Ren'Py Abandoned The Neighborhood [v0.40] [Rancid Dragon Productions]

3.00 star(s) 4 Votes


New Member
Apr 5, 2017
I do believe that giving up on this project is a waste of potential. This sort of concept and the renders do attract a fair amount of people like myself. The problem however lied in the coding. Way back before the render revamp I quite enjoyed the story and the the world. However the problem started to arise with game breaking bugs. I took it upon myself to stich work some of your code in order to try remedy the numerous amount of problems, I enjoyed the challenge. However most are not going to want to do that. You can do this, you can make this game good. I recommend you take a step back for a while and research on how other renpy games are coded on this site. It doesn't hurt to sift through their code and see how they have structured their scripts. After that you can focus on bug testing and figuring out what the problems are with your own game, play test it. People are going to say what they want to say and criticize you. It is up to you what you want to take as real criticism or just someone hating for the sake of hating. However if this is something you want to create you should listen to yourself first and foremost. As the person about me said your style has a great deal of appeal, what drives them away is the bugs. You should try your hand at it once again. But if you want to scrap this and make something new, just remember the lessons you've learned and try to work through the hate that comes naturally with an online presence. Good luck, you can get through it.

Also, it might be just me but I enjoyed the old renders and animations.

Rancid Dragon Productions

Game Developer
Feb 27, 2020
I do believe that giving up on this project is a waste of potential. This sort of concept and the renders do attract a fair amount of people like myself. The problem however lied in the coding. Way back before the render revamp I quite enjoyed the story and the the world. However the problem started to arise with game breaking bugs. I took it upon myself to stich work some of your code in order to try remedy the numerous amount of problems, I enjoyed the challenge. However most are not going to want to do that. You can do this, you can make this game good. I recommend you take a step back for a while and research on how other renpy games are coded on this site. It doesn't hurt to sift through their code and see how they have structured their scripts. After that you can focus on bug testing and figuring out what the problems are with your own game, play test it. People are going to say what they want to say and criticize you. It is up to you what you want to take as real criticism or just someone hating for the sake of hating. However if this is something you want to create you should listen to yourself first and foremost. As the person about me said your style has a great deal of appeal, what drives them away is the bugs. You should try your hand at it once again. But if you want to scrap this and make something new, just remember the lessons you've learned and try to work through the hate that comes naturally with an online presence. Good luck, you can get through it.

Also, it might be just me but I enjoyed the old renders and animations.
Hey my friend, Thanks for being a supporter. I'm happy to hear that you liked the project. I actually took your very advice before you even put it here for me to se. lol. I have stepped back and rethought the entire thing I'm doing. It can be overly frustrating to do something in addition to your every day work and only hear negatives, but I haven't let that bring me down enough to completely give up. I have, in fact, decided I liked the personality of the old TK17, My New Life style comic renders MUCH better than the realistic Daz3D models. Those are cool for some things, but I just don't like them for the feel of this game. So, good news, I have stepped back to that look and I have learned some more about how to code in Renpy to make the game run a little better. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but keep an eye out. It won't be too long. I will be returning when I am happy with the project in front of me first. Then I will re-release it here for all to see. I've fixed some of the plot holes, added new character ideas and new ways to get where the story needs to go. Same story and people, just a revamp of what I had, and hopefully much better. I want to keep that "tongue in cheek" style going and make the story lines clearer. Once I'm ready, I'd be honored if you were still interested.

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement!


Oct 24, 2019
I liked the switch to 3dDAZ but I also didn't mind the original artwork. I agree that the premise is good and I enjoyed what I played in the original. Never played the re-work as I was waiting for more content. I encourage you to do the game that you want to make in the style that you choose. The additional time spent learning the proper coding will make your game enjoyable I am sure. Best wishes Rancid!

Rancid Dragon Productions

Game Developer
Feb 27, 2020
Another quick update. I said that I liked the old style for it's personality. Which is true. That being said, the program I used to make it (TK17) is pretty well toast at this point and I can't find any of the pieces I want to use it well. So, once I finally get the base programming stitched up and to my liking, as well as getting the renders up to some quality that I can live with without taking four years to render, I plan to retry this game. I will also be trying to put it on a clean page and set up a development page so that I can afford to devote more time to it with your help. I'll be posting anything I do here in the comments, and hopefully on a completely new page. Thanks to those who are still liking the old version. Sorry it has to change graphics and all, but I'm hoping you all will like the weird story I have coming with it. I appreciate you all, keep watching for more up to date news.


Sep 30, 2019

This version adds a few starts to things in the future, improvements on some of the scenes, and a story for Rebecca.

Also added a skip time button, which takes you back to the worldmap for now.

And ... the much asked for Android port is finally in there!







Works best if you start a new game.
For the android version what is the incripted code it's asking for
"Enter decryption key
To access this folder or file, you will need its Decryption key. If you do not have the key, contact the creator of the link.
Decryption key
The provided key is invalid. Please check that the key is correct or ask the creator of the link again."
3.00 star(s) 4 Votes