It is interesting that you count things what makes me hate them and then you ended it with I don't hate them. I am amused to see, how subjective opinions can be.
People are different and see things differently. Unless someone is being an asshole, I am fine for others to have different opinions and agree to disagree.
Regarding the Templars, they are delusional. In real life, cultists will either throw their lives away for 'the cause' or will wake up one day and go through a very difficult and painful process as they realise how wrong they were leading to decades of emotional pain and suffering. Its sad how many good people are born in to cults or manipulated in to them. Its tragic. I hate cult leadership and recruiters, I just feel sorry for the followers, especially those born in to cults and know no better. Its not fair and its not their fault they were born in to it.
On my first playthrough I fought Linnae every choice I could. I didn't want my MC to have anything to do with the leadership or cooperate with them. I was happy to chat with the barman, he seems like a good guy, just deluded like the rest. I don't hate the Templars as a group, but I do hate the people giving the orders like the MCs parents and the council.
This is how she phrased her demand. I don't think it changes based on our actions, but I haven't looked at the code so I could be wrong.
View attachment 3318941
Are that's where I went wrong. I read that as they were in control of all the connections. It's my poor old brain, you got to make allowances for the old guys