Sooo... We are five days away from their release (hOnOlULu tImE xD), any one who thinks they will actually deliver on Dec 26?
Funny that you should ask....
"Hello friends!
This time, December 26, our “Honolulu time,” will be on
January 12, 2024. A little longer than we planned, but we absolutely need this time. We tried really hard, but the lost time in November, unfortunately, affected this. We just received the basic part of the translated new text today (and thanks to the translator, he did the job in a short time). This is not to mention tests and bug fixes.
Yes, we know that no one likes release time shifts... And we, first of all. It would be easier to always say “as soon as possible.” Or "soon". But this topic has already been discussed. Now we announce release dates primarily in order that they urge us on. That's why the release will be on January 12, and not, for example, in February or even March, because 'so much can be improved and added'... But not if the designated deadlines have been already violating.
In any case, we will try very hard to ensure that the first part of 'The Library Story' is prepared at the high quality level that suits us. Sorry for using “Honolulu time” so freely, friends.
Thanks for your support and patience, this is just a short break before the release, so stay in touch!
P.S. As a small consolation, it’s worth saying that while most of you are relaxing and celebrating, we're supposed to work hard to finish the release. ^__^"