Hello everyone,
the next Dev Update is here.
I have 2 main topics for this week. The actual state of development (of course) and some organizational things later.
The short part first:
It has been a pretty good week, and I finished a few things. Most of the animations from last week are rendered and post-worked. 2 animations are still in the render queue. I hope to finish them this weekend.
I finished the work (outside the 2 remaining animations) on the scene I was working on and moved on to the next one (preview attached to this post). It's already written and coded but needs about 20 more renders to be finished.
Speaking of renders and code, I got 93 static renders done this week and about 350 lines in the script file.
That brings the total to:
827 static renders
21 animations
2411 lines in the script file
Easy part done.
The longer part is about how I structured the game/story in the past and how I'll continue from now on.
As most of you probably noticed by now, I use the terms "Book" and "Chapter".
The initial idea when I started working on the game was to have several books each with 3-4 chapters each. The plan was to end Book 1 with Chapter 4 and start Book 2 with the 5th Chapter.
At that point, I had no plans for other stories besides the actual ones. So all 3 books were planned around the current MC and that's it.
The "problem" comes with the idea of more stories. With the actual setup, I had Books 1-3 with the actual MC and Book 4+ with another one.
I thought about that for a while now and the more I did, the more I concluded that it's just confusing this way.
Even worse, I had no real explanation for WHY it's set up like that other than "That was the original plan."
Long story short: I'll re-label everything related to the actual MC to Book 1 - Chapter X.
When Book 1 is done, the story of the actual MC is finished and the new story will start with Book 2.
That way you have a clear cut between MC/Game/Book.
It doesn't change anything other than the labels of the future Chapters (Book 2 Chapter 1 is now Book 1 Chapter 5) but it's different to how I communicated it in the past.
Yes, that was the sole reason for writing this wall of text.
No, you won't get these minutes of your life back. Sorry.
Have a nice weekend, guys.