Thanks for patience. (even anybody still looking for ? =) )
Due covid, everything bit change. Original Oaks Scenario goes to postponed until got enough resources to implement correctly. It was simple too much. Too much characters, too much locations too much outdoors etc.
This is Alex, the new guy. 90 percent of the char is ready. He hes some dick problems in skin department. However nothing was unsolvable
This image was taken under standard light.
We had very good animation systems with custom rigs (which is not available in Unity). Also every character has full blown clothing system, poked clothes are much much less, materials and textures are much better. And guess what ? this was same pipeline as Unity and as shown here Unreal is much more realistic, if I simple import the chars from oaks to here they look like this. I can't because their clothing system much different that this.
Now I'm trying to implement puppet system. Which controls every aspect of the character and dialogues. It was bit harder than the Unity.
And will have (one is bought other was on the way) two sub games for in game mechanics.
Entire maps are designed for full 3d game, they are enterable and has internal rooms (like GTA) however game will act like Renyp in 3D. I'm still not believe to use full 3d movement in this kind of games.
My Best Regards.
Samples from old maps. For reference.
School District, this was Student management building.
Room which is The Oaks started. (I still need interior architecture lessons, how dull is it ?)
Another view of the Student Management building. This has even has underground park area. I want to shot some sceneslike in some vintage french porn movies. But perhaps another day.
On this map, it was planned to have a school, a dorm, a sports field, a park and a Café. I'm not counting other maps yet.