HTML Abandoned The Lewd House: The Summer Of Sexy-time [v17.12.10] [Elerneron]

3.00 star(s) 4 Votes


Game Developer
Oct 13, 2017
Oh! I forgot to mention in my last post that there is also a sub-quest where you can get Leni to repair a broken back-pack in order to increase your item capacity.
Dec 15, 2017
So are there any clues in the game to getting the WS scene with Lana? Or is it just by random happenstance. I don't need a walkthrough necessarily, just curious if something in game points to triggering this scene?


Game Developer
Aug 17, 2016
So are there any clues in the game to getting the WS scene with Lana? Or is it just by random happenstance. I don't need a walkthrough necessarily, just curious if something in game points to triggering this scene?
Most of it has been locked, but what I originally wrote was still available the last time I checked. It isn't much. First, for the most content available, have watersports enabled, and the age limit at six or lower. Now you may have noticed that when you have to pee, and are in the back yard alone you have the option to pee in the bushes which takes two minutes . . . What if you weren't alone after the two minutes expired?


Game Developer
Oct 13, 2017
Just popping back over here to say there is a new release due soon. The main feature this time is a series of wrestling scenes with Lynn. This can primarily go one of two ways. 1. You decide to wrestle with her and you develop your wrestling skills, or 2. you refuse and chew her out, making her get depressed and think that you hate her, then later makeup with her. Route #2 is the route where you can actually go deeper into a more tender loving sibling relationship.

At any rate, that's the long-term plans. Right now it's just the base levels of each scene. We have 16 scenes across 2 routes which will alter depending on your wrestling skill and corruption levels, and one of those 16 scenes is the one that starts the fight and make up mission, which currently consists only of that kick-off scene and what exists in my mind.

At any rate, the release is not out yet, we still need to do a bug test but that's about all that's left. We have someone who volunteered to do a bug-hunt for us so we are letting him have at it. The only real hold-up at this point is personal schedules and IRL stuff.


Game Developer
Oct 13, 2017
I'm pretty sure the only scene is the peeing in the bushes one, described further up.
There are 2 more scenes added since then (technically 2 sets of scenes, one set containing 7 and the other containing 5.) One set is started by talking to your dad, and the other set is started by talking to yourself in your room.

If the project's coder ever gets back into action, there will be another release coming out quite soon that contains wrestling scenes with Lynn triggered randomly whenever you go into her room.
3.00 star(s) 4 Votes