
Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
ShinyBoots1993 Is Selene on The List™ ?
Everyone's on the list.

Some names are crossed out. I can't tell you which ones.

Though they're all on the list.

We're going to be stopping specifically at the end of the Onslaught Saga. There's more comic continuity after that so sequels can be assumed.

Ehhh doesn't stop people like Cable from messing with the past though. I mean it makes sense anyway that the Present Me! Can't know what Past Me! knows.
Old Cable didn't know about Young Cable because of that new time travel rule.

I'll be honest, that's a surprising hot take...
Not really. Plenty of characters have died and are still dead.

It often depends on the nature of the character though. Although Nightcrawler not being a demon anymore raises... questions.

nobody is asking for Sabertooth
The gays disagree with your opinion on their favorite bear.

I think one of the reasons behind Shiny potentially being irked, or seeming to come across that way is that over the last several pages it has been brought up multiple times with the same answer of "we're working on it" or "We're looking into it.".
I'm not irked I just don't have much to say beyond affirming that the issues stated or the requests asked for are being worked on.

Like I can't go into specific details because of spoilers my dudes.

And yeah, that's how it ends up being, a constant cycle of writers not agreeing with each other. That said, the most prominent version is the one where she is a sadistic monster.
I mean we are in the Claremont era. We could just not have her do the things other writers made her do.

I don't really have a problem with large age differences between characters as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.
I'm 31 and I can't even think of how I'd go about dating an 18-year-old.

Like ignoring the fact that I'm engaged to a fellow millennial, I just don't know what Gen Z and I would have in common.

How the hell did that happen? Is up down? Is the sky blue? WHAT IS GOING ON?
The average user is not very articulate on F95.

Let that sink in—my post was originally longer before I trimmed it
One fear.

Damn porn interfering with my ability to enjoy my porn properly.
We've actually had A LOT of people request an SFW version. Maybe some day. Then we could have kid characters and not have it be weird.

I had what I considered a fun idea for an Easter egg
We have a channel devoted entirely to fan submissions.
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Jun 22, 2017
Upon reading up a bit on Selene i have to wonder how far Null will be able to take the draining field of his, whatever it actually turns out to be.

Back onto the topic of Selene though, judging by the 'trustworthy' information provided by Wikipedia, I have to agree that Selene is power hungry. Genocidal, i don't know about, but she does have a tendency to pretty much go Scorched Earth whenever she either no longer has a use for things or when things haven't gone her way.

Are you talking about this ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
The game said the protagonist was in a coma for six weeks.

I don't really have a problem with large age differences between characters as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. The issue I might have is if there is some sort of inherent power imbalance in the relationship such as between a teacher and a student. Not necessarily a deal breaker, but it makes things trickier; another reason I'm lukewarm towards Storm in the current situation, and a potential issue in future chapters where the protagonist might become an instructor and newly introduced LIs might be students.

October stopped being the eighth month long before my namesake. As far as months go, my namesake was the visionary that decided to name every month after himself, unlike those quitters Caesar and Augustus who both stopped after one month: Amazonius, Invictus, Felix, Pius, Lucius, Aelius, Aurelius, Commodus, Augustus, Herculeus, Romanus, and Exsuperatorius although the order varies depending on the source. Unfortunately, the changes didn't stick past his death. Geniuses are never appreciated in their time; I mean, Herculeus is a much better name than October.

How the hell did that happen? Is up down? Is the sky blue? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Sadly, I did have a bit in my insane raving regarding that, but I deleted it since it felt superfluous. Let that sink in—my post was originally longer before I trimmed it. Still, the point of it feeling identical to the others, if not being exactly the same still stands. But I do understand, though. Early development . . . placeholders . . . . As I mentioned, the game is great for a beta, and I eagerly await future developments.

Quite understandable. Thank you for replying at all.

My voice lacks the bass to turn a random stranger in an elevator into a puddle merely by asking her is she's "going down." Something a girl I knew told me happened to her. A random guy on an elevator who sounded like Barry White, and she just melted.

What's wrong with necrophilia? The dead are great listeners, and they almost never talk back.

Wait. You mean have . . . with a corpse? Ew seconded.

For that part? Most assuredly. It was basically the literary equivalent of diarrhea. So inelegant. I'm better than that. I am deeply sorry and ashamed of myself. Plus there's the whole inflicting torment on my fellow human beings thing. I don't get it, but I'm told it's bad and that I shouldn't do it.

One of the many burdens I must carry.

I do look forward to delving deeper in Laura's psyche.

The consensus seems split between either a dearth of imagination on my behalf or deficiency in my suspension of disbelief. Make your bets people!

Damn porn interfering with my ability to enjoy my porn properly.

Let's just say I am at least as sorry as Kathy Bates's character in Misery when she broke Paul's legs.

Yay! My master plan of spreading pain and suffering proceeds as envi—I mean, oh no! How horrible. Because empathy and shit.

I guess there's only one thing left for me to do: start a religion! How does the Church of Nullology sound to everyone?

Time travel is one of those gimmicks that has been so overused, and so rarely used well, that I feel an instant revulsion just reading those words.

Thanks for reminding me of something. I have enjoyed the social media in the game, and I had what I considered a fun idea for an Easter egg. Perhaps one season, the Mutiefan entries could be hacked and changed with accompanying humorous responses from the characters?

That's some sick shit right there. Next you're going to tell me there was hand holding. No wonder it was banned. I try not to kink shame, but some fetishes just shouldn't be tolerated.

Oh, to be so young and naïve again. There was a ton of bitching about Hugh Jackman being cast and how he wasn't 5' 3". Now, he did a great job, and most people seem to just accept as a fait accompli that Hugh Jackman is movie Wolverine; however, I still hear/read the occasional debate about how movie Wolverine isn't the real Wolverine. Personally, I don't care about the character. Not that he isn't a great character, but his popularity, along with Magneto and Mystique, led to them overutilized, and I just got fairly sick of them.

Aww . . . sure you can. Follow your dreams and never give up! (Commodus: promoting toxic relationships since 161.)

Yeah, it's a delicate balance between depth and believability and fun gameplay mechanic.

For the most part, the optional events all triggered fairly quickly for me. The only exception was the Rogue/Laura friendship event in the Danger Room during summer. That one did take forever to finally trigger, but it did trigger eventually.

For myself it's been the Jean event on her winter season where even another player was saying they were having troubles to get it to trigger as I merely check map for locations and it never has in classroom before classes of just Jean and the professor there and if character is on dorm floor (f2) then map needed to get from dorm to classroom in which I have Jean on her love status with MC yet even trying to use the menu on the left side to move around locations I don't get the exclamation mark to show beside map icon for that event.

I'm not a fan of the randomization element, but the rest of the post was gold.


May 13, 2018
In no particular order:

Spyke after Evolution? Nothing because Spyke was a character made for evolution who never got a comic counterpart per se, closest thing would be Marrow, a character with the same powerset that pre-dates Spyke for more than a decade.

Nightbrowler and Brolossus is something that will happen, with Brolverine and Cybrops being another high possibilities, Gambit and Quicksilver specifically tho? Way more tricky, although Gambit has a high chance to make it into the game in a future chapter... like, "way into the future" chapter.

I would commit acts that go against the Geneva Convention to have Juggernaut as a bro at some point.
I'm sure Logan would be an instant drinking buddy as soon as he discovers that Null can turn off Logan's "healing factor" so that he can finally get drunk.


Jul 7, 2017
I'm sure Logan would be an instant drinking buddy as soon as he discovers that Null can turn off Logan's "healing factor" so that he can finally get drunk.
Logan can get drunk it just takes a lethal amount (to a human) and it doesn't last long. Drunkenness is partial due to a lack of water in the body, it's similar to dehydration in terms of how it affects the body; it's why seltzer water and smoothies are used to treat hangovers and reduce the effects of alcohol.

Theoretically if he consumed a large amount of booze and no water he could get the full effect but his healing factor is outright on par with magic since he can recover whole organs in minutes without taking in any food to generate the mass so it's whatever the writer decides.
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Aug 15, 2017
It probably wouldn't be worth it for Logan if he had to sit there holding Null's hand the whole time. Now, if Null gets an upgrade that allows his power to cover an entire room, I can some possibilities.

Logan: You've got detention. For detention, you must sit silently at your desk and write a ten-page paper about what you did.
Null: I don't know what I did.
Logan: Sucks for you, Bub. We're going to do this everyday until you figure it out. Now sit down and shut up. I'm going to be at my desk with this bottle.

45 minutes later

Logan: Did I . . . did I ever tell you about how I met Captain America during World War II?
Null: No, sir.
Logan: I said no talking. That's it. You've got detention!


Jul 7, 2017
It probably wouldn't be worth it for Logan if he had to sit there holding Null's hand the whole time. Now, if Null gets an upgrade that allows his power to cover an entire room, I can some possibilities.

Logan: You've got detention. For detention, you must sit silently at your desk and write a ten-page paper about what you did.
Null: I don't know what I did.
Logan: Sucks for you, Bub. We're going to do this everyday until you figure it out. Now sit down and shut up. I'm going to be at my desk with this bottle.

45 minutes later

Logan: Did I . . . did I ever tell you about how I met Captain America during World War II?
Null: No, sir.
Logan: I said no talking. That's it. You've got detention!
That would fun moment for this game, one of the responses should be to write a report on all the ways he fucked his daughter then read it out loud.
Aug 15, 2017
I doubt Logan would be shocked. Given his sense of smell, he probably smells Null all over and in his daughter all the time. It might prompt the father-boyfriend talk, though, which would awkward as hell for the both of them.

Logan: I suppose this is where I'm supposed to threaten you with what I'll do to you if you don't treat her right, but Laura can take care of herself. If you do her wrong, she'll probably start with castrating you and go from there. But, you're kind of forcing my hand here, Bub, so let me tell you all the things I'll do to you when she's done . . . .
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Active Member
Apr 7, 2020
I doubt Logan would be shocked. Given his sense of smell, he probably smells Null all over and in his daughter all the time. It might prompt the father-boyfriend talk, though, which would awkward as hell for the both of them.
Logan and X-23 aren't that close yet. He hasn't had the character development he got with Kitty and Jubilee yet so right now he just sees her as another survivor of the weapon X program.

We want the whole father/daughter transition to definitely be something Null can witness.


Jul 24, 2019
It probably wouldn't be worth it for Logan if he had to sit there holding Null's hand the whole time. Now, if Null gets an upgrade that allows his power to cover an entire room, I can some possibilities.
Note that, thanks to Jean's training, his nullification is active in a 2-feet radius, a couple more seasons working on expanding the field rather than turning it off and voila, Logan is drunk just by sitting next to him.


May 27, 2021
Oh, this game seems great. I really like Oni's Rogue-Like and this one has a really cool flair. But... As an ESL, I have to say that all the poetic license used to represent accents in this game make it a bit hard to read sometimes.
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