This might come as a shock but some people enjoy visual novels and some people even enjoy fanfiction. Most actual books don't even have choices, even though I do enjoy a good CYOA. If you aren't the target audience for what they're trying to do, then so be it. But it's disingenuous to pretend you speak for everyone and that your preferences are everyone's preferences.
I haven't seen any dev argue that they're real or that doing bad things to them causes or encourages anything harmful in real life. However, if they are trying to write them realistically then it doesn't work well for your character to be criminal levels of jerkass and not eventually get kicked out of the X-Mansion to go hang with whichever villains do seX-crimes.
While I can't speak to the truth of it, supposedly they've tried to get tags like "trainer" removed from the thread and the site staff have looked at the game and disagreed. Even so, "trainer" doesn't imply that you can train any girl in a short time; if anything it implies grind, more grind than the current version actually has.
Anyway, whether or not it counts as a VN (a famously porous category) if you just want to speed you can benefit from the fact that the game is made in RenPy (a VN engine with VN convenience features). Turn on "Skip Unseen Text" in the gameplay options, maybe also turn off wardrobe dialogue and flashing lights. Then hit Tab or hold Ctrl to skip.