- Dec 11, 2019
- 1,919
- 1,897
I'm okay with this since it means the team is in it for the long haul instead of a short burstMax 5 more years to get to 15 main girls
I'm okay with this since it means the team is in it for the long haul instead of a short burstMax 5 more years to get to 15 main girls
No.So you think they will need more than 10 years,maybe even 15 to complete the game?
This makes sense, and is still probably slowed due to art limitations. With a larger budget I wouldn't be surprised if each subsequent chapter could be done in 6 months.I'm thinking 3 girls in less than a year. Max 5 more years to get to 15 main girls.
I'm gonna add to this to provide some broader context. The standard for software development these days is called "agile development". In agile development, the goal is to make a "minimum viable product" (usually shortened to MVP). What defines a MVP can differ from company to company, product to product. But generally, it's considered something that brings marketable value to customers. But, as you can imagine, just because something is sell-able, doesn't mean it was built well or will last. Thus, also in agile development is the idea of "technical debt". Ideally, you want no technical debt as you reach a MVP, but often that's not the case considering deadlines, politics, technology, customer/stakeholder pressure, etc. etc. Sometimes it's better to get out that works *for now* than it is to take forever to craft the perfect solution. That something that works for now (and other things like it) is what's called "technical debt". But the trade off to that is that you'll need to go back and fix the *for now* solution to an actually good and solid one. And, while resolving technical debt is absolutely necessary and critical for a long and lasting or even stable product/program/app/whatever, it is considered "not sexy" as the customers and/or stakeholders will see no little no change on their side, making them think that, all this time, the programmers have been slacking off or not doing their jobs. (Apparently, this was a pretty common complaint in the past. Well, as it was taught to me by my professors in college.)Take the problems that have occurred with the addition of the friendship system, thus was added after Chapter 1 was almost finished and has created multiple bugs and unforeseen interactions. Now imagine they added chapter 2 first, they would have more fixes to make, plus when they add another function - and many remain - they would have to go back and redo parts of both chapter 1 and 2, and any other chapters they have done in the meantime each time, adding to the complexity of adding a function, and creating a multitude of bugs each time.
This process is better. It has a longer front end to get all the functions in place, but once they are in place each new chapter can be written with all the functions in place, and this should reduce the bugs as well (there will be bugs, it's programming, all we can do is minimize them). So this method will actually will proceed faster than the other way.
given how the game is right now and what you guys intend to do, is at least 1 sequel game planned and if so, what kind of time skip would it be between the 2 games?I've said we've been in beta more than once but considering we're still introducing core features and systems, I'm gonna backtrack and state that yeah we're still in alpha.
As explained by others, we want to make sure that the core experience if refined. Y'all complaining about grind bugged dating mechanics want us to just move on and throw in more equally bugged girls?
As Crichton said, once Ron figures something out and has it programmed in then we won't have to worry about it in the future. It'd just be plugging in the art and the writing with all the mechanics and systems already there.
With the way that we're handling it, chapters 2 to 5 would be 99% story and content updates because we spent the time to set the framework and core systems up first while letting you guys play around with what we have currently.
The game is in alpha and we're already talking about sequelsgiven how the game is right now and what you guys intend to do, is at least 1 sequel game planned and if so, what kind of time skip would it be between the 2 games?
ooh! ooh! ooh! I want She-Hulk, Ava Ayala and She-Venom in the sequel!The game is in alpha and we're already talking about sequels![]()
Oh, absolutely. Agile basically boils down to "Hey programmers, figure out what we want AND how to do our jobs, for us." As rigid as waterfall is, it puts doesn't put the power of how something is built into the hands of people who have more selfish vested interest than making sure something works.I work in Healthcare, 'Agile' as practiced is complete ass. It basically ends up getting to the above mentioned Minimal Viable Product, and then straps on some more shit, and then the Powers That Be will want to stop spending any more time or money on it and move onto the next thing to make money. Meaning the software is buggy shit.
I haven't had the same experience, but I've heard stories. Some from actual professors. So, yeah, can confirm.Our organization has spent millions and millions on buggy shit. Sometimes it limps along for years - and our people have to keep it working because the vendor doesn't want to spend any more time on it - and sometimes it ends up never working. We had one project from a large corporation that we spent millions on, some of our people had to do the vendor's job for them, and in the end the project was abandoned just before planned go live because it flat out didn't work.
Absolutely agreed on all of that. My point is, there are some valid points and concerns to the whole agile development and one of them is "technical debt". Which, I'm sure, existed prior to agile development came along and gave a name to it. But this is probably the most common name for it now.Irony? We had our own in-house product already in place that worked quite well, but the big shots didn't like that it wasn't from a Brand Name, so they wanted to replace it with a Brand Name product... except the Brand Name product was shit, probably because it was directed by someone with a marketing degree who had no idea how software is made, or how healthcare works. I know some people that worked for the company in question, and they indicated that the company fully believed that making software was absolutely no different than making a physical product (for those who aren't in the industry, it is VERY different).
Also, consider how many AAA title games are released as buggy pieces of shit. Some companies make a point of fixing it (CD Project Red and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind), and others stick a couple band aids on it and walk away (a quite lengthy list). CDPRed admitted that they were under pressure to release and absolutely knew CP2077 wasn't ready, but the money people insisted... and so it was released. This is common.
Meanwhile Larian is completely private and beholden to no one but themselves. One of the developers on Baldur's Gate 3 said that they could go public, and the top people could make more money, but they would absolutely end up making worse games because shareholder profit today is all that matters.
In that team members have downtime to shoot the shit, outline ideas, adapt comic stories, whatever.The game is in alpha and we're already talking about sequels![]()
I mean, do you know how much time goes into preplanning major games?The game is in alpha and we're already talking about sequels![]()
Sequels?! I'm surprised no one has asked for a Null Hypothesis MMO!The game is in alpha and we're already talking about sequels![]()
I love when the users/ customers have no idea what they want, so just tell us to make a thing that does vague stuff, and walk away. And then bitch and moan when the result isn't what they want - which they still don't actually know what is, but they are sure it isn't what they got.Oh, absolutely. Agile basically boils down to "Hey programmers, figure out what we want AND how to do our jobs, for us." As rigid as waterfall is, it puts doesn't put the power of how something is built into the hands of people who have more selfish vested interest than making sure something works.
That's a pretty popular topic of conversation round here and the discord....or an Avengers expansion DLC!
Enough time for us to not need to deal with Heroes Reborn.what kind of time skip would it be between the 2 games?
The game is in alpha and we're already talking about sequels![]()
This.In that team members have downtime to shoot the shit, outline ideas, adapt comic stories, whatever.
Maddeninggg would riot if we didn't.She-Hulk
When we finish this game we're going to evaluate whether or not we want to take a break from the Marvel setting.so in a previous post, I asked about a sequel to this game. I should clarify that I had read in earlier posts that there might be a sequel after this game is done and does not mean it will happen. that being said, this is just me asking and should not be seen as confirmed
No.Null Hypothesis MMO!
I mean... some Avengers may make an appearance......or an Avengers expansion DLC!
I put forth the idea of an original character akin to Null for all the major teams happening concurrently. The problem is that the X-Men are really the only team to focus on its members in a way that helps our preferred method of storytelling....or a unified Marvel Dating-Sim Universe!
The last time the words "Avengers expansion DLC" were put together, we got a mid Black Panther update in a different game, so I kinda don't wanna summon the angry gods that cursed Square Enix to... exist, basically....or an Avengers expansion DLC!
In regards to the Avengers, I mean... I'm sure something can be came up with.The Avengers rotates members so often that we couldn't really tell a long-form story and like we can with other teams.
The Guardians of the Galaxy have some babes and they encounter plenty of other Aliens but they have the least name recognition and their existence was rewritten like 6 times.
The Thunderbolts don't become a thing until Civil War.