I think outfit types should be explained better in game.
We have plans for tool tips in the works.
I think the intention (going top left to bottom right) is
Normal Wear | Undressed | Gym | Swimsuit | Date Night | Spicy Time | Sleep Wear | Cold Weather
The situation you're describing may just be a small bug.
This is accurate and yeah it's a bug.
That's a shame as it could be a fun dynamic with Cyclops and Emma or Colossus and Kitty.
I suggested it day 1 and got shot down day 1 lol.
in some parts with the piercing it appears a error
Yeah we're getting a lot of reports about this. I'll pass it onto the team.
The "choices" don't seem to do much. I chose to deny Jean the bro sis stuff in every single choice, she still ended up completely going the big sis mode. Similar with Rogue and X, I chose to diminish X dominance and Rogue submissiveness in every choice I had, but it still didn't seem to change their personalities whatsoever.
That seems weird... And is the first instance of someone reporting this. Have you compared scenes to each other?
Is anal actually locked behind vaginal? I know I'm in the extreme minority, but virgin anal is kind of my main fetish and the main thing that got me into Roguelike back in the day. Is there going to be a possibility for this later on, or am I just shit out of luck in regards to this?
We have plans for some girls who will choose anal first. We just felt like these three girls didn't fit the type when it came to their character writing.
Man, you're blueballing me so hard with leather-clad Storm showing up and then just vanishing forever. Plz dev have mercy :'(
The grind is indeed too big, but I'll attribute that to many systems not being in place yet.
I've seen people saying it's fine, some people saying it's too grindy, some people saying the grind is good. All I can say is that yeah the systems aren't perfect yet.
The fastest way I found is just going through the sex menu, which I dislike since the system tries to replicate the girls getting used to certain actions, so it creates a conflict between creating the girls with focus on certain fetishes vs quicker access to max stats.
Yeah this is the kinda meta thing we don't want to have as the speed running standard. We're working on it.
The gifts are an alternative and will probably make this whole system better once there are more of them.
There will indeed be more of them.
Additionally, I read there will be no exhibitionism, which makes me sad. That one is within my top 3 fetishes, and something I'll give Roguelike a point over Null hypothesis.
There will be some exhibitionism. You just won't be fucking in front of an audience of strangers. I also don't see why it has to be a point over the game.
Like I get that I can't stop comparisons. Obviously, I'm not dumb. Though I've said more than once that Null Hypothesis isn't meant to be an alternative or a replacement. The two games can and should co-exist.
The only complaint I could pull out (giggles) would be about cum inside orifices not really being shown, which irks me simply because of the description. "Filled to the brim", and then nothing is trickling out and the hole looks mildly covered? Meh. But this one isn't a real serious complaint.
I'll still bring it to the attention of the devs.
The game seems to have some issues handling multiple custom outfits. After messing around in the wardrobe system and setting up a bunch (10+) of custom outfits (for Jean) it starts to chug, to the point it becomes unplayable. Clicking anything results in multi-second lag, saving takes forever and the game itself becomes unresponsive. After restarting it's mostly fine, until touching the wardrobe again.
Ouch. I think the beta testers didn't think to try and break the game this way. I'll bring it up to the dev team.
whenever I try to equip the leather teddy to Laura my game crashes
I'll mention it to the dev team.
1- When the game asks to progress the story or postpone it, does choosing to progress have any impact on the content that I'd see or the relationship with the girls?
For now? Nothing too outstanding. In the future though, the girls will have their "quest completed" by some other means. Meaning you won't get to see their growth or influence their quirks or opinions.
Some girls may even date off-screen and lose their virginity. We're not considering this NTR as you'll never see it happen and they won't talk about it.
Y'all can blame me. I put my foot down by saying Jean remaining celibate for half a decade was bad writing.
2- I have tried all the available action that Rouge is currently "OK" with, but it seems that I cannot extend her pleasure status bar any further. What am I doing wrong here?
This is a known bug that we're working on.
Don't feed the troll. The arguments also included her facial features being "white" but we also compared that to the comics with our Storm STILL being "more black" in many comic runs and even then we adjusted her a bit more.
There are a bunch of crash errors when trying to have sex with piercings equipped on Laura and Anna. Looks like it's fine with Jean though, but haven't explored all of the piercing options yet.
Honestly piercings as a whole seem incomplete and crash prone atm (wardrobe and scene support aren't complete). Not a huge deal, it *is* 0.2, but probably best, or at least more stable, to not use them for now.
Yeah, I personally didn't even know they were in the game. So this is pretty surprising for me. I'll mention it to the devs.