaner/bulkier than MC at a fraction of his age,
immagine MC going virtually anywhere looking that jacked and being captivated
by any girl one or two years older, with or without a kid, you can see MC
ending up with all the kids in the world by the time he gets to thirtysix,
while our MC is forty.
Shit! I have 2 daughters already!!
....But I'm still too young to have even a daughter...
I couldn't connect with the MC... Sigh...
Children are a trope of someone constantly needing saving.
Girls skipping their growth spurs during puberty
and ending up as some skinny small adults make for perfect damsels in constant danger.
Any guy running away with a child/small girl who has stopped growing in toe,
prottecting her from harm, that character is a hero by deffinition.
EAsy writing the two of us with a small girl and a hulk.