Yes, as pointed out by
MikesDK in this post
#1210, there are two very different Kaija's at the start of the story and which Kaija you get
is triggered by your choice when you first enter the kitchen. It has been the theory of a number of people, including me, that this is done on purpose. One Kaija is intended to make it very easy for you to forgive her and move on. This is meant to be the Kaija solo route. The other Kaija makes it easy to continue to resent her "lie of omission" and hence break up. This opens up potential relationships with other LI's without cheating on Kaija.
One choice gives you two essential relationship points and more loving and forgivable dialogue in a number of crucial conversations. The other choice results in less relationship points and more "friendly" but self righteous dialogue and even leads the reader to believe Kaija only entered into a relationship with MC because of her orders - at least initially. As I say, it makes resenting and not forgiving her easier.
Ceolag elaborates by explaining the addition of the flashback in chapter 4 here
post #1254. I've always maintained that Kaija is a masterfully written character. We are just now beginning to realize Kaija is, essentially, masterfully written - twice. Love her or hate her because that's exactly what we are meant to do.