In TLOV 1:
1. The guy who's there to educate your kids never actually does anything; still says it'll be implemented later.
2. Not everyone who has "not pregnant" on their profile can actually be impregnated. For that matter, there are a lot of empty beds in the hospital, implying originally it was intended that a lot more could be impregnated...
3. You pick your queen of the realm of the dead, and then she doesn't do anything. You pick Dessa, for example, and she sends you on a quest... Which goes nowhere, because you can't access the library at that time.
4. Can't impregnate Veronika except via blackmail.
5. You can get two sisters to live in your basement if you find them; but then they're invisible/don't actually live there afterward, implying they were forgotten as characters.
6. Multiple characters, when pregnant, still appear not to be pregnant in various cut-scenes (watching them masturbate, for example).
That's a start. It was still a fun game for what it was. Just ended with some dead ends in there.
Because we almost reached all the switch \ variables slot avaiable in RPG Maker MV, plus, we wanted to add more cool features like single stories for all the npc... but Yanfly Plugins made the game unstable > we started to add more things but experience bugs too > tons of people quitted > the team broke up (a special thanks from my heart to all quitting people for that - That's irony of course) -> We didn't have the budget to recruit people that could re-code the plugins for RMV and de-compile and edit the engine to give us the opportunity to have more switches and variables because with the mass-loss of supporters, we lost people from the team too.
How we started The Legend of Versyl 2:
After getting tons of quits (but people still kept supporting dead projects instead of us - only God know why), getting 3 games wasn't cool for people, they left no-matter-what from The Circle > we took back TLOV1 on our page. We kept up the development trying to add things, but for a single new thing added a new bug was coming out (special thanks to YanFly and his plugins for the missing professionality in coding shit).
In the meantime VegetaSama rented a rendering farm server and took the lead of The Circle, pointing everything to a new project: The Caretaker, he gave us the access to the server too, so ONLY THANKS to VegetaSama (that is actually paying the rent), we were able to change engine and bring out a fresh new quality.
While the tons of fixed bugs on TLOV1 were made thanks to our coder and VegetaSama that were working together, of course VegetaSama didn't want to continue in helping us with Versyl 1, so the only way was choose to progress the saga since the Main Plot was over under a fresh new engine. Now, coding a new game in a new engine\language was pretty difficult, and after a full night in recruitment of a professional coder (they asked 1k per month while we barely reach a total of 700$), we decided no-matter-what to point everything on our actual coder (venom88) that (thanks god) wanted to invest her time and make the v0.1 come out. -> it came out with a single bug, fixed in the upcoming version. What we found out is that the new engine has no limits, so it is planned to add tons of features and content for TLOV2. And if you read everything here until this point, you could have some ideas about what we've been through, how we risked to close the "Kravenar Games" and how we decided to stay united and fight nowadays.