
Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2018
i previously said i was gonna wait till the skip button was added for the lesbian scenes. but after reading comments it's clear this game isnt for me.

i mean it looked interesting before. but i gotta admit the reaction for this release was my entertainment.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
What a waste. That whole Girls Night Out would have been a great scenario for MC to be part of. Instead they hook up with randos, leading to interest taking a nosedive. Not sure what the plan was, having women who are DTF (and skipping the slow-burn scenario) and wasting the potential. Bold move, but I doubt there'll be too many takers.

Profile Games

Game Developer
Jan 11, 2022
Great story.. up until 2 guys and a chick... the scenes are well made and the game has tons of talent behind it.. but in my opinion the DEV lost half of his audience by throwing that in there. I'm still along for the ride but that's in spite of the MMF scene, in no shape form or fashion was it because of it. My thoughts would be when the vast majority of your audience is a bunch of horny dudes looking for hot MC on virtually any somewhat hot chick(or chicks) don't throw something like that in when you're trying to build a following. I'm not saying that some out there don't like that but in the same sense there's some out there that like NTR.. just no where near a majority of them.

Really not here trying to throw the DEV under the bus but I'd venture to guess the vast majority of guys here probably feel somewhat similar to the thoughts I've put down.

The game as a whole shows the DEV really knows what he's doing and has tons of talent.. that's the main reason I for one am not going down the 'it's a hard pass from me' route. Do hope what I've written is taken in the spirit it's intended.. Good luck as you continue this one!
I appreciate your feedback. We're only at episode 2 of a planned 15 plus episodes. I am trying to build a large story and this will take time. I can appreciate that some players want immediate gratification and that shows in some of the feedback. It takes time to build characters and I do not believe in simply one dimensional walk by sex. I hope you stick with it. I've planned an long running character and story rich experience, that I hope finds an audience.

The MC hasn't interacted with Eleanore yet, and she is a married woman. The interaction is designed to show that she is a Milf who is at the point of cutting loose from her old lifestyle. I chose to to this using imagery and dialog. I hope that some players can get past this.

So far in the story, the MC has started to develop relationships with two of the other characters and is developing a FWB relationship with a third. The other perspectives and POV's are meant to build the character backstories.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2020
Sorry, I don't get this game...

First, why do we get choices if they doesn't matter? It's as bad and annoying as single choices or choices where you forced to take the "only right", because every other one will lead to game over. IMO if you want the player to go a specific route, don't put a choice in there. Otherwise it's just annoying.

Second, why is every girl talking like a whore? And why do you show some random sex scences? Just you can tell people "yeah there is plenty of sex in my VN"? If I want to see some random sex with cring dialouge then I go to any random porn site on the internet and watch some porn videos. I don't know what you tried to archive there.

Third, and that is my personal preferences speaking, the models of all girls and the mc are at best mediocre. I don't like them. The hairstyles and the faces aren't beautiful or appealing to me in any way. Their bodies can look like one of a godess, if they look above their chest like they do in this game, I can't stand it. Sorry.


Active Member
Jan 1, 2019
What I find particularly "strange" or fucked up for lack, of a better word is that:

We are treated with a scene where the MC gets beaten to a pulp, which by itself would be a good end stinger for an episode, to end in a hook for a next episode, but instead after it we get treated to a (in my opinion, tasteless) scene where the (best) friend of your mom gets railed by two dudes she just met in a party. Talk about a mood whiplash


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2018
Unofficial Android Port of:

The One [v0.02.0]


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My android port has an alternative save location, the save will remain intact when you uninstall the game so don't worry about starting over. And my port has a textbox opacity slider and text size slider and added change name to the main menu.

here you can request there, and below my message, there's a link to my discord
Wrong link?


Feb 3, 2021
Seems to be some tags missing, seeing everyone in the game but the mc get some.
Lots of lesbians to NOT choose from as a LI. The One Is a odd name for this game, think it should be THE FEW.

Gonna give this one a hard pass.
I have no interest in seeing LI random hookups with dudes from bars.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
I can appreciate that some players want immediate gratification and that shows in some of the feedback. It takes time to build characters and I do not believe in simply one dimensional walk by sex. I hope you stick with it. I've planned an long running character and story rich experience, that I hope finds an audience.

The MC hasn't interacted with Eleanore yet, and she is a married woman. The interaction is designed to show that she is a Milf who is at the point of cutting loose from her old lifestyle. I chose to to this using imagery and dialog. I hope that some players can get past this.
While I'm admittedly a fan of immediate (or at least speedy) gratification, a good buildup can definitely make the payoff much sweeter. I do like quite a few slow-burns that handle progress well. Although I don't think every quick hookup has to be one-dimensional - some games have made well-written scorching scenes out of one-night-stands and the like. But I understand not wanting to do that for someone who might be an important character since it limits the progress you can have with their arc down the line.

Thing is, like you said, Eleanore is a MILF at the point of a big change in her life. For me, not having the MC involved in any way at that pivotal moment diminishes his role as the protagonist, and diminishes her appeal as a character, since any interaction with her in the future will just be a reminder that the MC wasn't around for one of her most important moments. There are other games like New Coral City which have a big cast doing their own thing and hooking up with various people, but it still feels like the MC has agency, and is in the driving seat for the most part. Having other perspectives to flesh out NPC backstories can be a useful tool, but it also runs the risk of losing that tight focus required for player engagement.

It's a shame, since the writing was good, and I was looking forward to see where it goes. But when a game hits with a buzzkill this early, it's hard for me to keep interest alive. Worldbuilding is always important, but sex-themed adult games rely as much on the gut feeling (that bonerific appeal, if you will), and it seems like the latter was sacrificed for the former in this instance.

Good luck with the development, though. Always important that you make the game you want to, regardless of what critics say. I can appreciate that not every game is for me, nor should they be.


Aug 6, 2021
While I'm admittedly a fan of immediate (or at least speedy) gratification, a good buildup can definitely make the payoff much sweeter. I do like quite a few slow-burns that handle progress well. Although I don't think every quick hookup has to be one-dimensional - some games have made well-written scorching scenes out of one-night-stands and the like. But I understand not wanting to do that for someone who might be an important character since it limits the progress you can have with their arc down the line.

Thing is, like you said, Eleanore is a MILF at the point of a big change in her life. For me, not having the MC involved in any way at that pivotal moment diminishes his role as the protagonist, and diminishes her appeal as a character, since any interaction with her in the future will just be a reminder that the MC wasn't around for one of her most important moments. There are other games like New Coral City which have a big cast doing their own thing and hooking up with various people, but it still feels like the MC has agency, and is in the driving seat for the most part. Having other perspectives to flesh out NPC backstories can be a useful tool, but it also runs the risk of losing that tight focus required for player engagement.

It's a shame, since the writing was good, and I was looking forward to see where it goes. But when a game hits with a buzzkill this early, it's hard for me to keep interest alive. Worldbuilding is always important, but sex-themed adult games rely as much on the gut feeling (that bonerific appeal, if you will), and it seems like the latter was sacrificed for the former in this instance.

Good luck with the development, though. Always important that you make the game you want to, regardless of what critics say. I can appreciate that not every game is for me, nor should they be.
Your comment was going well until you named "New coral City" that game is full unavoidable NTR and a forced nonsense story,


Oct 24, 2021
I appreciate your feedback. We're only at episode 2 of a planned 15 plus episodes. I am trying to build a large story and this will take time. I can appreciate that some players want immediate gratification and that shows in some of the feedback. It takes time to build characters and I do not believe in simply one dimensional walk by sex. I hope you stick with it. I've planned an long running character and story rich experience, that I hope finds an audience.

The MC hasn't interacted with Eleanore yet, and she is a married woman. The interaction is designed to show that she is a Milf who is at the point of cutting loose from her old lifestyle. I chose to to this using imagery and dialog. I hope that some players can get past this.

So far in the story, the MC has started to develop relationships with two of the other characters and is developing a FWB relationship with a third. The other perspectives and POV's are meant to build the character backstories.
This isn't gamers back lashing due to non instant gratification because there seems to be a lot of that happening in the game without the MC involved... You declared Elanore as a lesbian slut, and made Mom and all her friends look like sluts just waiting to jump on any available cock (or two)! If this is a NTR game, declare it and we will drop it into the "ignore thread" bin unless we are into that genre! Either the MC is the cock of the walk or the cucked little bitch... You can release as many updates as you want but you need to come clean about what your vision is for this game!

If you want to get patrons out of this, you really need to address the Elephant in the Room!!!
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
Your comment was going well until you named "New coral City" that game is full unavoidable NTR and a forced nonsense story,
It's true that several potential LIs are boning other guys in that game, but for some reason, it doesn't bother me that much there. Maybe because MC is a horndog who's doing other guys' women as well, and having to put in work for some of the targets is fun. Don't mind the story myself, though the writing is definitely stilted, on account of HoneyGames not being a native English speaker. I just treat it as a romp, and don't care too much what the others get up to in their free time. Although if they had extended scenes from the girls' perspective like this one does, I'd probably tap out there as well. Anyway, that's probably enough derailing of this thread for now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
I appreciate your feedback. We're only at episode 2 of a planned 15 plus episodes. I am trying to build a large story and this will take time. I can appreciate that some players want immediate gratification and that shows in some of the feedback. It takes time to build characters and I do not believe in simply one dimensional walk by sex. I hope you stick with it. I've planned an long running character and story rich experience, that I hope finds an audience.

The MC hasn't interacted with Eleanore yet, and she is a married woman. The interaction is designed to show that she is a Milf who is at the point of cutting loose from her old lifestyle. I chose to to this using imagery and dialog. I hope that some players can get past this.

So far in the story, the MC has started to develop relationships with two of the other characters and is developing a FWB relationship with a third. The other perspectives and POV's are meant to build the character backstories.
This is a technically high quality VN. I understand that you're laying ground work. However, I have absolutely NO DESIRE to watch a MMF scene between a potential LI and a couple dudes she picked up in a bar. I'm not interested in a discussion about the precise definition of the polarizing three letter tag. What I expect is that, if your storyline requires the LI in question participate in what is clearly a controversial act, you allow me to avoid watching it. It may need to happen and I may need to know it happened, but I don't need to watch it, and skipping through it quickly doesn't address the requirement.

I fully support your absolute right to tell your story in the fashion you choose. The One shows a lot of promise, and I wish you good luck with it. I'll be waiting to see how you react to the various comments expressed here.
Mar 30, 2018
I'm not sure about this game. I have so many questions. I love the character design, but the scenario...
I'm only at the end of the nightclub with Mandy, Tracy and Charly and I'm kinda... worried.
Mandy is supposed to have a depression, not Alzeimer or Schizophrenia... One time she want to stop dancing, because she is tired, literally the second after, she want to dance when the other come back, then when they come back, she don't want to dance anymore...
After the nightclub, Mandy propose a last drink, but Tracy refuse... And a bit later Mandy ask again if MC want a last drink...She need to see a neurologist! (Or the game need to be re-read)

And I'm totally discouraged by the comment about what will happen with the milf. So I stop here. Sorry, I'd want to like this game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
I don't know how to feel about this game. Almost all the girls are having relationships with people who are not the mc (I don't care if they are women or men) so quickly all the Li are wasted. is it ntr? I will not comment on this, but what I can say is that this game is dead for me. If someone doesn't like to see li making out with other people, better not bother playing this.
And it's not that I want quick gratification like the dev says. Most of them are lesbians and the rest are whores for everyone else
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Mar 24, 2020
MC repeatedly cock-blocked potential LI's with everyone but the MC, in fact so far the only LI I can see being even remotely an LI is Kellie. The MC gets the forced crap kicked out of him. Yeah, I don't know what "story" the dev is going for, but dumpster fire is where it's at and staying.

Good luck on your "story" dev, but next time add in the NTR tag, and for cripes sakes, can we get a cuck tag on this site for games like this?
3.40 star(s) 5 Votes