How do you use this console commands?If you or anyone reading this is on your first playthrough, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do not use these cheats. Just making that clear. The game is pretty good, with a slow but decent pace and progression. If anything, maybe the cash grind is a bit much atm if you are aiming to buy all the things, but the relationship grind is really not that bad. I thought it was quite organic, truth be told, even if it took a while.
With that out of the way...
After enabling the console you can use these:
Maybe there are xp commands for Laura, Jean and Rogue as well, but I'm not sure what (if anything) they affect in regards to the characters. I do see some popup messages saying that they have lvled up every once in a while though ("Rogue is now level 4" kind of popup message).
The love and trust commands you'll probably have to use multiple times since they are capped by the main story event and unlock in increments of 250. You can still use those commands though, only when there is an action that affects a character's love or trust, if they are above the allowed cap for that moment they will lose love and trust to keep them in the current max cap.
For instance: if you use the love=1000 command right at the start of the game, when you interact with a character it will say that that character lost 750 love in an interaction. That's because at that point in the game, the cap is 250.
This is an old technique in Renpy games. Enabling Console mode.How do you use this console commands?
Known issues that are being worked on as we speak <3Issues I've noticed: Laura has errors on first time having sex if nipples pierced. Rogue has error if trying to get nipple pierced, had an error during sex in doggy postion if wearing a bra.
Ui disappears randomly(Corner and interaction bar. Also the sex one but only happened once with jean)
We're adding tool tips!The clothing menu for the girls can be a little confusing though, perhaps adding a point explanation would be helpful.
I'll let the dev team know about this.It would also be nice if there was a button that would just strip them to being nude so building new outfits would be easier.
They areMore clothes are always nice too, but i think those are already planned
Yeah we're taking a look at it as well.Null's presence during the sex scenes feels off. I'm not sure if its the animations, the angle, or something else, but its different.
Some things that I personally would love to see is i wish there was a pullout option after climaxing where the girl just lays there while you decide what to do next without null in the picture. The doggy style i think could benefit from being zoomed out just a tiny bit more, it feels like a LOT is happening at the bottom of the scene, especially if you use any toys. Speaking of toys, a transparancy option on those would be nice too.
You have a point here. Though the reasoning of why we went with what we did is that he genuinely doesn't know the answer. The game takes place shortly after Giant-Size X-Men so a lot of what we know about mutants isn't known by the characters yet.Again, there is no 'problem' here, but it does feel like a missed opportunity.
Red, I think its wonderful that you're excited about the game and have ideas that you think would be cool. I think perhaps part of that, a slightly more expanded character creation and background, could be a wonderful thing for them to do down the road. That said, the full scope of what you are mentioning doesn't really work with the setting or story they are trying to tell in the game.just idea this can work and hey use this a fanatsy art here
This was actually one of the only things about the game that bothered me. Seemed strange that the very first time getting frisky with any of the girls can result in them stripping down to their underwear just when you ask them to change position. Take the fun out of removing pieces of clothing one at a time. I understand why they went this route, but I hope it's something that gets fixed.part of the undressing before laying down into missionary serves as a workaround for this since it drastically reduces the potential artwork needed.
There are Love and Trust thresholds for different activities, as well as some pre-requisite activities. For example one girl might not let you try anal with her if she hasn't let you have normal sex yet. Laura and Rogue have a higher threshold for sex (I believe its actually 1000 love) than Jean because of their respective intimacy concerns. I'd have to pull back up the files to see what Laura's specific thresholds are, but I remember that being a bit frustrating early on too.OK, what am I doing wrong here? I'm in Winter but I can't get to actually penetrate anyone. I've gotten Laura to finger herself to orgasm and give me a handjob but neither blowjobs or actual penetration is on offer no matter what I do. Is this something that unlocks later? In which case I am a bit peeved that my partner can have multiple orgasms and I get nothing, the selfish bitch![]()
I'm on sidequest for Laura : Relationship 2 and have 500/440 love/trust. My feedback would be that if I can't even get a blowjob from her she shouldn't be throwing off her clothes the minute you ask her to lean back and then shoving half a hand up her arse (see : Setting Expectations). Maybe that part needs a wee tweak.There are Love and Trust thresholds for different activities, as well as some pre-requisite activities. For example one girl might not let you try anal with her if she hasn't let you have normal sex yet. Laura and Rogue have a higher threshold for sex (I believe its actually 1000 love) than Jean because of their respective intimacy concerns. I'd have to pull back up the files to see what Laura's specific thresholds are, but I remember that being a bit frustrating early on too.
Oh, I don't disagree that some of the stat balancing for this could be retuned.I'm on sidequest for Laura : Relationship 2 and have 500/440 love/trust. My feedback would be that if I can't even get a blowjob from her she shouldn't be throwing off her clothes the minute you ask her to lean back and then shoving half a hand up her arse (see : Setting Expectations). Maybe that part needs a wee tweak.
We lifted that from the TV show/comics.Just a small request/suggestion. Can you add Rogue some regular gloves? Those look like dishwashing gloves when you use it alone. Something like Jean's preferably.
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That... sounds a bit weird. I'll mention it to the dev team.OK, what am I doing wrong here? I'm in Winter but I can't get to actually penetrate anyone. I've gotten Laura to finger herself to orgasm and give me a handjob but neither blowjobs or actual penetration is on offer no matter what I do. Is this something that unlocks later? In which case I am a bit peeved that my partner can have multiple orgasms and I get nothing, the selfish bitch![]()
Known issues that will be fixed soon.However, the clothing menu is bugged or they actually hate the outfits I gave them and refuse to wear em. Game will have issues when I try to have any of them get piercings.
I'll bring it up.only issue I've seen is if a girl is supposed to appear as you try to leave, it'll lock the ui away and you'll be forced to rollback.
We're adding tool tips.Menus are a little rough. Sex and clothing menus are confusing to navigate at first with no instruction.
Yeah that sounds weird... I'll bring it up.This was actually one of the only things about the game that bothered me. Seemed strange that the very first time getting frisky with any of the girls can result in them stripping down to their underwear just when you ask them to change position. Take the fun out of removing pieces of clothing one at a time. I understand why they went this route, but I hope it's something that gets fixed.
You heard correctly!have heard they are reviewing how things are prioritized.
It is my understanding that this is among the many types of art that they are hoping to expand on with crowdfunding. Looking over at the patreon page right now, they're not exactly rolling in the dough, but are definitely off to a nice start. I know that it was previously mentioned that they have three artists they are currently working with, so I'd imagine there is new artwork already being commissioned.This was actually one of the only things about the game that bothered me. Seemed strange that the very first time getting frisky with any of the girls can result in them stripping down to their underwear just when you ask them to change position. Take the fun out of removing pieces of clothing one at a time. I understand why they went this route, but I hope it's something that gets fixed.
this is a good suggestion! we're in the middle of discussing how to overhaul the core gameplay loop in light of all the great feedback we've been getting. one of the things that I think might work better is having the hygiene penalty only show up after several "sweat-inducing activities" have been performed, so that there isn't a 1:1 ratio with training/working. we also want to make the shower a more happening place to reduce the perceived penalty of showering!Kept forgetting to make this suggestion: remove the post-working hygiene degradation. As it is, 2 of the 3 primary activities (class, train, work) need showering afterwards, which results in you spending more time showering than any other single activity. Having to shower after working also prevents you from working in the afternoon of date nights, leaving only mornings as a possibility, assuming Xavier is even there in the morning.
Removing the hygiene hit would both speed up the game due to less wasted time (spending most of the time in the showers accomplishes little), and it would grant more flexibility on when you can actually work, something already limited by Xavier's presence in his office.
Having incremental accumulation could work well, and allows for more flexibility in how you balance activities going forward.this is a good suggestion! we're in the middle of discussing how to overhaul the core gameplay loop in light of all the great feedback we've been getting. one of the things that I think might work better is having the hygiene penalty only show up after several "sweat-inducing activities" have been performed, so that there isn't a 1:1 ratio with training/working. we also want to make the shower a more happening place to reduce the perceived penalty of showering!