VN Ren'Py The Moorcock Incident [Dev Thread] - Big Titty Snobbish Girl Slow Corruption

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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
It's been a few days so it's time for an update.

Basically, I've wasted spent 10-15 hours over the past few days on image generation and editing, with a three different goals:

First goal is to get a set of basic "tachi-e" (standing sprite) images of the main characters that I can use as a basis for making VN dialog scenes.

Working with AI generated images is very much a two edged sword - the good part is that I can at least create *something* that could be used without forcing everyone to scratch their eyes out in horror. The bad part is that *everything* needs tweaking, and the closer you look the more imperfections you see. Minor clothing mutations like missing zipper pulls or collar lines, noticeably different hair styles, lopsided boobs, varying color palettes. I struggle with perfectionism to start with so it's hard to know when to stop grinding on a single image and move on to the next. However, their is nothing for it but to just keep working at it - no magic wand* exists, and either I do it myself or I have to pay someone else.

I thought I was reasonably proficient at image editing, but I've been learning that there is a whole 'nother toolset which I need to master. There's only so far I can get with my old faithful PaintDotNet, lol. Photopea has been what I am trying to learn for more effective tooling so I can more effectively cut-n-paste of elements from multiple images into something that is not horrible, but there is a hidden world of "photoshop" work-alike shortcuts and workflow that is not easily discoverable. Lots of tutorial watching already and more in my future. Smart selection, feathered cuts, layers, color palette match, color picker+small brush to fix seams and weird AI stuff... the list of required skills grows daily.

Here's a couple of samples I picked out - and I must hastily clarify that there are pre-edit, thus the variations in her jumpsuit uniform design.
Heroine-sample4.jpg Heroine-sample5.png :love:

Second goal is to produce some location background images. This has been far harder than I would have wished - I guess the LORA that I am using is not trained very much on background scenery, and especially not "starship command deck" images.

I did manage to get this guy though... :KEK:

Third goal is to get a replacement set of images for the heroine when she is in the 'Hole. This is to use in developing the UX feedback when playing your action cards - I don't want to publicly paste gameplay samples based on my pre-alpha version where all the art has been "donated" from another game. I also wanted to lean into the multi-image animation sequences a little harder than the original - a 4 frame image loop is better than 2, and 8 frames is bettter than 4. I'd actually hoped there had been more progress around this aspect in the AI image gen world, but so far I've not found good examples - all the "animated gif" stuff is weird psycho-dream morphing horrorshow junk.

For the glory hole asset work, for now I've got an invited guest model helping me out - not aiming for final assets production at this stage because I'm still learning the tools and workflow. Here's a sample image...


All this time spent on artwork has lead to the code dev being on hiatus for the past week or so, according to my commit log. It's not wasted time, however, because a game with just code and text is not what I want to create - a certain minimum level of artwork is a prerequisite.

Anyway, that's all for now. I've just ticked past the 200 hours mark in my work log, counting research, shit posting in here and other threads, coding, writing concepts and story dialog, and artwork. Only another few thousand hours to go! :ROFLMAO:
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New Member
Dec 16, 2020
Love the standing image!

Will there be any huge meaty trunks like in OE, or will all the phallic proportions be closer to the above image?
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Jun 5, 2018
Yay! Big dicks and big boobies!
How anything can go wrong here?!

When will you quit your job, create a Patreon page and dedicate all your time to this? :unsure:


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Love the standing image!
Will there be any huge meaty trunks like in OE, or will all the phallic proportions be closer to the above image?
That's an as-yet-not-fully edited generated image.

I'm partway through doing the image editing to cut up the arm/hand/boobies/head parts into layers to use in stop-frame animation + Renpy Layered Image. As part of this I have definitely replaced the chode with a more massive kielbasa. Not ludicrous, but definitely a bigger challenge for our heroine.

Also note that I'll have to do much of this work again once I've finalized the "look" for various characters. Young SS Jenny is not going to space.

Yay! Big dicks and big boobies!
How anything can go wrong here?!
When will you quit your job, create a Patreon page and dedicate all your time to this? :unsure:
Ahh, but then I run the risk that I would come to hate game dev nearly as much as I hate my $REALJOB. I'm happy doing this as a hobby for now. At this stage I'm not taking money from anyone, so I can proceed at my own pace with a clear conscience - which crazily enough is STILL faster than a certain developer...


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
There goes the weekend, and now I am officially a Pro-Animator-san (tm).

Yes, that's right, the 2D Keyframe animation barrier has been not just broken, but actually completely smashed into sparkly powder. Behold! :poop:

Moorcock Synfig Anim test 1.gif

So, that is the result of about 10 hours of image editing, learning, and messing with Synfig over the course of a few days. That's not a great rate of progress, but I guess I was learning how to do it on the go... and in all honesty I can't say it looks any better than "just okay". I think that without spending a bunch more time making the rest of the figure move a little, it just looks robotic - that is, the moving parts are *too* smoothly animated compared to the static surrounds.

Also, "Synfig Studio" is a hissy bitch of a program that loves to crash or just generally be weird. I guess I got what I paid for in that case - it's "free" open source with a capital F, and the janky-ness reminds me strongly of how GIMP is... you *can* get the job done, but don't make any assumptions about how to use it based on existing GUI app conventions.

This is the first animation software I've ever tried using so perhaps some of the difficulties were more due to my lack of foundation knowledge. I did have to repeat the "cut up" step multiple times until I got it right - and if anyone wants to know the "secret sauce" it's this: include a 30-50px area on either side of the "seams" of all pieces, so when they overlap you have still got some leeway of movement/alignment without ugly gaps appearing.

I spent the last 3 hours of the sessions trying to get some booby bounce/shake/jiggle happening as well, but either I missed something or the Synfig "skeleton deformation" functionality is just not suited. I could get some minor movement but it was either too subtle, or would blow up and never look right. I think it's missing a timebased surface warp, so you just can't easily get effects you can get with Live2d or similar. Speculating, I wonder if I could get a better result with some more layering of that area of the image... although the fact the "deformation effect area" was always a circle makes it pretty difficult... more thought and testing required, or perhaps I should concentrate on the basics rather than minor animations. :p

Anyway, I'm, now officially sick of doing images and animation so this week I'm going to go back to focusing of coding and writing some more mini-game scene scripts. :HideThePain:

Edit: I might come back in a few weeks and give either Inochi2d or FrictionGraphics (aka Enve) a try, see if I fare better with those.
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Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
The inspiration is obvious here, not that I care as its actually pretty good art, but will it generate a mention at some point?


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
The inspiration is obvious here, not that I care as its actually pretty good art, but will it generate a mention at some point?
Yes, I already mentioned this previously. I'm using a darkcookie LORA. However, the sample images above with the "Jenny" character are just placeholders while I'm learning the tools.
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Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
Yes, as I already mentioned previously, I'm open that I'm using a darkcookie lora. The images with the "Jenny" character are just a placeholder while I'm leaning the tools.
Cool, forget that this came up before. If you come up with something new, that's neat as well. Thanks!
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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Hello again, time for an update. Thanks to all who are leaving messages or giving some reaction, it's great to know that others are AS keen to see this project go forward as I am.

Progress over the week has been mainly on the art front. I've have been preparing some background images, and also have a couple of concepts for two of the miners... in fact I'd like to introduce them to you...

Meet two of the three-man crew who were stranded for weeks on the small mining vessel until their rescuers arrived:

On the left is the deeply perverted leader of the crew, who's real name is Owen Ackerman, but is known as "Donut" everywhere he goes. He is a slovely man that loves greasy food, beer and dirty jokes, but his crass jocular manner covers a calculating mind that is ready to do whatever is needed to get what he wants.

The blonde mullet belongs to the muscle-bound meathead of the small crew, Jonathon "Jonno" Shearer. He is not a clever man but he's got the stamina to go for hours, and those big biceps can both handle the big reaction drills out in the vacuum, and pick up and carry off any working girl that catches his eye when in the entertainment quarters back on station.

I'm thinking that our heroine is going to have her hands full dealing with these crude, ugly, sweaty assholes.


There's one more miner (but not minor) character in the works. I've got a clear idea of what I want in terms of personality archetype, but so far I haven't managed to get a likeness that I want to go with.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2024
You are incredible bro, I joined the forum looking for on edge updates and I found this wonder in progress, I am waiting for the result of your effort, I will stay tuned if you open a donation page, you deserve it


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Just a quick note to let everyone know that the latest update to :love: just dropped, and as the editor/proofreader for that project I am going to spend some time working on the dialogue review.

Generally it takes me a week or two, so that will be a period of time that is less focused on The Moorcock Incident.

But fear not, I remain enthusiastic and committed to bringing my own idea to fruition. It's just that I happen to have more than one love in my life, and Nothing Is Forever is something I've greatly enjoyed contributing to. I want to keep working with MrSilverLust to take his amazing slice-of-life story all the way to a satisfying end. Same goes for the other projects for which I've been able to act as proofreader - I'm not going to leave them in need, even if it does take up some portion of my available free time occaisionally.

I appreciate all the support voiced so far and I'm looking forward to sharing with you all the best thing I can make. :PogChamp:

Oh, and by the way, this is the good ship UEF Moorcock!


EDIT: Actually that is not the Moorcock. Just a tribute.
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Sep 23, 2017
Wow just found this and it looks promising, a worthy successor of "On Edge" wish you luck in this and will be watching and waiting :)
Maybe successor is not the right word but more like (also hope) better then "On Edge"
Just if possible 1 suggestion i can give : don't make her breasts humongous or if its not hard and possible to have a choice to change them to smaller size.


Apr 27, 2019
Depending on what moves are planned, such as boobjobs (with & without BJs) the option to alter breast sizes might not be the right call.

But then I had in mind that the higher the corruption, more moves get available.
From "Pure" to "Slut" you would unlock in order: Handjob, Boobjob, Blowjob, Vaginal and lastly Anal

But that is just my headcannon.
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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
I understand that there are some people who are not into "le grande boobas", but that's a pretty small percentage of males. Most guys prefer the big norks, myself included. So that's what I'm gonna do.

Also consider that supporting any more than one (or maybe two) sizes will make all the artwork much more time consuming to create (and animate!). The project is already ambitious enough, so that's another reason I don't want to go there.

As an aside: I think the bust size of the Heroine was one of the defining characteristics of the original game. I'm not here to slavishly imitate everything that came before, but I can clearly see that the main character's unfeasibly large tits certainly made for eye catching banner images / sample images, and that is important for the appeal of the game promotional material has to newcomers. Plus, as I said, I like big tits. Yulia Nova is my waifu.

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Regards progression head-canon - yeah, it's gonna be something like that.

Part of the appeal is the gradual corruption of the heroine, starting from her initial state of moral purity and no-sex before marriage attitude, and then enjoying (and guiding and encouraging!) her choices as she talks herself into more and more degrading acts "for the greater good". Then couple that moral descent with a self discovery of her inner cumslut whorish nature... oooh, I'm getting all excited again! :p

I'll take this chance to give a quick progress update:
  • I got more than halfway through (4500/7000 lines) the NIF dialogue proofreading and editing, then handed that first tranche over to MrSL and put the rest of that work on pause for a while.
  • Then I spent a few days working on art for TMI (and trying to find a good pipeline for how to do jiggle physics).
  • And then I got a new content drop from my O.G. edit project "Inner Demons" by GrayTShirt which has take a couple of days so far.
I have not stopped working on TMI and will deliver eventually. Obviously these side quests do take up a chunk of my free time, but ultimately it's my time to spend how I choose, and I enjoy continuing to support these projects as I have done for more than a few years. (Plus GrayTShirt bribes me with care packages of snacks. :ROFLMAO:).
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Sep 23, 2017
I understand that there are some people who are not into "le grande boobas", but that's a pretty small percentage of males. Most guys prefer the big norks, myself included. So that's what I'm gonna do.

Also consider that supporting any more than one (or maybe two) sizes will make all the artwork much more time consuming to create (and animate!). The project is already ambitious enough, so that's another reason I don't want to go there.
Good point for a game with good concept and steady progression i can manage big boobs (but not humongous) :)
I mean i do like Karryn's Prison a lot :p
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