masturbation scenes in house bathroom, gym bathroom, sofa (house and apartment), rape scenes by criminals, so many. But let me show the best scene ever so far.Is anyone found other scenes yet? This is what I got so far. I'm not sure if there's still more that I didn't find it.
View attachment 1092069 View attachment 1092070 View attachment 1092071
You buy food from the little shop that's to the right of the office on the world map. Then you have to cook it at your house by using the fridge. After that you will have cooked food in your inventory that you can consume by right clicking on itis there a walkthru? can't find food at the start of the game!
There is :So the game is alright. I wish there was a way to cheat because I really dont have time to do stupid things like "taking a shower everytime I am done with the gym". Chores are not a fun game mechanic .. respect to the dev <3 I wish there was ways to cheat in the game .. at least with moneyty
New version out today, anybody here who can share it?